Hi all!
It has been a stressful few months selling-up and looking for somewhere to live on the other side of the country. And it still is stressful! But it would seem that the end is in sight and we should be moving within 6 weeks.
At the moment I have a really good rheumy and he is based in a neighbouring county and therefore a different Clinical Commissioning Group. At the moment my county's CCG funds my Humira. And it all goes smoothly because, as my rheumy tells me, his hospital has established links with this CCG. Of course my GP is part of the jigsaw and blood test results etc. are relayed to my rheumy without problems too.
Seeing how hunky dory everything is, I initially assumed that I could simply stay with my current rheumy when I move and that he'd make a new application for Humira funding from the CCG I end up in. There would be a lot of travelling involved but I don't mind that.
However ..... I've been discussing this with the helpline nurse and my rheumy. They think that a new CCG which they don't have links with might refuse to fund Humira unless I see a more local rheumatologist. Okay .....
Reluctantly, very reluctantly, I'm resigned to the fact that as soon as I move I will have to ask my new GP to refer me to a new rheumatologist. BUT .... I've been speculating about timelines ..... I have 5 Humira shots in the fridge, that takes me up to early October (there's no way I can get any more, believe me). If I move in a month's time, see a new rheumy 2 months later, he or she applies for Humira funding and gets approval within 2 months, well that takes me up to Christmas!
I really fear what would happen to me without Humira, it doesn't bear thinking about. Perhaps when I explain the situation to a new GP I'll be referred to a new rheumy within weeks. Because presumably I'm not the first person on biologics to move to a different CCG so there must be some provision for continuity of treatment .... mustn't there?? Hmmm!
Anyone else been in this position? I could do with hearing your thoughts / suggestions. Thanks in advance.