Shocked at the emotional outburst while on Prednisone... - NRAS


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Shocked at the emotional outburst while on Prednisone.....

15 Replies

I have turned into an emotional moron on day 3 of low dose prednisone. Thank God my family informed me that I must be having side effects of this drug. This was my thought process today:

How could you possibly want milk in your coffee?...You are obviously an coffee is the best....sunnyside up eggs instead of scrambled? Don't you love me anymore?...Butter on your toast with jam?....If you loved me then you would know that I only want jam on my toast, no butter....I try so hard to be a good person, but you treat me like shit because you like sugar in your coffee...that's what losers do...Crazy huh?

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15 Replies
helixhelix profile image

My husband has said that the next time I take pred he is going elsewhere until I've finished the course. Jekyll & Hyde are nothing compared my transformation....

Seenie profile image
Seenie in reply to helixhelix

LOL, helixhelix, my husband has said the same thing. It's incredible what happens to my brain on prednisone! On the other hand my body feels like it has been transfused with lubricant. Aaaahhhhh....

Caspiana profile image

Halo Hidden . That sounds like me most days. 😨 But seriously, give yourself a break. You know your family understand and love you regardless. Sending you happy thoughts. You'll get through this.


Cas xx 🌷

gwynedd profile image

I feel for you. We are all human and susceptible to emotional irrational reactions, I have no experience of this medication but the fact you are recognising it's effects mean you are better equipped to cope. Stay strong, it sounds like your able to see the humour in this crazy situation which I'm sure will help. Sending you a bucket of self compassion Xx

farm123 profile image

Oh no. Been there done that. I call it steroid induced severe PMT. My family take cover when I say I am having either a steroid injection or oral course of tablets. Don't suddenly stop though - speak to your rheumy nurse/GP if it is unbearable although if it is helping your joints you probably won't want to stop. It does not mean you cannot use it but perhaps just go down to a slightly lower dose where the 'PMT' is not as severe. Farm

smithfield profile image

If it is any consolation I do not need steroids to have days like that. On a serious note I am sure your family understand it is not the real you just a woman on steroids who only wants jam on her toast. Trust me, I have found the huge swing in moods settles after a while.

Take Care.


allanah profile image


Me on steroids ( hope emojis come out on the site!)

moomie profile image

I am lucky in that I am fine on Preds. Just had it upped to 15mg too.

But in 2001 I went to Kenya for 4 weeks and had to take Larium tablets once a week. Malaria cover.

Wow I was wild the day I took it and could have wrestled with a Rhino 😈😠. I was awful to the people who tried to get you to buy things as you walked in the street. Feel bad about it now. They did stop pestering me though.

Dotty7 profile image

You are not alone. I turned into an axe murderer when on steroids. I stopped taking them, I was so bad, and would be very reluctant to take them again.

Take care,


saskia15 profile image

Its great being part of this site. I was a quivering wreck while on low dose too. My Rhuemy changed me onto injection instead. Amazing felt great and was virtually pain free. Tablets did my tummy and throat in and that's why he changed me over. big hug

in reply to saskia15

I was angry and very weepy. My family was shocked and tried to comfort me as I cried, "nobody loves me" .

Then within a couple of weeks my emotions started to settle down. My family was relieved. My pain level was almost nil, but I developed a new side effect that I was ashamed of.

My hubby knew something was going on with me and begged me to tell him. I didn't want to tell him because I was embarrassed and ashamed. He didn't understand this as we've been together for 30 years, what is there to be ashamed of?

I told him that I was hearing voices. He looked horrified and told me to take one less pill aday and stop the drug.

I went to the doctor and I was informed that hearing voices is a rare side effect. My doctor has only seen this side effect once before in his 35 years of practice.

I will never take prednison again!!!

saskia15 profile image

I agree with you I could feel my mental state being compromised too, the good thing is we knew it was the medication. I was ok on the injections though. They have been very good while I was recovering from broken left wrist and right Shoulder. I don't think I would have coped without them.

in reply to saskia15

I agree that we have to take prednisone to help us out. I should of wrote that I would take this drug for a short time inorder to immidiately stop my imflamation. My rheumy wanted me to take 3-10 mg a day forever. He didn't want me to try mtx because "it's such a bother with all the blood tests"

I don't mind if people are taking low dose prednisone forever to control their disease. As long as they show minimum side effects. I just am not one of them and I wish I was informed about all the side effects. I was glad my hubby right away knew the voices were because of the drug. I was almost 2 months into the side effects to realize this and it wasn't until I stoped the drug that I understood this. Makes me fear for the single people who "go it alone".

Ruth273 profile image

It's not a nice side effect, and like others say some people are not rational whilst on them. My children call me "shoutie" when I am on them as I often find myself getting irritated by the slightest thing; a colleague at work got the shoutie part the other day just for tapping on the desk with his pen.

My brain just cant stop itself though ( I know its happening), having been on steroids for a year I can only imagine that I am a nightmare to live with; hubby and kids basically ignore me now when I am like this.

I have been pleading with the consultant to take me off them for a while, especially due to the weight gain as well, and having seen a new consultant there is a light at the end of the tunnel as they have suggested a new medication to try. (have not been on anything other than prednisilone for a year; and they don't appear ease the RD symptoms, but have meant I have kept sight; due to ON)

Good luck all, big hugs.


Howcome you aren't on any dmards Ruth?

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