I,m back needing support please: I stayed... - No Smoking Day

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I,m back needing support please

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

I stayed quit for over a year, and all the usual now back smoking full time?

I have a start day for tomorrow so hoping for some help, as I now realise I need to stick around n here like glue, so ready and willing.

All have a great smoke free day

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7 Replies

I gave up for 10 years and started again last year.

All the time I smoked I intended giving up the next day, the next Monday, after this holiday, after the weekend etc etc.. I knew I'd done it before but couldn't seem to find the courage to tackle it again.

Finally I found this forum and what a lovely bunch of people. They have helped me so much with my quit and I can honestly say I don't think I could have done this without these wonderful people.

So you're in the right place and good luck!

Hi Tracey, welcome back darling.

It's great to have you around, lets make this our last quit :)

Good luck for tomorrow.


RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Ah Tracey sorry that you back here again on a new quit, but your back now and ready to take in on, you have done it before and can do it again.

Maybe read your posts at the start of your last quit to re-familarize and prepare yourself with what to expect. Good luck tomorrow.

PS I hope you don't mind me asking, what made you smoke again?

Welcome back Tracey. Sorry to hear about your relapse but I think we've all been in your shoes before so know how easy it is to be lured back to the old habit we so want to be free from.

This is my umpteenth attempt and it has to be my last, there can be no more half measures this time. I've analysed every reason I had for smoking and why I've not been strong enough to just pack it in before now. I still miss that first initial hit we get when the desire to smoke comes over me but that's about all and a small price to pay for coming to my senses at long last.

You've been through this quit process before and proved you can do it so you know what to expect and I hope it won't be too much of a challenge this time and that you can sail through it.

I've changed tactic and adopted the philosophy now of 'If I'm really that desperate to smoke I can give in and go back to it any time I want, nothing's stopping me' but then I ask myself 'What exactly would be the point?'. I can't even begin to answer my own question so I've decided failure isn't going to be an option this time.

Good to have you back onboard Tracey. You can do this.:)

I'm pretty much using the exact same tactic as linda, I have my mind set to:

If I really have to smoke, I'll go and smoke.... But then I'll have to go and do the same thing all over again...not worth it!

I nearly relapsed a few times this quit but I'm determined to do whatever it takes to get it done with.

I'm finishing week 8 today at 7pm and I couldn't be more delighted.

I do not want to ever, EVER do this again, therefore the only way is to stay quit :)

Tracey I came to my senses when I realised just how addicted I'd become to the habit. I was actually going out to my garden as if on autopilot to smoke. I realised I was frantically puffing away for no reason whatsoever and not even finishing my cigarettes, I was only smoking half of them and then throwing the rest away. What an absolute waste of time and money!

It was something I felt I had to do, I couldn't explain why and I wasn't even enjoying it anymore.

Whether it was guilt (because I knew I shouldn't be smoking) or just common sense kicking in I don't know but I'd reached the point of no return and I knew I had to do something about it. I thought about what I was doing with my time and my money and it all seemed so futile and pathetic. I'd tried half heartedly many times before to give up but I know now that my heart was never in it and I gave in to the stupid cravings that we all get. I couldn't understand why I was getting them when deep down I wanted to quit so much. I just didn't want to admit that I was addicted to smoking because I've always managed to deal with everything else that life chucks at us in a fairly sensible and level headed way. It was a massive shock and a real wake up call for me but it did make me put smoking into perspective and see it clearly for what it is for the first time in my life.

You would think that feeling the way I did that quitting would be easy but smoking really is such an addictive habit and I've had to work hard at staying on track for the past 2 months. Although it shouldn't have been it has been a struggle at times but I'm so relieved to know that I can get on with my life without always having a pack of cigarettes on standby.

It's still tricky at times and I can't drop my guard but I am getting there and I don't want to go back to how I used to be. I don't want to smoke ever again but it just shows how addictive smoking is when I hear stories like yours where you've been lured back after a year of being smoke free. I guess we've always got to keep our guard up.:eek:

Thank you all so very much for all your replays, make me more determined I hope.

For me there was no excuse to smoke again, to be honest lots was happening, dad died, sisters were all arguing, moved house lots of factors but no reason really, that said my tablet broke and I couldn't access the forum, for me at least it was a huge loss and befor you know your back at square one.

Thanking you all again, it's a huge help in my start for tomorrow, I work until 3ish four days a week so hoping that helps, as they don't know I,m smoking.

So much appreciated

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