My liver results have been raised π‘ Rheumy advised to stop MTX for three weeks and get blood checked. First week off MTX bloods normal π my doctor called and said to go back on MTX on a reduced amount 10mg - I was on 17.5 . Can anyone advise if this is the norm?
Normal blood results!! Yippee - But advice please - NRAS
Normal blood results!! Yippee - But advice please

I think it can be . The docs will try to get your inflammation levels done on the highest dose to help the inflammation but also the one your body e.g. kidneys , liver will tolerate and with the least side effects for you.
Sometimes they will reduce one dmard eg mtx and add another dmard. This happened to me as I didn't tolerate mtx well due to vomiting and d8arrohea. Doc said , well you cant live like that , and tried ti balance my drugs with effects.
Glad though it looks like things are improving which is great xx
Awesome your liver has rebounded so fast! I think your doctor is being wise bringing you down to 10mg. of mtx. He just wants to find the right dose for you and your liver. Happy Easter!!!
My maximum dose has only ever been 10 mg, but i'm on 7.5 mg at the moment. I've been on this dosage for a few years and have done well. I try to stay optimistic that this will continue! Hope the lower dose works for you, good luck.
My consultant did the same, then gradually increased the dose as long as the blood test results were ok.
Thank you all x I love this sight it helps us all in so many ways X Happy Easter to you all π₯π€π£
Congratulations on getting into range - that is a great start, huh?
Yes, this has happened to me a few times but started not long after I went over to injections. I had a change in Consultant & he wanted to increase my 15mg to 20mg. I did tell him that the reason I went onto injections was because when I had an increase from 15mg to 20mg on tablets my liver had a benny so I started injections but at 15mg, the idea being I was still receiving an increase in dose but my liver result was ok. Anyway the inevitable happened so I called him & he sent a script through to my Surgery for 17.5mg & by next bloods my liver results were in range & my inflammation levels too so I could go back to 15mg again.
It's since happened with my Rheumy here. When after two years of asking she eventually examined my feet she wanted to increase it to 20mg from the 15mg. I said I'd rather try 17.5mg & why but she wouldn't have it so up to 20mg I went. Next month's results were predictably way up so I took the initiative & used up my one remaining 15mg until I saw my GP for my pre-booked monthly pain relief review & she amended my repeat to 17.5mgs. I informed my Rheumy at the next appointment & for the second time she apologised.
You don't want to come over as knowing better at all but sometimes, especially if there's history, we know our bodies better than our Rheumys. Hopefully your experience will be similar & the reduction will show in your LFT's. Maybe then you'll be able to increase it to a safe dose for you & you're inflammatory levels will be ok too.