Well if you read the topic title you must be intrigued. With good reason. I'm half Swiss, and that's Swiss for 'There's nothing better than something good' (Usually applied to food).
And that's what hit me the other day. I was driving home from work after a successful day and I was feeling pretty good and thought, 'Hey, I feel good '....... Oooooerrrrr........ Danger danger danger!!! This is one of those times when, perhaps you've done something stressful and come through it all - you think 'I deserve a reward'. My oh my. It took all my strength to avoid going to Sainsbury's kiosk. I sucked and sucked on the ecig and made it past Sainsbury's.
And the last sentence says it all - sucking on them like they are 'it'..... is kinda dangerous. I find myself stocking up on refills and batteries...... Mustn't run out..... mustn't run out...... need them....... So how long is *this* going to go on for? Am I now a slave to the ecig? How do I cut *that* down? Then again, I think..... ahhhhh.... this is the mind's way of sneaking up on you as if to say 'Well, you're still addicted - so you might as well smoke - especially if you can get a reward for your hard work'...... etc etc..... Cunning mind.
Wife smoked her last ever ever ever ever cig two days ago. Then she got up this morning and asked me if I had any cigarettes. Me thinky two days ago not righty right.
I say... as I suck on the damn ecig....... Well it's something good. For now at least.