Remember my last post saying I had hardly and side effects from moving house and also how I went on to say how I think I needed councilling? Well today I saw my rheumy nurse with my recent blood results and met her very shocked face at how I’m not crippled in pain that my disease activity has spiked so much!!! So gone from 10mg Mtx to 15mg and she also asked a question regarding my mum (she has a similar disease) and that was it, my goodness I cried a river. She faxed my gp there and then requesting he sort me some bereavement councilling. She was out of this world amazing. She said I was an angel, a inspiration and my mum would be proud of me. I have never met anybody like her in my life! She said I was such a beautiful girl and I needed to get some help to feel better. She also asked why I wasn’t working within the care sector as I had such a gift. This woman today has completely made my day, week, month! I didn’t know nurses like her existed. She even gave me a hug and held my hand. I can’t even discribe how amazing she was. Bedside manner at its absolute best xx
Remember my last post?: Remember my last post saying I... - NRAS
Remember my last post?

That was definitely true today. It made this disease slightly less scary x
That’s such a fantastic post to read - such positive news for you,and now,with all going well,things finally will start to make sense for you - it may take a few sessions of counselling before it feels any better,but at least you’re on the right road now. 😊
And yep,my rheumy nurse is the best,and the only reason that I finally ended up on the right medication combo for me - just a shame that since she’s been on maternity leave they didn’t bother to replace her,so it’s been over a year since I saw her last 😞
The only bit in your post I didn’t like was reading about how your house move has made you spike - I’m waiting to move at the moment,and judging by my previous history,my flares generally floor me whenever I stop the activity that’s caused them..... so going by that it’ll be when everything’s moved and unpacked and I settle down to rest..... looks like I may be ‘settled down’ for longer than I plan?? 😩 😜 still,not worth worrying too much over something that hasn’t even happened to me yet,eh?!🤣
All in,congrats on your great experience at the nurse appointment today,and here’s hoping you have a great weekend too
Nicki x
In all honesty Hun I think the stress of it all has made me spike because of the reason I had to move (see my post before this). But honestly I don’t feel really bad which is strange! Thank god for blood tests!!!!
Thanks for your kind words and I hope
You get your lovely nurse back really soon!!! Xx
Hels, that's good that you've reached out for some help, the nurse helping you along the way is a godsend.
Sending you a BIG VIRTUAL HUG x

Thanks honey, hugs back to you too x
So glad someone came through for you Hels, after all you ve been through on you own. What a lovely story, restores your faith in human nature x

Oh it does Hun. She’s made my day xx
It means so much to us when we get treatment like that doesn't it. A nurse that is human and has feelings instead of treating us like a number on our blood forms. Thank her from me darling. Hugs to you as well my darling.xxxx
Im so pleased to read your update Hels1989. So very pleased someone has treated you as a human and been positive with you. Take care now. ☺☺
Wow what a wonderful nurse you have...and how she made you feel. It makes all the difference to have someone hear you and not just give you a packet of pills and send you on your way. Hope the extra mtx helps spike in bloods. May you soon feel so so much better. Chin up ladyjan x
That was so nice to read. Things are going to improve for you now. The nurse sounds lovely and a genuinely caring person. You have turned the corner and are on the path to a better and happier future with your lovely children. X
Brilliant news! After all the rubbish you've been through its good to hear you're getting the help you need from a rather amazing rheumy nurse. Huge hugs
Hi sweetie I feel so pleased for you. That is definitely the kind of support that you need and I am so pleased for you that she was there for you and you definitely deserve that sort off kindness sweetie. Take good care and I hope that you are enjoying your new home. Love and hugs 🤗🤗🌹🌹😘😘👍
And so you should sweetie your a lovely girl. Love and hugs 🤗🤗🌹🌹😘
There are good people out there, glad you found one !
Yes - They are out there. Unfortunately there are just not enough of them... I am so happy that you found such a great one...
Best medicine hey...someone who cares!🤗
That's excellent that you met a caring nurse and one who wanted to help. I do hope you can get the support of a counsellor as I greatly benefitted from one when I was first diagnosed as I said to you recently. You are a wonderful person and deserve so much better than this pain and you will get there. Gentle hugs. 😘😘xx
You are a very strong young lady and I have no doubt you will conquer this and have happiness. 😘😘xx