Hi! I was wondering if anyone else has such bad skin who are on Methotrexate. I am also on long term steroids. My face is so oily not matter what I do but the rest of my skin is so dry that I am constantly shedding skin like a lizard. I'm so embarrassed as my skin look awful. Help anyone? Advice on products or tips really appreciated! Thanks.x
Bad skin: Hi! I was wondering if anyone else has such... - NRAS
Bad skin

My skin has become very dry since I started mtx. I am constantly using unscented foot cream called "hard as hoof" on my face, arms and legs.
Hi JaydeeM, I too suffered with bad skin for months on Methotrexate and tried all sorts of diet modifications and supplements to help without effect. Eventually a pharmacist suggested I ask my GP for some antibiotic cream and within a week of using it, it had totally cleared. The cream I have is called Duac. It's been amazing for me - just keep it away from your towels as it has peroxide in it🙄 Good luck x
Hi - just to say that Methotrexate is often used to treat both Psoriasis and severe Eczema so perhaps the dryness of your skin will resolve if you can get on top of it with a good moisturiser.
I had a skin reaction to Hydroxichloraquine only it was hives rather than dryness and became a full anaphylaxis after 18 months. I find that a lot of the side effects of these medications change as our bodies adapt to them - sometimes improve, occasionally worsen.
Hope you get advice on what has worked well for others. Doublebase works well for my dry skin.
I also have Rosacea on my chin and nose - common in people with autoimmune diseases and worsens on steroids as Oldtimer says. Mine is pink dry pimples rather than acne type.
It's the steroid that makes my skin a problem - rosacea - so that the central area of my face is greasy and develops pus filled spots just like acne and the rest is really dry.
I use an unscented moisturiser for the dry skin and currently a cream called azelaic acid for the greasy parts. It's a cream that is used for acne. It is keeping it under control but occasionally it flares up and I have to have a course of antibiotics as it can also affect the eyelids.
Thank you ladies. I have Cetraben prescribed for the dryness which isn't really doing that much. Going to try to stay off the medicated stuff for now but will go back if it worsens, starting sulfasalazine in a few weeks so will wait for that to start and see what my skin does then. Who knows?