People's kindness: I thought I'd write a little post... - NRAS


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People's kindness

Beautifulmovement profile image
24 Replies

I thought I'd write a little post about someone's kindness today in hope that we can share more stories like this.

Today at Waterloo Underground they were giving away free bottles of water (which is great as it's like a sauna down there!). I walked away and then realised that I can't actually open the bottle due to the arthritis in my fingers. So I walked up to two gentlemen and asked if they could open my bottle of water. One of them looked at me as if to say 'this is a damsel in distress joke'. When I said I have trouble opening bottles as I have arthritis in my fingers the other guy took the bottle of water, opened it for me and told me he also has arthritis in his fingers and feet. He showed me his damaged fingers and we stood there and had a chat about how debilitating RD can be. I thanked him for his kindness at opening my water and said it was nice to connect with a stranger who understands the plights of RD. His little act made me smile today.

It would be really nice to hear stories of random acts of kindness that's either happened to you or you've been kind to someone else in need.


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Beautifulmovement profile image
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24 Replies
allanah profile image

Oh that is so nice. Gives you faith in human kind . I have to ask for help too and people of just open things for you. The OT gave me a small piece of plastic which help things most of the time.

the thing I was most grateful for was my neighbour saw me struggling just before I was diagnosed with a small shopping bag. She just came out took it for me and helped me into the house. Then she put the kettle on, made me tea and said ok what's wrong!!! She really helped.

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to allanah

When I approach people to help me open things I get really funny looks like as if the object is bobby-trapped somehow! When I explain that I have problems with my fingers they are more than willing to help.

Love your story, a good cup of tea and a chat does wonders doesn't it?


cathie profile image

I've been quite ill with oa and rd for the bulk of this year. Neighbours have been so lovely, calling in and offering to fetch me things from shops. We've only been here six years, moved from Oxford to Edinburgh. People have been so kind

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to cathie

Hi Cathie

That is so nice of your neighbours to look out for you. It's the little things that make a difference.x

Metal-legs profile image

Two lovely stories, it just shows there are some really kind people out there.

A few years ago I was struggling so much to walk with my two sticks, back to the car, it was only a short distance. When I got there a traffic warden was slapping a ticket for being over my time. I explained to him it takes so long to walk and how much pain I am suffering, and all the agonizing operations I have to endure. He looked at me really shocked and said you are too young for all that, ripped the ticket up and gave me a hug. He always asks how I am now when I see him around town.

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to Metal-legs

I love your story metal-legs. Almost made me cry!

Traffic wardens usually have a bad rep, but goes to show that there are people who are kind and will look beyond their jobs to help others. It's also really nice they remember you and ask how you are.

I think because I'm young, when I ask for help from strangers, they look at me with caution, when I explain they are usually so helpful.


sylvi profile image

It is such a nice feeling isn't it when they do something like that that you never forget it.xxxx

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to sylvi

It really is sylvi. X

francherry profile image

That is a lovely story. There are so many nice people out there. I've often had to ask people to open bottles too but the example that really springs to mind is when a woman helped me out without me even asking. My sister had helped me onto the train with my bags including a rucksack which I shouldn't really carry but I was determined to. When I was on the train I got chatting to a couple across the aisle from me (it was late and there were only a handful of people on the train). She told me she'd noticed my sister had to help me and wondered why. I explained about RD (and other conditions) and she said she'd help me carry my bags at the other end. When we got to London, she insisted on taking my bags all the way to the taxi rank even though it was out of their way. Meanwhile her partner looked a bit fed up (!) and so I was apologising, but she said it was fine. I kept thanking her, it was such a kind thing to do. :)

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to francherry

Ah Francherry, I love that story. It's really heart warming when people go out of their way to help you. I think most of us on here are too proud to ask for help so to have it offered like that is amazing.x

Where's the "like" button when you want one?!! :)

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to

Haha! We do need one of those!

nomoreheels profile image

What a refreshingly positive post Sabrina. I'm in a northern girl & we hear so often of the 'standoffishness' of busy people in big cities, particularly London.

