My annual post just to say hi and offer some moral support for those just starting out.
It has now been over 4 years since I quit. I was a heavy smoker and could never see myself actually quitting let alone forever, I tried numerous times but always failed after a week or so. For those of you starting out I was where you were not so long ago, I can remember reading the penthouse posts wishing it was me but always thinking it was so far away. Well you can do it, take each day at a time, find a way to distract yourself, change your habits and fight like hell to keep away from one puff. You'll be surprised how quickly days turn into weeks, weeks into months and so on.
I NEVER think about smoking anymore, I NEVER get a craving, being around people who smoke doesn't bother me one iota, I've even stopped preaching, lol.
Ultimately it has been the best thing I have ever done for all of the reasons you are all very much aware of. If I can offer any advice whatsoever, it is your mindset that needs to change. Your ability to to 100% believe in yourself and not to listen to others. You need the ability to manage stress so you do not reach for that cigarette when your boss has annoyed you, you've had a row with your other half, you have money worries etc. Regardless of all of those things believe me smoking will not help, if anything it will make it worse.
So remember, no matter where you are on your journey to packing in the cigarettes, believe me when I say - If I can do it so can you. Good luck.