This is my first ever post - eek.
I am 23 days in and can honestly say this is my worst day so far. I gave up CT and have been lurking on this forum tracking each day and reading through other people's quits day by day. Today is the first day I've created an account and am posting. Up until now I've felt strong and despite it being hard, I've felt in control.
I don't feel like that today.
I'm 25 and have been smoking since I was 15. My fiancee doesn't smoke and has been encouraging me through every step of the way - by using Lush bathbombs (! Every week I get a new one to mark the occasion ha).
I've been relying on chocolate mainly to curb cravings and up until now it's worked. I'd noticed the weight was just piling on. I'm usually very athletic and run most days but have found the majority of my quit to be exhausting - does anyone else feel this way? I am so tired, I either don't sleep for days or can't keep my eyes open and each comes in waves and it's just unbearable now.
The weight has been creeping up and I made the decision to cut down on the snacks and the treats between meals - I'm on day 2 of this effort and I'm not sure if I just wasn't ready to remove my 'non smoking crutch' as it were. I feel awful - exhausted, lots of tears, a feeling of emptiness and bereavement and I don't know what to do. I'm torn between feeling miserable at piling on a few pounds and wanting to feel slimmer. Today is the first day I've seriously thought about smoking again. I won't - of course not but I feel utterly horrific.
Does anyone else feel this way? I'd love to know how to deal with this, I'm at a total loss of what to do.
Thank you XX