Scared to try again: Hi all, I have been... - No Smoking Day

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Scared to try again

nsd_user663_33441 profile image
19 Replies

Hi all, I have been recently trying to quit again but have failed too many times and am embarrassed to come on here again!! But I don't enjoy smoking anymore. Have had two failed quits on patches so gonna try mouth spray tomorrow coz my friend said it works any ideas pleez thanks Zoe xx

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nsd_user663_33441 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hi Zoe, and welcome back :)

Please don't be embarrassed. You're far from being the only form member who has had to try several (or even numerous) times before finding The Quit and no-one is going to think the worst of you for having had a few (or even many) previous attempts. Think of them all as practice runs and practice makes perfect as they say :D

The main thing is that you've never quit quitting and sooner or later (even if via what I believe Donna recently, wonderfully, described as the scenic route) you'll get there. You know that everyone on the forum will be here to help as much as we can. :)

Have you considered trying Champix? I didn't quit that way myself but there are plenty on the forum who have and who swear by it. The other thing is (as I am sure you know) that the right mindset is 99% of what it takes to successfully quit so if you've not already read Alan Carr's book it's certainly worth a go.

Whatever you decide, I hope that this one proves to be the final one for you. Please don't go away will you? Let us know how things are going and we can be here to lend a hand.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi Skiddaw an do you live near there coz my mum does lol and thanks for your reply. Gonna try hard I will excuse predictive txt on phone lol does my head in!!

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Ooh, your lucky mum!! Whereabouts is she based? Somewhere Keswick/Bassenthwaite way I presume?

No- I'm in Reading- but we spend as much time as we can in the Lake District. I love the Northern and North Western Lake District and Skiddaw is my favorite mountain. We're off to the Lakes next Friday for a couple of weeks as a matter of fact so hopefully I shall get to say 'hello' to my mountain in person (and possibly climb her again).

So glad you're on the point of taking the plunge again Zoe. You can do it- I know you can- and your mum will be so proud of you I bet :D

nsd_user663_61800 profile image

Hi Zoe I'm 4 days into this quit after at least 10 previous attempts. Monday night I had my last fag and was scared and wondered if I could do it. I rejoined back here yesterday and was welcomed back with open arms and lots of support just as you will be. Early days for me so all I can suggest is one day at a time and keep reminding yourself why you want to quit x

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

I was embarrassed also after loads of quit failures.

But I bit the bullet tried to learn from past mistakes and what other quitters on here had to say.

So please come back,keep trying and it will click in the end,

Determination is what you need.Dont give in no matter how much you want to smoke and the hours and days will turn into mths.

Everyone on here will be pleased you are trying again and will support you no matter how many times you tried in the past x:)

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

Never feel embarrassed on this site. :D

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Hey Zoe

sooo happy to see you back :)

come on get your hammer out and beat that nicodemon out of touch :eek:

please try and forget all your previous quits they are in the past and not part of the future

focus on one day at a time breaking it down as much as possible distracting your mind when you get a crave come on here and posting will help or go do some cooking ;)

onwards and upwards is the only way to go

sending some love and ((HUGS)) your way


lefoy123 profile image

scared to try again/too embarassed

Good afternoon Zoemac don't be so silly nobody is going to point the finger.

As I've seen from others encouragement on your; lets call it a dilemma everyone has been more than welcoming.

Do you honestly think that if I walked through Cardiff city centre I would be able to spot Zoemac. So don't be embarrassed that's the beauty of being anonymous on the forum.

So getting back to your quit you haven't failed you've just not succeeded but you will.

So it's onwards and upwards my girl!!!

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123 in Glasgow

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Hi Zoe, great to have yoy with us, for so many on here. Do have failed quits, but I so am liking the fact you want to quit!

Just knuckle down, any issues please please post, lots of people round to help!

Come on you can do this , I,m so behind you .

Sending a bit of luck your way:)

nsd_user663_61729 profile image

Don't be afraid/embarrassed to try again.

