Hi All, I'm wondering about other's experiences regarding length if time to be initiated on a biologic after being given the green light regarding DAS scores please, mine seems to be taking a long time and I'd like to see if this is jormal please.
I saw my consultant on Feb 11 and got the green light for biologic -hurrah! It's been a long , frustrating, degrading and tough journey. 6weeks later had an appointment with the nurse, where I assumed I'd be getting my first dose, training etc, only to be told that that was just to tell me I had funding (a rather ineffiecient use of all parties resources, surely a phone call would do?) . I was informed the healthcare at home nurse would contact me withing 3 weeks and would take it from there. So, three weeks later, no phone call and I've contacted the RA clinic as advised to if they hadn't called wothin this time period. I called Monday and Friday, no response. It's extremely frustrating and I can't help but think they are deliberately delaying to save money.
So it's now almost 3 months since I qualified for biologic therapy, and still no idea when this will happen. Is this normal? Please let me know your experiences so I can discuss this with the hospital, if I can ever get hold of them that is.
I'm not impressed with them as you can probably tell. I've had a hideous journey with this hospital and frankly bern treated appallingly. Once I do get my meds I will complain, I just daren't rock the boat until then as they hold all the power.
Kr All, and apologies for the rant at the end,
Yours frustratedly, V