Recently diagnoised with psoriatic arthritis in my feet and started methotrexate once a week. I wanted to ask how others tolerate this medicine and any common side effects. Will it stop the disease from progressing?
I’m new here: Recently diagnoised with psoriatic... - NRAS
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Hello and welcome, I think people respond differently to Methotrexate. I'm quite sensitive to Methotrexate so I'm only on a low dose (3 tablets a week) but I have it alongside other Rheumatoid meds ( Sulphasalazine and Hydroxychloroquine) The combination works well for me. I think there is a lot of trial and error in finding what suits every individual. The slight nauseous feeling I can get the next morning after my MTX is quickly relieved by eating something. Hope that helps a little.
Hiya. As Izzyowl says, everyone reacts differently to drugs. Some folks do really well on methotrexate, others cannot tolerate it. Only way to know is to give it a go and see how you do.
I have psoriatic arthritis too. Unfortunately methotrexate didn't suit me. I'm now on something different.
All the best
Yes as Nettie and Izzy say some people seem to tolerate it well, others have a few problems. It was a while ago but I remember when I started taking 15mg weekly I felt very tired and had a bit of stomach ache and nausea but it soon passed and now it just gives me awful wind! I think it’s best not to focus on side effects as you can talk yourself into them.... good luck I’m sure you’ll be fine x
I’ve been in MTX for about 18 months now, with no side effects to speak of, and very happy to report that I haven’t had a flare in a very long time. Welcome to the group and good luck on MTX - hope it works for you.
I've just dropped from 25mg to 17.5mg metoject methotrexate. With any luck the methotrexate will stop your PSA in its tracks. I was told it was the gold standard in treatment, however, some people cannot tolerate it. I had absolutely no problems at the beginning. Just ensure you don't smoke (or stop if you possibly can) keep well hydrated, eat a healthy diet, and be kind to yourself. It's worth remembering that it's only those who are suffering who tend to post. Others who are well, controlled are far too busy getting on with their lives. Wishing you well