Hi. Does anyone out there know if those of us under 65 with RD are automatically called for a flu jab every year?
Flu jab?: Hi. Does anyone out there know if those of us... - NRAS
Flu jab?

Tends not to be automatic, although maybe your area is better organised. I had to go and ask at GPs surgery and then they booked me in to flu clinic.
Never did for me dispite my GP always saying I must have one. I used to contact the surgery myself and if I got the bolshie nurse always questioned why I was there. X
It's not automatic, that's if it's by your GP Surgery you mean, though a list is made of those who should have it so if you've had it in previous years they should really have put you on their list to be reminded about it. Have you been to see your GP or Practice Nurse recently? If so they should have reminded you then to go the day they have flu clinic. In our Surgery the over 65's clinic was first & the others from yesterday.
Mine contact me, then tell me they're not organised with appointments yet!🤣
It depends on how they organise things. Some surgeries have separate lists of the priority patients who should have the flu immunisation whatever age as well as the list selected for age. Others are not so well organised.
Quicker to go to your local supermarket! My OH is flagged on GP system to have it, but no letter. No letter=no jab and they are quite clear on that. It seems letters have been outsourced so can't be checked to see whether sent or not. For reasons I don't understand he wants to have it at the surgery so is going to WAS. I'm off to Sainsburys for mine as i don't have a letter to wait for.

Yes I did wonder about going to Boots. May still come to that!
Thanks everyone- there is a list of flu clinics up in the waiting room so will have a look when I go for next blood test on 23rd to see where they’re up to. Just can’t imagine them contacting me even though I have flagged it up!
They'll probably give you an appointment time, though at our Surgery this is only an approximation so everyone doesn't turn up at once! You could always ask whoever takes your bloods, if it's a Practice Nurse she'll probably do what mine normally do & give it you then.
Mine don't contact me but I asked and got it done last Wednesday. Quadrivalent (four strain) without adjuvant. Nurse wanted me to have the Trivalent with adjuvant but was quite happy to give me what I wanted. I hope this helps
Thanks - yes I did hear that there were two different jabs possible this year.
I was offered the three strain (with adjuvant) because it is intended for older people - 65 and over and I am 64 and quite a lot. In a purely personal decision I didn't want the adjuvanted jab as I understood it boosted the autoimmune system so asked for the (non-adjuvented) four strain and the nurse was fine with that. I hope that helps
I got mine this morning when i was getting my bloods done off the nurse I'm 54 I get mine every year since having RA
My GP never contacts me to get it. I have to make an appointment myself. I think the way the system runs means you have to be proactive in managing this disease
Interesting my GP and surgery are very much on the ball and I am copied into all communications between the pharmacist ,consultants, nurses and doctors alike both by mail and letter

Wow. I get told nothing
You are lucky; I have asked to be copied in about 3 times now ...zilch.
I wasn’t called in but when I went for my routine blood test the nurse grabbed me and did it then and there. According to my GPs it depends on what drugs you are on as to whether they give you a jab or not.
My flu and pneumonia were authorised by GP and recommend by rheumatology straight away.
I am a long way from 65
I'm under 65 with RD, on Methotrexate and imminent biologics, and had flu' vaccination at GP's surgery last year (instigated by me because I didn't get an invitation) but was not flagged as 'eligible' this year and have had to be proactive in order to get my records amended. After someone mentioned about the eligibility of "household contacts" on this forum, I asked for my hubby to have a jab too because he obviously falls into this group. The current Public Health England (PHE) patient information leaflet on flu' vaccination clearly states that "household contacts" is an eligible group but my surgery is still 'looking into the matter'! I've given the surgery a copy of the PHE leaflet for their information and await a decision from the Practice Manager. Anyone else had experience of this "household contacts" issue? I'd be interested to hear what happened.