:eek:Made it.... thank goodness.
Was just on a 3 days vacation/trip to a nearby country, hot weather, regular stop points, long bus rides, lots of smokers.. and tons of triggers. But I made it without smoking.
Vacations always give me the jibbers, as I used to worry about whether I've my lighters/fags, when's the next stop point where I can fag, do I stink like the chimney when I get back on the air-conditioned bus, am I the last person delaying the entire truckload of people, where's the nearest shop when I run out of fags, having to steal time away to fag, under the hot sun, rain or whatever's the weather, am I fagging too much for my OH... just a series of nonsensical worries like these....
I don't know how the next trip will be like, all I know is I made it, this trip, and its just 1 less association with nicodemon, 1 more thread snipped in 2, and I truly, desperately believe that if I keep snipping, all these re-associations will be erased, and I can let my brain make new ones. New associations totally not related to fags.
To be honest, month 2 is better than month 1, and even in month 1, week 4 is better than week 1. So if this pattern continues, month 3 should be just a tad easier, I hope !
Month 2, for me, is still wobbly, and i have to constantly remind myself, that I am at war, there are many people rooting for me, depending on me, and I owe it to myself to reverse 25 years of damage smoking had done to my body.
And I put on 2kg :eek::eek: :D !
Find it hard to differentiate cravings from hunger.
I don't care... its month 2, 1 thing @ a time, poor multi-tasker.