Well girls and guys guess: The hospital rang and... - NRAS


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Well girls and guys guess

Deejojo profile image
16 Replies

The hospital rang and cancelled my procedure

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Deejojo profile image
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16 Replies
allanah profile image

Oh no, that's awful, you must be disappointed. Xx hugs

Deejojo profile image

Awwwwwwww allanah I'm gutted was so geared up for it and hopefully that I would get some relief from this constant pain I'm sat here in tears really really fed up xxxx

JustSandra profile image

So sorry to read your procedure has been postponed, hopefully you wont have to wait too long for another date. Sitting in pain is no joy I can relate honestly 100%. Stay as strong as you can Hugs Sandra

Deejojo profile image

Thank you Sandra hopefully won't be too long was just geared up for it though sick of being in constant pain xxx

Crazyjo profile image

Oh that's not good, feel for you. Hope you don't have to wait to long x

Deejojo profile image


Susiespain profile image

Hi everyone, I´m new to this site, what I´ve read so far is so helpful, nice to know we´re not on our own! So sorry to hear about the way you´re treated, ie keeping you waiting so long for results, cancelling appointments etc. I think I´m so lucky after reading this, I live in the south of Spain, I know they have huge financial probs in this country, but their health service is second to none. I have had brilliant care and treatment, regular appointments with my specialist and excellent care from my GP. I´ve had a couple of flare ups recently, so I go to the health centre in my village and they give me a pain killing injection plus a 10 day course of strong painkillers. In fact a few weeks ago I couldn´t move cos of the pain in my knee, so my hubby rang the emergency service and they came to our home and administered the jab here! They arrived within half an hour.

Don´t suppose this helps any of you with the NHS "service", but just thought I´d blow Spain´s trumpet for them cos they get some bad press sometimes.

FYI, I started MTX a couple of weeks ago, so far no side effects but I suppose it´s early days yet. Don´t like this no alcohol game though! I´ve read advice from some people on this site and gonna heed what they say, ie no alcohol whilst I´m on fortnightly blood tests, then in a few weeks if they all come back OK, I´ll have a wee dram occasionally to see how it goes.

Best wishes to you all, your continued support of each other is fantastic, so glad I joined the site.


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Susiespain

Hi Susiespain & welcome, sorry to all for hijacking Deejojo's post but felt compelled to reply. I am also new to this site & have found it very helpful & supportive, hope you do too. I lived in Spain for 11 years & diagnosed with RA in 2008. I agree with your comments about the Spanish health service. I attended a University teaching hospital & thought maybe that is why I received the care I did but it would seem not. The health centre in my village was also excellent & the doctors have more clout than they do here, even using video link to other healthcare professionals in some cases. Appointments made directly via computer from surgery reception to hospital for referral. 3 monthly appointments not 6 monthly like UK & not always your named Consultant here at that. If the Consultant wanted x-rays or scans whilst I was with him I was sent directly to the department & by the time I got back to his room they were there on his screen & he could then make decisions whilst I was still there, no need to wait until my next appointment. Pharmacists also have more powers to diagnose & prescribe, within reason. I agree, Spain does get bad press but it does seem to have embraced technology, certainly within the healthcare system from my experience and their patient care is paramount. It sounds as if I'm bashing the NHS, I'm not, I'd be lost without it. I do receive care here I'd just prefer the care I received in Spain! My husband & I often say they could learn a lot if they'd send a delegation over there to see how they operate. Prescribing is no problem either, if you need it you get it seems to be the philosophy & only paying a small percentage of the price of the drug is also a bonus (free if you're a pensioner & resident). For example methotrexate tabs were literally cents for a bottle of 50 2.5mg, ok injections are more expensive, but none of my meds amounted to as much as a single prescription charge here. Ok done now!!

Hope you have good results on Methotrexate & do watch the alcohol intake. When my results were not so good my Consultant looked at me sideways when I said I never drink when liver function test results were a little high (it doesn't like me so never touch the stuff save for a tot of anis when I get wind!!).

All the very best & send some more warmer weather over to us please. It is sunny today but a chill breeze here on the coast!

Susiespain profile image
Susiespain in reply to nomoreheels

Hi again Nomoreheels, love the name and understand totally where you`re coming from! I was a teenager in the 70`s so ruined my feet with platforms and huge heels, now I wear extra wide trainers most of the time, how the mighty are fallen!!

Re my MTX, I bought my first prescription last week for the princely sum of 50 cents.

I understand totally what you mean too regarding the excellent healthcare here in Spain, it`s bad enough having this rotten disease and such a comfort to know what good hands I`m in.

I also wonder if this warm climate helps our condition at all, don`t really know.

It´s been lovely and sunny here today, making the most of it cos it´ll be absolutely boiling in a few weeks time, which can become a bit unbearable. Still there`s worse things in life!

Anyway, take care of yourself, expect we`ll chat again.

cathie profile image

So sorry to read this. I can imagine your dismay. Do you have another date? My recent experience tells me that there's nothing worse than being left without any prospects. I do hope you can get somewhere with the hospital. In the end I got my GP to phone the on-duty registrar who cut to the chase, but this is a horrible experience.

Deejojo profile image

Don't know if to ring my. Consultants secretary and see if she has any news ???? The problem is I go for injections in my spine on the 28th so wanted this sorted before then ??? Xxx

cathie profile image

Go for it - phone the secretary! Better than being in suspense

Deejojo profile image

Well Cathie I rang his secretary and guess what she wasn't in so I left a voicemail I'm soooo fed up u wouldn't believe it thought I had it all sorted it's soooo maddening though that they only rang me yesterday tea time said they left a voicemail on fri on my landline but rubbish there was no message there I wanted these injections sorted before I go for my spine injections on the 28th. Waiting on phone calls that's if they ring at all xxx

Barrister profile image

So frustrating. Hope you get another appointment soon. Clemmie

hatshepsut profile image

Go for it! Can't do any harm can it? So sorry this has happened M x

Deejojo profile image

Thank you for all your support no news as yet x

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