I have ra and about to go for a knee replacement I've put it off for 2years as I was scared,I'm due to have it done on Monday, but to be honest it's not hurting anymore only when I have to walk far, do I have it done? How much pain warrants a knee op...help need advise
Need advise : I have ra and about to go for a knee... - NRAS
Need advise

My mother has had both knees replaced. One at a time. Like you she was terrified before she went in the first time. After having it done, she wished she had agreed to do it years ago and she has much enjoyment in life now slapping her knees on a regular basis and telling everyone how great her knees are. When she went in for the second knee, she wasn't worried at all - I was with her immediately before and after each op.
Try not to worry too much. Look forward to what will come afterwards.
Thank you for your reply did your mum have a spinal block or fully put to sleep?
Spinal block. Apparently they don't like putting older people to sleep anymore because of the risks. She is in her 70s. Mother didn't know about this before she arrived at the hospital, and if she had been able to jump out of bed and run for the door when they told her, they would. Father and I held her down ....
Terrified was an understatement. But again, she felt no pain, she told me all about the op and how she seemed to float through it and could feel nothing but just hear a few things. I got the impression it was like she was mega high on drugs and so lost all concept of time passing; she was floating in and out of consciousness. She aISo didn't feel any pain when the spinal block went in.
Second knee op, she had no worries at all about the spinal block procedure.
Don't be put off by spinal block if that is what they are doing to you.
Really, my mother is a convert. Now we just have to persuade her to have a cataract op. Have been trying to do so for about 5 years now ....
Youd be daft not to LG, BE BRAVE and enjoy the rest and you might be able to run the London marathon for NRAS. LOL
take care.
Do what feels right for you .. I think that only you know how you feel .. Are you able to live a normal life at the mo without your knee holding your back?
Have you thought about seeing a functional health practitioner. If you are worried about getting a knee replacement then it might be worth seeing an alternative therapist. On a personal note my knee is also very damaged and since I have changed my diet etc all of these things have really helped me.
If you do decide to have surgery try to stay positive and calm. All the best
Are you trying to talk yourself out of it by saying your knee feels better as you've said you're scared of the Op.....apologies if this is a bit blunt but could be a case of mind over matter? I can empathise with how you're feeling as I need a wrist fusion and I'm constantly saying to myself I don't need it....when I do. As others have said only you can make the decision and they won't force you to have the operation, but just saying it does become worse you may have to wait a very long time to get it done again. You had some positive comments from members who know of people who've had it done. Be strong, best wishes and good luck😊
Trouble is if you put it off this time and you get problems with your knee. They might not be so quick in getting another appointment, also your knee could be worse than it is now and you might be wishing you had it done . Hope this helps a bit , if you want message on here on Monday to let us know how things are going
Hi I've had both knees replaced and have not looked back I also put it off for a few years , I know its frightening but remember they only do the opp because you need it done I hope it turns out good for you too x Dawn
Hi laceygreen, I've had both knees replaced in the last year,they were constantly swelling up and I could barely walk.I had them drained loads of times,temporary relief, eventually I had no cartilage left and was in absolute agony.Iwas scared about the op,but not as bad as I thought it would be,4days in hospital,yes it's hard when you come home,but do the exercises and take all the painkillers.i am so glad I had it done,do get some niggling pain now and then,but that awful pain has gone.i hope this helps you decide.good luck.
My knee surgeon advised me to only to have a knee replacement if you can barely walk at all. It was an easy decision for me to make because I was in a wheelchair and had nothing to lose. I had both my knees replaced 7 years ago when I was 38. The first knee went like clockwork but I had a nasty staph infection after the second knee op which was difficult to clear. It took 2 years of physio to get the knee bending. But having said all that I haven't regretted having them done, it gets rid of all that bone on bone pain. I wish you well with your decision, it's a hard one to make, you just need to weigh up all the pros and cons.
I think its only natural to think that things are OK before an operation but think about how things have been over the last few months not just at the moment and compare yourself to what one of your fit friends are capable of. I am 48 and had my left knee replaced in March using a spinal block with a light GA.
Don't be afraid to discuss pain relief - you need cover for 24 hours a day as sleep is not easy at first - I could have between 5-15ml Oramorph every 4 hours day and night. Surgeons do not approve replacements easily unless they think the benefits are worth it. I don't regret having it done, it was tough the first few weeks but then gradually began to get easier. Farm
I have to agree with Pilot. If you wait until the pain is unbearable (a philosophy I personally do not believe in), it might take a long time to get an appointment. Also, consider if your health is fairly good now, it would be better to go for the surgery. Think if you are not as healthy (not considering the RA) as you are now that might impact surgery. I do understand some people are nervous about the surgery, anesthesia, ect.
I had THR in April and TKR in July. I am so relieved, happy, joyus now that it is behind me. It was during my TKR that it was confirmed (followed by biopsy) that I have RA. So I had osteoarthritis and raging RA in my knee. It was agony. The discomforts I suffered during recuperation were worth it. It's all good now.
Regarding anesthesia, I had a block (thru thigh) and general anesthesia both presented no problems.
Best wishes for whatever you decide.