Day 27: Afternoon all, Ok so it's day 27 and... - No Smoking Day

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Day 27

nsd_user663_54549 profile image
13 Replies

Afternoon all,

Ok so it's day 27 and I feel great, this is my longest quit and I'm chuffed to bits.

But... there's always a but!

I am doing the Stoptober 28 day challenge (which is surprising in itself really as I don't normally jump on these NHS/Government anti smoking initiatives) and tomorrow is day 28..

What am I going to do on day 29? I know that sounds stupid, but my whole quit has been aimed at reaching 28 day.

I'm losing interest fast and can almost see myself smoking again.



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nsd_user663_54549 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_48218 profile image

You are doing so well. Once you reach day 28 start to set your own goals. Aim for 1 month, 6 weeks, 2 months etc. You have come so far and got over the worst of it. Speaking from experience, you will be so disappointed in yourself if you do smoke after day 28. Stoptober is the kickstart, you are the rest of it. This forum and the lovely people on it will continue to offer advice and support long after day 28 has passed. Keep at it and show Mr Nicotine that you are in charge.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

You have done done so well so far, why waste all the effort you have put in just to smoke again? Keep at it I say no point stopping now or are you just going to quit every October for a month? :rolleyes::D keep it going mate you have soooo got this ;) xxxx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Debbie is right. Stoptober is now Stopdember and doesn't finish until the end of the year. And anyway- don't you want to make it to the Penthouse? That's HEAPS more exciting. You get posh toiletries and dancing bears and all sorts of lovely things. :)

Seriously, stick with it Rustler. As Tea says, why else dd you stop in October other than because you wanted to quit for good?

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Oh it's all so consuming when the focus is to quit, but your through a tough time.

Let's see

Smoking, smelly, yellow teeth, yellow fingers, pale skin, spots.Smelly clothes.

Bad lungs, bad heart, bad bank balance,

Keeping quit, all is good.

Can you remember last winter, being stuck outside in the rain and wind, trying to have a fag , did you like it?

Just keep going I dare you

nsd_user663_54549 profile image

Thanks guys, I am giving this every ounce of effort and will continue doing so.

I do want to quit and thats the reason I signed up for Stoptober.

I suppose I didn't expect to last this long (another stupid thing to say) and now I have, I'm panicking??

One day at a time from now on and I will make it.


nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Keep going Rustler, you can still stay in Stoptober, the 365 day one for 2015 Stoptober, instead of the 28 day one, accomplish that and the odds are for you on never smoking again :)

Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

lefoy123 profile image


" I can see myself smoking again" may I ask why. You conclude with the expression "bummer" which completely confuses me. Correct me if I wrong my impression is that your a reasonable intelligent person so your reasoning baffles me. It's almost as if you took the 28 day challenge more to **** a snoot at the NHS than for your own benefit which I find strange but there again who am I to criticize.

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123

nsd_user663_54559 profile image

Hello my quit buddy, I understand where you are coming from and can sympathize with your (confusion)??? You are asking yourself, what's next. I would suggest following all the great advise here and set a new goal to reach and just keep moving forward.

Today someone offered me a cigarette on my lunch break and I admit there was a part of me that wanted to accept but I knew that it was not the right choice to make and it would put me right back to smoking.

So I just said no.

No euphoria, nothing! Just the quiet realization that I own the power to be a non smoker now. This is perhaps the key. It is all in your hands, it always was!

Keep it up my friend, you are on the path to freedom that you have so desired!


nsd_user663_62846 profile image

Keep going Rustler, I'm on day 28 now and determined to beat this.

Stick with me buddy :)

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Well done on 28 days Rustler. You can keep going, and one day at a time is the best way to look at it. :)

lefoy123 profile image


" I can see myself smoking again" may I ask why. You conclude with the expression "bummer" which completely confuses me. Correct me if I wrong my impression is that your a reasonable intelligent person so your reasoning baffles me. It's almost as if you took the 28 day challenge more to **** a snoot at the NHS than for your own benefit which I find strange but there again who am I to criticize.

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123

Hello once again Rustler, having shot from the hip with my previous reply may I echo the advice of others. You've seem to have passed the hard phase of quitting please don't throw it away. I'm not quite sure of your reason for taking the challenge in the first place but I suspect it wasn't a two fingered salute to the NHS. Myself I'm a recovering alcoholic of some 24+ years sobriety and over the years I haven't come across many who have sought help on the premise that they might have a problem with alcohol they generally know they have a problem they just have not heard themselves say it. I rather suspect that you know you have a problem with your smoking addiction

but determined to prove yourself wrong. So I finish by wishing all the best in whatever you decide to do.

MIchael a.k.a:-lefoy123

Sally6 profile image

Hi Rustler

Just seen your post. I decided on the morning of 1st October to sign up to "stoptober"', never expected to make it through day one and now, like you, find myself almost at the end of day 28 & am wondering what will happen tomorrow! I am expecting to find the next few days "challenging". But I'm so pleased with myself that I made it this far that I am determined to keep it going so I have set myself a new goal of getting to the end of November.

Well done for completing stoptober and good luck for the next few days.


nsd_user663_62846 profile image

A big well done to you too Sally x

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