My most recent experience was last week whilst at the checkout I noticed an older lady behind me in the queue struggling to get the items out of her trolley so asked if I could help her. I saw she had terribly deformed arthritic hands & so started to put her things on the conveyor belt. I struggled with a bottle of oil & dropped it, fortunately it was plastic, she saw my nobbly fingers & said "let me help you dear" & we continued to get the remaining things out together!! The conversation naturally went on to our problems & she has RD too, though in her day didn't have the good fortune to be given the meds we have access to today. We had a good old natter all the way to the till! Talk about the blind leading the blind!

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to nomoreheels

Londoners are always in a rush but if you stop us we are generally always polite, I am anyway!

That story is lovely. It's really true that 1 in 5 suffer with RD! I love that by the end of it you were helping each other out and having a good old chat. It's great to connect with others.x

Jora profile image

Yes, kindness is so heart-warming. I live on my own and before I was diagnosed last summer, could only move with great difficulty and pain. Amongst the many things that my neighbours ( some of whom I hardly knew) did for me were: water the garden, prepare food, shopping, installing aids in the loo & shower, rigging up a trapeze so that I could haul myself across the bed, lend me a very lovable cat for an afternoon (mine had recently died). A couple of young musicians offered to come and play at my bedside. That seemed a bit of a waste, so for my 70th birthday last week, I had a Gratitude Party and they performed at that. This is making me cry, but it is good to rehearse one's gratitude. In fact, I'm grateful to feel grateful!

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to Jora

Jora that made me well up! so amazing! When things get tough and we want to give up, it's things like this that help us. x

norfolkjo profile image

Ive seen a new world . I say its like Harry Potter . Til you run at the platform you have no idea that a secret community bustles on the other side where u don't have to explain things as they all know ... my kindness is u lot. I have been completely in despair and logged on here to cry rant etc.. a group of strangers at the other end of a keyboard ... you are all amazing and now I am getting better I make an effort to pay it back each time I see a newbie post knowing how u helped me ...... pass the tissues xxx

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to norfolkjo

Awww Norfolkjo. I love your Harry Potter analogy! Your kindness on my first post helped me, so thank you for that.

I'm so glad I have found you guys on this forum, it is what has been keeping me going this week, and will continue to help me on this journey. Well done NRAS on providing such a great forum and bringing together an amazing group of people!

miss profile image

What a lovely post so heart warming. Feel so much better now. Thank you x

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to miss

LIKE (we really need a like button!)

norfolkjo profile image

We are all fab arent we??

Creaky and slightly mad but fab all the same xx

carotopgal profile image

We raw feed our two Great Pyrenees dogs. I've always gotten my meat from a local grocery store and have become friends with the meat department manager. A huge part of their diet is beef heart. It comes in whole hearts and can take hours to cut up because you have to cut off all of the hard fat first. Anyway, I was telling the manager that I might have to quit feeding raw because of my hands and the cost (lots of doctor bills lately). He looked puzzled and I explained what was going on. We talked for a bit and he told me that he would start trimming/cutting up the heart for me so that I wouldn't have to! And when I went to pick it up this past month, I couldn't believe it but he had charged me considerably less than was the usual price. When I asked him about that, he just grinned and said that he has leeway in what he charges, so he can give special prices to special customers. :-) He is such a dear man. He didn't have to do any of the above, but he chose to because he is kind. It warmed my heart!

Beautifulmovement profile image
Beautifulmovement in reply to carotopgal

Hi Carotogal

That is so kind of your butcher to do that! It's amazing when people do things out of the kindness of their heart and you're obviously one of his favourite customers.

I assume that's one of your dogs in the picture. Looks gorgeous! I love dogs!


carotopgal profile image
carotopgal in reply to Beautifulmovement

Thank you, Beautifulmovement, that's my Bart. We have a girl named Lela. They are the delight of mine and my husband's heart and the reason we get up each morning. :-) They make us laugh and give us so much joy, I can't imagine life without them. Nice to meet another dog lover! :-)

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