Just filling in the dreaded PIP forms. I've had a car for nearly 30 years which I think I'll loose but fingers crossed.
Any how. Got some paperwork off my GP and a few interesting things I've noticed on them.
I was sent to a Rheumatoid Doctor in July 2015. On the letter it says that my ESR was raised at 27, CRP 27 Rheumatoid factor 53. From tests my GP did
The Rheumatoid Doctor then states that he thinks that I did not have rheumatoid. Don't think he ever looked at me when he was talking to me apart from when he examined me. Had x-rays of hands & feet, blood tests for anti-CCP& repeated blood tests including serum urate.
In September 2015 I went for a review & saw the nurse. According to the letter I do have a positive Rheumatoid Factor & the bloods showed a raised Platelet count of 619 but ESR was normal at 8. CRP was <5. Anti CRP was negative.
The x-rays came back as showing I have OA. The doctor is convinced it is all OA related.
This is all interesting new stuff to me & I would be grateful if anyone could explain have I or have I not got RA or is it just OA