I have been taking Sulfasalazine for 6 months for RA. I have developed itchy skin and ulcers on my lower legs. Has anyone experienced this reaction, is it serious and how has it been treated?
Skin Problems: I have been taking Sulfasalazine for... - NRAS
Skin Problems

I would advise that you discuss this problem with your RA nurse straight away. It may be you body is reacting to the Sulphersalazene
There are many more DMARD you could try so do not worry
I would advise that you discuss this problem with your RA nurse straight away. It may be you body is reacting to the Sulphersalazene
There are many more DMARD you could try so do not worry
That's interesting I have been on it for over 3 years now along with Humira injections. My skin is very itchy and I have psoriasis mainly on my lower legs (never had skin problems before in my life!) Saw consultant and she has stopped my Humira to see if that's the problem but maybe it's the tablets instead. I would be interested to know what your Consultant tells you to do.
You should ring your Rheumy nurse. If you don't have one, ring your Rheumy's Secretary and discuss this with her/him. Hopefully they will book a quick appointment for you. This needs to be checked as soon as possible.
I developed a rash not long after starting Sulpha, rheumy stopped me taking it straight away.
Just wondering if your rash meant you were allergic to Sulfa. and had to stop taking it. I have been on it since November and it has controlled my RA very well with only the odd flare and now these skin problems. I really don't want to have to switch to another Dmard like Mtx.
Hi I get skin problems with the cocktail of drugs, mainly painful acne on my face, I'm 40 and have never suffered from skin complaints, until RD and as I said the amount of drugs pumped into the system. I persevered with my GO, but he had no explanation and the drugs and ointments he gave me never worked, until eventually I got an appointment with a dermatologist at the hospital, where it was explained that it is very common for us guys and girls with auto immune diseases to get skin problems, because of the drugs we take and also the lack of immune system because of the drugs, thankfully the drugs prescribed from the dermatologist are now working and working well. I would get yourself checked out and ask to see a skin specialist, because if the drugs are working a minor adjustment and getting something to treat it could be the answer, hope you get sorted soon
Hi Pat, I took Sulphasalazine from 1995-2005 and it worked well for me controlling the RA, but I started to find it hard to swallow them after a bad cold/catahhr and lost confidence to do so .. I am awful at swallowing large tablets. Also they lost some of their efficacy so I changed to MTX. I had many times in the latter years if taking Sulpha really severe Urticara solaris .. red lumpy .. itching/hives in the sun .. not sunbathing .. just walking/going outside, or even if I sat at my wndow when the sun was shining indirectly on me!! .. and even if I used Sunsense/good quality sun block Facotor 50/80!! It was bad too if in the car and it caught mycheek/face when driving. Obviously you can't wear a big floppy hat to drive!! .. OK I guess if you are the passenger! The redness and blotchiness lasted up to three hours each time. My skin has become very dry from the lack of moisture due to RA especially the past three years where no meds have been controlling it properly .. now it seems to be getting a bit better as Rituximab is starting to work for me. I recently treated myelf to some easy to apply body lotion by This Works in a dispenser .. It seems to soothe and help. So does Neutrogena Creamy Body Oil .. non greasy, non smelly and also in a pump dispenser .. and much less expensive.) As for the ulcers ... sorry to hear this .. I have no experience of these and hope they soon clear and hope you can settle on Sulpha or decide to try something else? good luck. NK xx