Most, if not all of us in here failed to quit straight away. Yours truly failed more than half a dozen times, nearly always after just a few days, on one occasion after less than a day.

Just try if you can to look upon your previous tries as practice runs. Take your next quit one day at a time...and use a method that does the business for you. All of us here have adopted different means of quitting..some can quit by cold turkey and find it relatively straightforward (lucky bleeders!) but not all of us are made that way..fact of life. Some use NRT..others such as myself found e-cigs were the way to quit.

There will be a method that works for you.

You can do it. Good luck.

nsd_user663_62584 profile image

Don't be embarrassed :) Just stand up and try again! You even said you don't enjoy smoking anymore, so that should help you alot!

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Hi Zoe, well done for coming back to the site and quitting again. People very rarely manage it first time, or even second, third and fourth!

You have made a great decision. Good luck :)

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Aw thanks all for your messages it means a lot to me!! Sorry to take so long to reply but my internet was down so I was stuck!! Still not quit yet :( but gonna have a go soon coz you guys are such an inspiration, wish I felt like that about my new phone lol :rolleyes


Zoe xxxx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Go for it Zoe! :)

Post whenever you need to or feel it is appropriate. We'll be here. After all, if we can do it you certainly can. All the best to you. :)

nsd_user663_60655 profile image

Hi ZoeMac

Just be yourself in this. Only YOU know when it's time to quit and really really quit and keep it up for the rest of your life.

Everyone here knows it is not easy. And we also all know that without the mindset, you don't have a hope in hell so if you have all the ingredients in place, go for it. Live day by day. Hurt day by day, if you are hurting and do believe that the hurt might/will not be there the next day. Believe in You and what You are capable of....... that you can cross over.

I am sure most of us count the days we have not lighted up and I am also sure that most of us are amazed that it really does get easier. After all these months of having stopped (and yes I still think of them daily, but that is me), I had a lovely experience recently, when I saw some butts on the ground, that I hadn't thought of them for well over half the day and said to myself "darn, I didn't think them all morning! (FYI: in my country smoking laws are somewhat lax, so my environment is much harder to sail through a cessation).

Best of luck. Come to this forum - it will be your life saver....... we are all fighting this addiction and have pained and rejoiced, so we feel for you! You are amongst friends!

Be strong


nsd_user663_1658 profile image

Dont be embarrassed zoemac, its a quit smoking forum not a walk of shame, you use this forum as much as you want to, you should be very proud of yourself for making the decision to try again, so get posting, looking forward to hear how your getting on

nsd_user663_62731 profile image

I am very new to this forum I tried twice with patches didn't help

I sailed through it with champix ok bit side affects but u can get round them but no dreaded cravings

I not done it without champix i new the sprays patches and chewing gums wearnt gonna work tried and failed

what ever works for you but I have read hundreds posts bit of a lurker

I coming up to week 12 still not complacent If feel iffy I browse here and it helps


nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Dont feel embarrassed, i was here every week at one point with a new quit attempt. Some people take longer than others thats all.

go with what ever makes you feel the most confident, the method you THINK will work the best, alot of it is mind over matter and a matter of just hanging on.

good luck xx

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

I am very new to this forum I tried twice with patches didn't help

I sailed through it with champix ok bit side affects but u can get round them but no dreaded cravings

I not done it without champix i new the sprays patches and chewing gums wearnt gonna work tried and failed

what ever works for you but I have read hundreds posts bit of a lurker

I coming up to week 12 still not complacent If feel iffy I browse here and it helps


Doesn't matter new or old all are welcome and people on here will help you all they can as long as you post away as to how your quit is going :)

Week 12 is very good going, it will get better as you may have read a few times but it is true, some longer than others, 12 weeks you can still get the effects of the quit and a lot of the time you may still not feel like you are not you but stick at it you can look back and think "What was I worried about" . It's a time thing really with no set time in the early stages of the quit.

Keep putting the very good effort as you have done so far and keep going, it would be shame to throw it all away, you don't really want to feel again the way you did on the first day or two or your quit.

Good luck and all the best. :)

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