who or what is "healthcare at home", can't get respo... - NRAS


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who or what is "healthcare at home", can't get responses to my e-mails, can't get a phonecall answered.

bluetit33 profile image
17 Replies

My last delivery from them of Cimzia injection was in February, won't answer phone, nor acknowledge e-mails, my last injection was 5th March so missed my 19th injection, and still can't get a response. Failed even to get a rheumatology response, so am suffering extreme pain now.

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bluetit33 profile image
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17 Replies


You will need to get straight onto your GP and He should be able to contact your Specialist.. He does the prescriptions

Explain you cannot get the RA nurse as well


claireyj profile image

That is disgusting you poor thing - I'm currently on the phone to them in a ridiculous queue about to ask why my Cimzia has not been delivered today when stayed in all day grhhhhhhh !!! This company is rubbish ! Contact your hospital I really hope they can help you . Us ' Rhumis' have enough to contend without all this !

Victoria-NRAS profile image


Healthcare at Home have, unfortunately, had a fair few issues lately and although the issues have largely been resolved there does seem to be a problem still in getting through on their phone line. We do have a statement from them on our website, which I'm not sure if you've seen?


I hope you get this resolved soon. If we can help at all, please call the NRAS helpline on 0800 298 7650 (Mon-Fri, 9.30-4.30).

Kind regards


(NRAS Helpline)

hatshepsut profile image
hatshepsut in reply to Victoria-NRAS

Sorry, but this has been going on since October. I don't think NRAS should be explaining why the service is still rubbish, I think they should be asking the question on behalf of all of us with RA. I think HaH have had enough time to sort things out.

bluetit33 profile image
bluetit33 in reply to hatshepsut

I agree, and we all understand that sometimes technology breakdown can cause havoc, but this is too long a problem now, I have missed the last two Cimzia injections, don't know how long it stays in the body for, I am at a loss, as I have lost our R/A specialist at the hospital, and also my own G.P has left only got locums. regards bluetit33

bluetit33 profile image
bluetit33 in reply to Victoria-NRAS

Many thanks Victoria-NRAS, The info: has given some insight intoi the problems facing HaH., just at moment troubled each and everyway, have lost our R/A specialist, ( beginning to think Winchester hospital is killing them off) and also had my own family G.P. retire. so feel rather alone. missed two injections now, so not sure how long Cimzia stays in the body for. just hoping it does not finally put me into that wheelchair. Kind regards bluetit33 (Rita)

roy_batty profile image
roy_batty in reply to Victoria-NRAS

The service from HaH is still appalling. If anything, it's even worse than last month. Their problems have not been resolved - this is completely misleading from them. I spent every day last week attempting to contact them when my delivery was cancelled. The phone lines are still jam packed with complaints. I waited all day for a delivery yesterday which didn't arrive. I've taken to marking my emails 'this is an official complaint' in uppercase, and requesting a return receipt. This proves they have read my messages. Still they fail to act on urgent matters. I have had this problem for three months in a row, and I am extremely exasperated. The stress I have suffered is nobody's business. When I missed an injection I suffered a flare-up as a direct result of their incompetence. I am dreading this happening again, but I still have no medication. I have contacted Healthwatch over this, and left negative reviews on the NHS website. I have copied my hospital into my emails. I am absolutely furious with this company.

Patientsfriend profile image

Try calling 0870 333 2834

I got straight through.

in reply to Patientsfriend

That is great Patientsfriend and please do not take this the wrong way- they should be answering ALL patient telephone numbers not the select few.

bluetit33 profile image
bluetit33 in reply to Patientsfriend

Many thanks patientsfriend, this is one number I have not tried yet, will do so today regards bluetit33

roy_batty profile image
roy_batty in reply to Patientsfriend

This now goes to the main switchboard, unfortunately. Same music...

Patientsfriend profile image

Thats ok. Just trying to help :)

I think there is a problem with the lines again

This happened over Christmas, where some lines were going straight through, and some were getting clogged up in a queue for hours. The best bet is to try different numbers. The staff are really helpful when you do get through.

claireyj profile image

Thanks patients friend and Victoria - finally got through and they will try and deliver tomorrow - the lady was lovely I felt really sorry for her I spoke on all our behalf she understood our frustrations. She must get moaned at all day poor thing - let's hope things improve for everybody :) Claire ...and Bluetit 33 please let us know if you got through have been thinking about you :( ..

joan_w profile image

You can also call 0800 917 6853 or 0870 600 1540. I always call the 0800 number but am often kept waiting on line.

Annielou profile image

Healthcare at Home used to be absolutely brilliant, the company is in my town and I have been there. Unfortunately they were taken over (at least the delivery side of things was) and it has really impacted on the service in the past few months. Really hope they sort it out. Their nurses are lovely.

bluetit33 profile image

many thanks to all bluetit 33

roy_batty profile image

Thanks scouser - I'm anticipating this too. They simply can't claim to have resolved these issues - it is not true! The past seven days have been hell for me. Hope you're not having too much trouble with them.

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