Enough is Enough - Day 1 quit buddy needed - No Smoking Day

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Enough is Enough - Day 1 quit buddy needed

nsd_user663_5225 profile image
14 Replies

Right that's it. I've just had my last ciggie!

I went out with my friend last night (who has been quit for 6 years and used to smoke like a chimney). I had to keep popping out, into the cold, for a puff and leave her sitting by herself. Completely anti-social.

I'm also noticing those horrible lines beginning to creep above my top lip!!! The dreaded cat's bum mouth....THIS HAS TO STOP!!!!

I want to be healthy, happy, less smelly and wrinkle free.

During these first few weeks I am also going to give up alcohol and maybe coffee.....I love nothing more than a fag with a lovely glass of Rioja or a strong cup of Columbian, but I fear that both of these would weaken my resolve....

I'm going to attempt the cold turkey method....

If anybody has any tips about how to get through the first few days; I'd appreciate it....

Also if there is anyone on Day 1, like me, who would like to be my quit buddy that would be fab :)

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nsd_user663_5225 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Well, firstly loving the name, and a huge warm welcome from me, it's always wonderful when you make the decision to quit. Your friend is a great example, and the good news is, you can do the same.

I have no knowledge of ct, however I used the patch method, worked a treat.

Good luck, please post and read often, especially if a problem presents.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Welcome to the forum PP :)

It's tough to start with (I did it cold turkey too) but believe me it is achievable.

Stick to this forum like glue, everyday. There will always be somebody to help you and if you ever think you are going to smoke, post here first and wait for some replies.

Stick to NOPE (Not One Puff Ever). Never believe you can have 1 cigarette or even 1 puff and be able to control it. Like us, you are an addict and almost without exception, just 1 usually results in people returning to their old full blown habit very quickly.

Keep busy. Find something to do with your hands and try to start exercising (if you don't already). Smoking releases dopamine into your body which gives you a feel good factor. Exercising does the same, only in a healthy way and it will also help with possible weight gain.

Drink lots of water and try and cut down on caffeine. Lots of people have sleep disruption when they first quit and excess caffeine won't help. Smoking helps the body get rid of caffeine quickly, so when you stop it is retained in your body longer. If the sleep disruption continues, try Kalms or something similar.

Don't expect it all to become easy after a few weeks. You probably smoked for years, so it will take time to change the habit.

I'm sure your friend can help you too, as she will know what you are going through, and I think staying off alcohol is a really good idea. Alcohol lowers your self control and many quits have been lost on here because of it.

You can do this, good luck :)

nsd_user663_63114 profile image

Stock up on nibbles- my poison was cough candies. Occupy those hands, computer games, loom bands, whatever it takes! In the early stages I would get through an hour at a time. Think the forum as a whole would tell you alcohol can be a quit buster. I drank coffee throughout my quit, and have a cuppa with me now :) everyone is different, and we all have different triggers, so what works for me may not work for you.

However you do it, I'm so pleased you've smoked your last cigarette. What you are doing is massive.

Cat's bum, loving the imagery x

nsd_user663_5225 profile image

Thanks for the word of support guys.... I just had my lunch and instinctively went to go for my "after food" ciggie and then remembered that I don't have any!!!......but I don't want to go too mad on the nibbles front. Don't want to swap my cat's bum for a fat a r s e!!!

Jess9 profile image
Jess91000 Days Smoke Free

Good luck I'm on Day 15, I went patches for 1st 5 days, then CT, must admit some days ok others are torture, just do anything, walk, housework, sook pear drops, just concentrate on getting through minute by minute x

nsd_user663_63114 profile image

Ha ha! 'Fraid I got some junk in my trunk - but will loose it! Apples, carrots? Some quitters swear by frozen ice cubes of healthy fruits, not tried it tbh.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Frozen grapes are popular :)

__steve__ profile image

Welcome PP :)

Stay positive. You can do this!

S xx

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Right that's it. I've just had my last ciggie!

I went out with my friend last night (who has been quit for 6 years and used to smoke like a chimney). I had to keep popping out, into the cold, for a puff and leave her sitting by herself. Completely anti-social.

I'm also noticing those horrible lines beginning to creep above my top lip!!! The dreaded cat's bum mouth....THIS HAS TO STOP!!!!

I want to be healthy, happy, less smelly and wrinkle free.

During these first few weeks I am also going to give up alcohol and maybe coffee.....I love nothing more than a fag with a lovely glass of Rioja or a strong cup of Columbian, but I fear that both of these would weaken my resolve....

I'm going to attempt the cold turkey method....

If anybody has any tips about how to get through the first few days; I'd appreciate it....

Also if there is anyone on Day 1, like me, who would like to be my quit buddy that would be fab :)

My tip on getting through the first few days is very simple - stop putting paper tubes filled with dried leaves into your mouth and setting fire to them:p:p.

And if that sounds like Iike I'm being facetious, nothing could be further from the truth - that's exactly what you have to do, it's all you can do; there's absolutely nothing more to it than that. It's that simple, and it's that hard.

All of us here know from personal experience that the reality is that it's far from being that simple; however, once you really understand your addiction, doing something which sounds so easy suddenly gets a whole lot easier. One of the best ways of understanding your addiction is to read the forum - there are plenty of gems on these pages and a good place to start is the 'Good Post Library':


Finally - beware the quit buddy. Never forget you're quitting for no-one other than yourself, and it's something that you have to do yourself because no-one else can do it for you (great though that would be). Lean on others when you need to, but you need to realise that ultimately you have to stand on your own two feet. What happens if your quit buddy fails? Wow, what an excuse that would be - your quit buddy failed - your quit buddy failed you - who could blame you for smoking again? Oh dear, suddenly you're back at square one:eek::eek:. It happens:(:(

I wish you every success, but I don't wish you luck, because you don't need any luck, not an ounce of it. Your success is entirely within your grasp right from the word go; it's there for the taking, and no-one can steal it away from you, only you can throw it away. Remember NOPE, and you cannot fail. If you ever think just one won't hurt, failure is guaranteed. Harsh, but that's the rules of addiction.

nsd_user663_5225 profile image
nsd_user663_5225 in reply to nsd_user663_54305

I AM AN ADDICT (there I said it)....That is why I'm trying the cold turkey method this time. My other quit attempts have been with patches, or gum or those horrid e-cigs, so I've never reeeeeally tried to go completely without nicotine for over 20 years..... I'm a little scared at the thought but will keep reading and keeping my mind focused. Will check out the "Good Post Library".... Thank you PP x

nsd_user663_61729 profile image

Wish you every success with your quit.

"Cat's bum mouth"....I can honestly say I have never heard that term before :-)

nsd_user663_63277 profile image

Yes ntmu pp but really do I need to have a cats rear now in my head whilst I try to sleep :0

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi penguin, good to meet you, you sound right up my street lol :) I'm not too far in front of you, so will happily be your quit buddy, the cats bum mouth comment swung it for me :D :D xx

nsd_user663_5225 profile image

That's fab Donna J....you are now my official quit buddy...WE CAN DO THIS :)

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