Tell us about your experiences of RA healthcare servi... - NRAS


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Tell us about your experiences of RA healthcare services in Wales for a Welsh Government Review

0 Replies

Hi everyone,

If you have RA and use healthcare services in Wales then we would urgently like to hear about your experiences.

The Welsh Government has invited NRAS to feedback our views about how Welsh RA services are performing, as the Welsh Government is considering reviewing and updating its policies for arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. This is a very important opportunity to help improve services in Wales and we are therefore really interested to hear about your experiences of the following:

• Have you seen any public awareness material about the risk factors and symptoms of RA in Wales? Do you think the Welsh Government is doing enough to raise public awareness?

• Was your RA diagnosed quickly? If you were delayed, how long did you have to wait to receive a formal diagnosis?

• Do you have access to a full multi-disciplinary team?

• Have you been sign-posted by healthcare professionals to other organisations able to provide support, such as NRAS?

• Have you been given access to a self-management course to help better manage the disease?

We need to feedback our views to the Welsh Government very soon, so please contact me by no later than Wednesday, 23 April If you can help. Please email me at setting out your responses to each of the questions above.

Thank you very much for your time!

Best wishes,


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