Itching legs!!! It's driving me crazy. Tried moisturi... - NRAS


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Itching legs!!! It's driving me crazy. Tried moisturiser and cream from chemist but I honestly could make my legs bleed

Colletterobbo profile image
15 Replies

What do you all suggest?

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Colletterobbo profile image
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15 Replies


What medications are you taking, check contraindications

All the best


Colletterobbo profile image

No medications bob

mistymeana profile image

Have you tried Eurax cream? It's got a local anaesthetic effect and gives temporary relief. I'm assuming there's no rash? Hope it helps as I know how hard it is to try and ignore an itch xx

sparker profile image

Have you considered a food allergy? Steph

Barrister profile image

I have suffered from a crawling itchy sensation for about ten years now which can drive you mad but my GP prescribed anti histamines for this. I take Fexofenadine 180 mg which works brilliantly. I don't think that you can get it over the counter but don't know that for sure. Well worth a try. You could just try an ordinary anti histamine like Piriton to see if that works first. Of course, I'm not giving advice just telling you what has made a difference to me. Hope this helps. Clemmie

Judetheobscure profile image

Try shea butter - I'm about to. Jude

dbestdeb profile image

Before I was diagnosed with RA, the inflammation was causing horrible itching. My skin was so sensitive that just changing my clothes left horrible welts all over me. I could use my finger to write my name on my arm as just the touch left a mark. I was sent to an allergist who put me on hydroxyzine. It helped a lot. Since I've been on sulfasalazine and my inflammation is down, I don't itch anymore.

norfolkjo profile image

I swear by eurax . I use it for insect bites and similar problems too x its over the e counter and my son calls it ear wax (irrelevant but cute)

Hoping4GoodHealth profile image

Itching can be so annoying & uncomfortable. I have allergies & get itchy rashes. This is what I use & it helps better than anything I've tried. Easy to find at Walmart.

It's a spray can, easy to use for backside that's hard to reach.

It's called: BAND-AID, Calamine Spray. Formerly, Rhuli by Johnson & Johnson. (Green can). I hope this helps. It works quickly for me.

stbernhard profile image

Horrible thing this itchiness. I use SHEA Butter every day to prevent it from coming back. Get it from Purenoughstuff.

Works for me. Worth a try maybe? I really hope you beat the beast. Good luck and all the best.

mille profile image

I use Aveeno Shea Butter and it has helped my itchy shins. You can buy it in most big supermarkets.

Neonkitty59 profile image

Strangely enough I itched like crazy on Sulphasalazine! Urticaria Solaris very bad too. When my RA is very active my skin seems to be much dryer. As I find it hard to rub some of the heavier creams in I use a Neutrogena pump dispenser one which is Creamy Body Oil which vanishes quickly but its effects are instant in soothing and moisturising and it lasts till the next day. Aveeno a lovely product .. have that too, but harder for me to rub in. The Neutrogena is easy to apply.

hev53 profile image

My arms itch on Hydrox but as you are not taking anything, perhaps some sort of allergy? If you can take a non drowsy anti histamine and see if that helps? Wish you better x

Sailaway profile image

I had the same problem in the last few weeks, and did the same thing as you (incessant itch, scratch till I bled, no rash, no medications, no dry skin; tried moisturising twice a day). Saw my GP for something else, he saw how I was, did blood tests and found I'd got very low folate. I wasn't on any medication at the time. He prescribed folic acid, and the itching stopped very quickly once I took it, just like magic! It's wonderful!

cat13 profile image

I'm the same with my legs... Specially at bed time. Drives me mad xx

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