Just checking in to let you all know that I'm still going and have made it to the 8 month mark! As some of you may know, I struggled a lot during my 6th month, not sure why but something just came over me and was very close to smoking - so glad I didn't!
Things are going much smoother now, rarely think about smoking at all, me and my friend (we quit together) often joke about it and when things go quiet one of us might come out with 'cig?' like we used to when we got bored, straight to the fag packet. It's good to get to a point where it can be lighthearted memories of smoking, rather than intense cravings you get earlier in your quit.
I definitely associate smoking with a negative era in my life. I was a moody, depressed teenager that didn't care about his health or the amount of his parents money he'd use on cigarettes. :rolleyes:
Not long until I reach the 12 month mark now, which is my ultimate goal. I think I will truly feel like a real non(ex)-smoker.