Musty be the time.of year..or scotland! My ra has been rampaging for 6 days hip..ankles. back to the hip.. into my lower back. Thought it was reading this morning after 4 days in bed on tramadol and dihydracodeine. ... wrong. ... had a bath. . Bang is just started in my ankle and inner hip. *sigh* really gets u down. ...
Ra rampage: Musty be the time.of year..or scotland! My... - NRAS
Ra rampage

Oh dear! I'm having one good/ one bad day. Of course the good day was the same day I saw the rheumatologist -wish he could have seen my sausage fingers today! I do find that gentle exercise helps. I've got a floor pedal thingy and I started finding it very hard and now can do 30-60 rotations. It could be that those days in bed didn't help you?
And the long evenings dont help do they. I'm also in Scotland - Edinburgh.
hi in scotland (kilmarnock) yes i doubt it helped at all but then again the bout was severe enough i couldnt move either way. catch 22 and here i am now sat on the bed because my groin area is too painful to sit and walk. add that the weens still climb. they dont fully understand.
cant win.
Your cycle, Cathie. .. Doesn't it put a lot of strain on your knees? At the moment, there is no way I could use one - my knee is larger than my thigh ( that's saying something!) and it's stuck at 45 degrees. But once this flare is over ( God willing), I thought of getting a cycle. Swimming might be better, but convenience counts for a lot!
It's great. I can find the source with a pic if you want. You sit on a normal chair and the pedals are on a low stand which you can adjust, how high and the resistance of the pedals. I started with very stiff knees although my physio gives me a weekly massage. At first I needed to take it gently and now I can do 30 at a go and more once I've rested a bit. I also do daily leg raises and things like that. Anything to put off the threat of a knee replacement. My knees can bEnd about 100 degrees now.
Thanks a lot Cathie. I know the sort. You are giving is such a good press (no pun intended) that i will give it a try. I am also doing pilates three times a week; one very gentle, one quite challenging, even though it's "armchair pilates". The third is using a reformer, but I haven't been able to do that, or indeed anything much, for the past week.
I remind myself that it is NOT as bad as at the beginning, but of course, after 18 months, the sheer chronicity of this illness wears one down a bit and one would have hoped that industrial strength medication (MTX 25mg and Enbrel) and 5mg Pred. might have prevented such a massive flare.
Thanks. You are a good exemplar. I've often thought that.
Actually, Cathie, if you do have a reference number, that would be a great help. I have just looked here and am spoilt for choice!
Thanks a lot, Jo
Hi Jora,
I have one too and they are very gentle on the knees. My rheumy advised me to one as I found the static bike in physio made my knees worse. The idea being to build up the muscles around my knees. Hope the swelling goes down soon. My knees are complaining at the moment every time I have to stand - better get back peddling!!! Barb
Thanks Barb. Yes, just standing is a killer isn't it. I've just asked Cathie what make she uses. There seems to be a wide range. Jo
I got mine from Amazon and very pleased with it. It folds away quite nicely. Hope you find one that suits you. Barb x
Arm and Leg Folding Pedal Exerciser
by 66Fit £25.94 4.4 out of 5 stars 206
Sports & Outdoors Section
I've got it! managed a few revolutions and I think it will work well. I've got it in the kitchen so that I can use it when waiting for things to boil or whatever. my hands are too painful to fold it up - yet! Thanks again
Thanks. i do move the joint about. gently
I'm in Elgin in Scotland, and pretty sure the weather has an impact! Felt worse this time last year though, only been coming up 3 since diagnosed with sero negative. I get low moods with the issues, so totally empathise. Big gentle cuddles and all my best wishes you get some reprieve time soon x