Sulfasalazine: Information Hospital swapped me from... - NRAS


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19 Replies


Hospital swapped me from methotrexate to a liquid form of sulfasalazine as methotrexate did not agree with me. These pills are a little on the large size for me to swallow yet my GP has decided to ignore the consultants request for the liquid form. That would be fine if I could break the pills in half but the instructions say I mush not crush or chew.

My GP has its own dispensary.

Does anyone knowing this is a cost cutting exercise?????

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19 Replies
helixhelix profile image

Well sulphasalazine is cheap as chips - so it can't be a huge difference. Have you spoken to GP as it could be that he/she didn't even read that it was for liquid form, but just say the word sulphasalazine and prescribed the standard?

in reply to helixhelix

Clearly states syrup

AgedCrone profile image

Speak to the pharmacist .....he/she can speak to the GP & get things sorted.

Some GP's have no conception of how pills should be taken...the pharmacist is your friend here.

Blackwitch profile image

Hi Minty. I have a very dry mouth & throat. I take Amitriptyline which makes the dryness much worse. I have spoken to my GP & he now prescribed everything with a protective film or in capsule form (especially after I got an uncoated Amitriptyline stuck in the back of my throat which burnt my mouth & caused an ulcer). I have coated the offending pills in coconut oil on a spoon & just swallowed them in one. The coconut oil is good for you too. Good luck. Nic xx

Matt06 profile image

I had to stop Methotrexate and then Leflunomide as both made me unwell after being on them for a couple of years. Been on Sulfasalazine for about 4 months but don't help RA at all. Going to Drs next week hopefully get a Cortisone injection till my appointment with Rheumatologist at the end of August. Have to wait to see what they'll put me on. Think cost has a lot to do with it.

nomoreheels profile image

I would think it's down to cost. A 250mg/5ml bottle of SSZ suspension (liquid) is nearly £43 as opposed to 112 x 500mg gastro resistant tablets at £8.43. I'd tackle him about it though, it's your Rheumy's preference & as it would have been made clear in his info to your GP you should have what your Rheumy, the initiator of the script, details.

in reply to nomoreheels

Do you know if doctors with their own dispensary get a bonus on saving money. I was prescribed liquid by the consultant for a reason but GP changed it. I have also complained as they keep swapping my meds for generic ones and they change every month, seriously finding it confusing

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

I don't honestly know as I've not worked for a Practice with it's own dispensary. I do know that my practice is under increasing pressure from our CCG to save on prescribing costs, this includes prescribing in generic form where there's the option. After being prescribed Adcal-D3 for years I've recently had generic calcium/Vit D prescribed to me, available in fruit flavour only which I can't stomach, & my GP has specified on my repeats my previous Adcal-D3 in lemon.

Maybe a good idea to memorise (or write down) your med's generic names as your practice is doing the same? I'd definitely have a word re the SSZ liquid though, there's good reason it's been specified so your GP should prescribe it even though it costs considerably more.

in reply to nomoreheels

I might set my rhemy nurse onto them as she takes no prisoners.

You might know the answer to this as you worked in a practice.

When a nurse writes to a GP and the GP uploads the documents onto the Nhs system, should pharmacy be able to read the actual letter

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

She's the one to do it then!

The nurse will be using the NHS system. I know our Practice has very recently (within the last few weeks) had a new one installed but whether that's countrywide I'm not sure. As far as I know Pharmacies only had access to your prescription data, previous as well as current, whether that's still the case I don't know I'm afraid. It may be different anyhow with an in-house Pharmacy like yours though.

Gnarli profile image

They don't make life any easier, do they? As if you don't have enough to worry about. Unfortunately, I can't offer any useful advice but wish you well


in reply to Gnarli

It is just I live in a small village and people talk in a nice way as have had all sorts of offers for babysitting

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

That is so good to hear. There had to be some good coming from your lousy situation. It helps restore your faith in human kindness to a degree doesn't it?


in reply to Gnarli

As you know crime here is non existent but you feel a fraud sometimes. I have experienced one negative comment when I mentioned autoimmune disease, the teacher at school

asked i me is it like aids. I did give her a book to read on RA and told her that she should be careful as teachers can be very influential on children. She has now made the effort to apologise.

Too many people think because of being in Africa while that is what I have and the older generation here just don’t get it, it is just arthritis they say.

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to

You're braver than me. I've given up trying to educate people tbh. Most simply don't 'get it' and I've had comments asking if I have considered reviewing my diet to being asked which of the arthritis I would rather have, osteo or rheumatoid. Gah! Like you have a choice.

Narna74 profile image

I used to take the liquid sulphazalazine I took it for a good 2 years, only problem was I could only get it from my local hospital, which charges for parking!! Also I had to take it in a cooler bag if i went out anywhere as you know it has to be refrigerated!! After the hospital said they could no longer fufill my prescription I came home & cried!! My auntie who also suffers with R.A. gave me some tablets, and said try & take them!! I said I can't!! Then once I calmed down realised the only option I had was to try the tablets!! I then locked myself in the bathroom for 4 hours & stayed there till I swallowed a tablet!! I was soo chuffed that i managed to take one!! The more I took the easier it became!! If you can get the Sulazine not sulfazalazine tabs they are slightly smaller!! Hope that helps!! Xxx

in reply to Narna74

Ok thank you. I today told my consultant now the sh1t is going to hit as I cannot swallow the horse pills as throat is too sore. This why syrup was prescribed and explained to my GP. They have just just told me to not take the sulphazaline and to start again on prednisone as I had an allergic reaction to methotrexate and still have an infection.Gosh this is all so confusing. I am sure I am getting the run around. The hospital tried to get me In today for a three hour procedure. Somehow I do not think a few days will make any difference. Managed to put them off

Narna74 profile image

It is annoying when everyone seems to be working against each other, and the doc doesn't seem to agree with consultant and vice versa! Wouldn't it be fab if everyone communicated and all agreed!! Hope you get your meds sorted and start to feel better! 😘 xxx

in reply to Narna74

I have glanced at a letter from the hospital and it asks my GP to sign a Shared Care Agreement and return. Is this to make my GP work with the hospital.

Has anyone else seen or heard of a shared care agreement?

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