When the Co2 machine points the finger... - No Smoking Day

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When the Co2 machine points the finger...

TrickyB profile image
10 Replies

There is nothing worse than being accused of something you haven't done.

I am now 71 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes into my quit, and by now should been plain sailing. But I have just come across one of my strongest urges to smoke in my whole quit. That is because of something the smoking police nurse said....

I have quit using champix and have to say these tablets have worked well for me. At the first Co2 breath test I recorded a woeful 16 on the meter and had to confess that I had put my quit date back a few days, as the weeks went on I recorded a few low 2's on the machine and felt proud of my efforts. Then one week I recorded a 4 and felt so guilty, the nurse said this was a little high and was I sure I hadn't been tempted. I walked out of there wondering if she believed my efforts.....

Anyway my last test was even worse, I had a reading of 8! I thought well if she had her doubts before she must be sure of it now. I protested my innocence as always. The nurse suggested I check my Co2 alarm at home, and my claim to have walked behind a smoker fell on death ears. I had also driven approx. 1000 miles in a week for work. Anyways long and short of it was I felt a little cheated. I haven't smoked, and WAS proud of my achievements but for some reason I really want the approval of the smoking nurse who left me with the comments 'well if you say you haven't smoked'...

Maybe I'm being sensitive but I'm sure she looked at me with distrust and it made me feel awful. So having felt ok for the last few months I now really want to smoke. Doesn't help that I'm going on holiday and heck everyone smokes on holiday don't they! I know its just my mind playing tricks on me but strange to feel like this so far in.

Anyone else had problems with the Co2 machine?

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TrickyB profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_54305 profile image


You know the truth, and at the end of the day you don't have to justify yourself to anyone else. There are plenty of wonderful stop smoking nurses out there, and equally there are plenty whose ignorance is truly shocking going by some of the stories I've read on this forum.

Don't let it get you down, and don't entertain thoughts like 'everyone smokes on holiday don't they!' - this is your addiction talking, using any trick to lure you back into its trap. See such ideas for the excuses that they are - smokers smoke on holiday, non-smokers don't smoke on holiday. Simples:)

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

You know you haven't smoked and you are the only person that really matters in this situation, don't forget, the nurse is probably used to dealing with people who will lie through their teeth and swear they haven't smoked when in reality they can't wait to get outside for their next fix! I know it's not nice to be tarred with the same brush, going back about six months there was a member on here posting how they'd managed to "blow low" even though they had been smoking so please don't take the nurses reaction to heart.

I really would recommend you check your CO alarm though, and that initial reaction to "wanting" a cig is just that - a want not a need, you will get through this and be stronger for doing it ;)

nsd_user663_61728 profile image

I know the feeling! I was using an old handbag that I haven't used in a few months last week and I opened the inside pocket and there was a lighter and an empty pouch of tobacco in there and my OH accused me of smoking and it was no frustrating protesting my innocence when he obviously didn't believe me.

It makes you wonder what the point is.


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

The point is we are all doing this for ourselves or at least we should be... Yes in addition it's cos of kids/wives/husbands/money etc, but ultimately this is one selfless thing we are doing for us...

you know you haven't smoked and that's all that matters, congratulations on your quit you are doing brilliantly xx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

When I was seeing the smoking cessation nurse and having regular CO tests she told me that some people have naturally higher readings than others. One of the other nurses always blows a 4 for example even though he has never smoked. She also said that pollution can effect the reading so if you have been on the road most of the time I can well imagine why you would blow high.

Try not to let it get to you too much (though I can really understand your frustration). Check your CO alarm is OK and if you blow high again I think you should do what Max has suggested and ask for a second opinion (as it were). Don't, whatever happens, let it sabotage you quit because you're doing wonderfully well and should be extremely proud of what you have achieved. :)

lefoy123 profile image

when Co2 machine points the finger

Hello Tracey B sorry to hear of your problems with failing the Carbon Monoxide test and the attitude of your the quit nurse.

I had a similar problem at my cessation classes but fortunately had a more astute and helpful nurse.

My problem was that I was cycling to the class through evening rush hour traffic in Glasgow so my reading was through the roof. The nurse twigged this could be the problem and tested me at at the end of the meeting which I always passed.

Could it also be that heavy background pollution en-route to your class is the cause of you failing the tests.

Michael a.k.a:-Lefoy123

TrickyB profile image

Just passed the duty free....

Thanks random strangers your words really have helped me from straying off the quit path! Walking past stacks of fags in the airports was tough, but being around people smoking here has helped because it's actually pretty grim.

Only smokers know smokers...

Feeling positive.

Great to know this forum is here though, my wife bless her just doesn't get the smoking thing


nsd_user663_62731 profile image

had very similar experience on my 1st quit attempt I was staying at friends where I be in smoke free environment to quit proper I had few cigs before but my readings were coming down nicely I was 9 when I returned from friends week later none smoker I read a 14 I was gob smacked she made me feel like I lied

turned out my friend had leaky boiler if I hadn't been going to the smoking clinic we never have known some are to quick to judge

this time new clinic and said I had bad experience before

I am 11 weeks smoke free been getting readings 0 most weeks but this week my last week a 5 lol

but my daughter been most week she a smoker even though she at door its coming in obviously


nsd_user663_62731 profile image

didn't relize myself still feeling my way round the forum only joined Cpl days ago so I think I bought thread forward x

lefoy123 profile image

Wnen the CO m/c points the finger

Hello Tricky B,

Sorry to hear of your run in with the smoking polis. Firstly may I ask do you live in the city, near a main road or another source of carbon monoxide.

The reason I ask is,I failed the test on regular basis whilst attending the smoking cessation classes here in Glasgow. However the nurse was astute enough to realise that I was cycling to the class through rush hour evening traffic and at that period time very calm weather. So the solution to the problem was that the nurse tested me at the end of the class which I invariably passed.

So perhaps background CO exposure is the problem or as another member has suggested their m/c may need calibrating or repair.

Best of luck with your quit and again as some else said only you know the truth.

Michael a.k.a:- lefoy123 in Glasgow

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