ESR levels: My ESR levels have been steadily rising. I... - NRAS


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ESR levels

Treesha profile image
18 Replies

My ESR levels have been steadily rising. I was just wondering at what point would I be contacted by hospital or gp if at all? Xxxx

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Treesha profile image
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18 Replies

If you haven't been contacted already then who told you that they are rising? TTx

Treesha profile image
Treesha in reply to

Hi Tilda, each time I have my bloods done I receive a copy of the results and I have noticed a small increase with each one. I was just curious as to what is a " normal " level. Hope you are well today and your Gallbladder is not giving you any problems. Xx

The sed rate is an indication of inflammation, but there are many variables, including what time of the day was blood drawn, do you take blood pressure meds with a diuretic in them, was the test set up in the lab within 2 hours of time drawn. Diuretics have the most influence because your blood may have become more concentrated with RBCs and less fluid (plasma) to suspend in, therefore the sed rate would be lower than usual.

So.. you would not likely be called, as results are not considered alarming. Your doc will likely wait, repeat and compare results. It is looked at more in regards to a trend than actual values. Don't worry. Your doc or nurse might call if there was a big jump indicating a flare. Don't worry, if no one has called, they must not be alarmed. Take care, Loret xx

Treesha profile image

Hi Loret, thanks for replying. I don't take any blood pressure or diuretic tabs and yes the bloods are tested usually within 2 hours and usually early morning. I was just curious as to what a normal level should be . I don't wholly trust hospitals and I like to keep a check on my own health as much as ican. Take care xxxx

in reply to Treesha

Hi Treesha, Sorry I didn't completely answer your question. A totally Normal Sed Rate is under 20. But, a little over would not be alarming, just watched for the next one.

You are completely wise to keep your own records, ask for them if you don't receive them. Have a nice, peaceful, painless weekend. Loret xxx

Hi Treesha that explains your knowledge then - I think Loret is the one to pay heed to but it sounds like nothing to be concerned about from what she is saying.

Gallbladder jip seems (touching wood) to have disappeared for now - so perhaps I passed the stone unnoticed (GP said this is possible if it breaks up/ disolves) or it maybe wasn't gallstones because he told me to get back on the Omaprezole, in which case it mabye wasn't gallstones but a strange MTX induced sore tummy? Hope it lasts as other things are giving me jip today again - every other day is less good it seems?! Makes planning a little easier if it sticks to this pattern! TTx

in reply to

:) Thanks for the vote of confidence, Tilda > L. xxx

Treesha profile image

I'm glad at least one of your problems has gone, almost. These days when people ask how I am I just smile and say " I'm fine just keep taking the tablets!"I think that's all we can do really. Xxx

CaroleHe profile image

My blood test fact sheet says the normal range for ESR 'can vary', so I agree that they must look for a general trend. My rheumy takes more notice of the CRP which should be 0-8.


Treesha profile image
Treesha in reply to CaroleHe

Thanks carolehe my crp is good so nothing to worry about. Xxxx

I read somewhere on the net to halve your age and add 5 for your normal reading. Mind you I'm no doctor and I've also read that Elvis is alive and living in Dallas!

Treesha profile image
Treesha in reply to

Halve your age and add 5? Isn't that more to do calculating the weather temperature hahah! I thought Elvis was on the moon? Take care xxxx

Treesha profile image
Treesha in reply to

Halve your age and add 5? Isn't that more to do calculating the weather temperature hahah! I thought Elvis was on the moon? Take care xxxx

in reply to

Lol! Somethings are not good to believe! Half your age and ADD 5? That would look like I am in the most vicious of flares!!

Sounds more like changing from Farhenheit to Centigrade, or vice versa!! :) Cheers! Less than 20!

hi Treesha, I'm pretty certain whenever your blood results come back that your doctor checks them automatically; whenever my bloods haven't been right I get a call from my doctor if she's concerned...

If you were feeling worse with the rise then I would contact RA nurse....

Can you feel the difference?

Treesha profile image

Hi Wilby I feel ok today but last week pretty awful so I won't bother docs just now. I was supposed to be seeing consultant in March but receive an appt for june so not impressed with hospital. I just rang to query it and was fobbed off hence my mistrust of hosapitals. Hope your well xx

Hi Treesha

ESR may fluctuate with the degree of activity of your RA, and is used to monitor response to therapy. If you are concerned that your ESR is increasing it may be worth mentioning this to your rheumatology team. In terms of 'normal levels' it is hard to say as different laboratories will use different reference ranges, so it really is more about what is normal for you.

There is a useful website called 'Lab Tests Online' where you can look up information about all the different blood tests:

Kind regards

Sarah Kate

NRAS Helpline

lynn-bel profile image


My ESR sometimes climbs a bit but my dr. would ring if concerned. One of the drs in the practice called as he was concerned with my v high ESR rate but then realised I had RA so understood that it would be higher than normal due to that. My RA consultant checks when I go for my regular visit (now only twice a year) and I look at all my results each time. I take BPressure pills so maybe that does make a difference. Don't know. If I have been fighting a cold or sore throat etc. that will make the ESR go up as well. As others have said, don't be concerned if the dr. office doesnt call - must mean it's okay. But call the RA nurse if you are worried just to put your mind at ease. Ask her what would be "normal".

Lynn x

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