Hi all,
Have been suffering from hay fever over the last few days, just wondering what other peeps take in combination with MTX and Hydroxy?
Hi all,
Have been suffering from hay fever over the last few days, just wondering what other peeps take in combination with MTX and Hydroxy?
Hi Mary
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I'm in similar situation with my meds and hayfever and pharmacist today said I shouldn't take anything only Vaseline on my nose unfortunately and speak to rheumy.
Hope hayfever improves soon x
Hi Im on MTX & hydroxy l & had symptoms of Hayfever a couple of weeks ago; sneezing & my eyes streaming. Anyway I spoke to a Pharmicist in my local Chemist & he suggested Lloyds own brand of eye drops & Anti-histamine tablets. He asked what meds I was on, told him those two plus Naproxen,folic acid, paracetomol & omeprazole he said it would be ok to take the hayfever meds as well. So mabe talk to your Pharmacist at the c hemist. I hope this helps. Rie x
Hello Mary
I was prescribed Telfast for a my skin rash caused by the sun, which is also the strongest Hayfever medication available according to our nurse at the Doctors.
Failing this I don't know of any thing stronger.
I still get episodes of the dreaded symptoms even after taking Telfast,
Good luck!
Ask your GP. You should be able to take an antihistamine of some sort, but you need the GP to check that whatever you take works OK with your other meds. A pharmacist can also check if you wanted to buy over the counter, but I'd check with GP as well, as they need to know everything you take - not just prescribed. I asked my GP which I could take some time ago, but I didn't get a prescription, because it was just as easy for me to buy cheap OTC antihistamines, but at least my GP now has it on file what I take, and I know it doesn't react badly with my other meds.
My hubby bought me a gadget called sneezer beam, it has probes that you put into your nostrils. DON'T PANIC! It doesn't hurt, it uses photo therapy to reduce sensitivity in your nose.
There is no side effects, it doesn't interfere with medication, each treatment lasts 3 minutes. The only thing you may not like is, the probes light the inside of your nose and it shines red, but compared with the hay fever symptoms I don't mind looking freaky for a few minutes 3 times a day!
You won't regret it, and compared with how much it costs for the medication to get us through the summer, you only need to buy it once.
It is on sale on amazon £23.03 free p&p next day delivery!!
I hope it helps you as much as it helps me. Take care and angel blessings to you