Can anyone recommend a cool wallet or bag, that's compact for just 2 pens. Is it advisable to get one with built in thermometer? I use Benepali. Thanks
Keeping biologics cool: Can anyone recommend a cool... - NRAS
Keeping biologics cool

Don't know about a bag with a thermometer, but have a look at Yellow Cross from Farnham. There medical are insulated.
Been researching these. Recommended by Health at Home are the icool bags. They have two. One has a built in thermometer and is larger than the weekender one. The weekender will hold four pens
You can buy both on Amazon but a firm called Mollymojo sell the weekender for £10 less!
I am on holiday for three and a half weeks so will certainly need one
Many thanks, and thanks for the tip re buying at Mollymojo. It sounds ideal. I phoned the travel advice line at healthcare@home they suggested making one out of tin foil 😏, which I'm not happy with. This sounds better 😁
Forgot to say. Beware those designed for insulin such as the Frio range. They will not keep Benepali at between 2-8 degrees. The coldest I could get mine (left over from insulin days) was 14 degrees!
This is scary. So have I! Two nurses, same history, same medication and now this!
I didn't realise you were also a nurse. I had looked at the Frio wallet but looked flimsy. I was diagnosed as possible PMR in 2011, started steroids Dec 2012, now done to 3mgs, hope to be off them end of May 😁. I know of another nurse who had PMR symptoms, but was never diagnosed, then later diagnosed with a spondylarthropathy. Makes you wonder if working on the frontline exposes you to potential triggers 😏. I originally come from Scotland but live in the South East now, how about you? BW Runrig 😁
Even scarier! My journey began nearly three years ago with a diagnosis of pmr. This was changed to RA last year. Tried all the DMARDs and was sick (very!) with them all. Now down to 3 mg pred but fear my adrenal glands are still asleep. Waiting for synacthen testing. Just done 2nd Benepali and so far no side effects and someone commented the other day that I seemed to be moving better. Made my day!
Too old to nurse now I am afraid but maybe 12 hour shifts in A and E were a trigger? I live in Hampshire
I've just had my 4th injection, definitely less stiff, seeing glimpses of the old me returning, I co tongue working 12.5hr shifts in Orthopaedics.
I had an OH appointment today, the lady dr I seen said she empathised as she also had inflammatory arthritis, was good to have someone understand 😁
Tried & Tested on two 12 hour travelling occasions - expensive but excellent product for my Humira pens
Just don't let anybody open the bag otherwise the cool time will shorten!
Just checked the storage recommendations for Benepali. While long term storage is 2-8C, it can be stored for up to 4 weeks under 25C but not refrigerated after that . That should make life easier to cope with than my Cimzia which is strictly 2-8C. Frio products should help maintain sensible temperatures for Benepali.
I use the icool prestige for my enbrel pens when travelling back to the UK from,Saudi Arabia. The cool packs stay frozen even though the journey takes 12 hours door to door. Never had any problem except fitting all the pens in as I travel with up to 12 at a time. Clemmie