Any other fibro sufferers out there? - No Smoking Day

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Any other fibro sufferers out there?

nsd_user663_2681 profile image
5 Replies

I am currently having a really bad flare up, in so much pain and zero energy it will probably last a few weeks anyone else have fibromyalgia/CFS/ME? Any tips on how to ease symptoms when quitting? If u are a sufferer u will know stress exacerbates symptoms, just want to feel my age instead of 80... Has anyone felt better with fibro since quitting? X

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5 Replies
nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I am currently having a really bad flare up, in so much pain and zero energy it will probably last a few weeks anyone else have fibromyalgia/CFS/ME? Any tips on how to ease symptoms when quitting? If u are a sufferer u will know stress exacerbates symptoms, just want to feel my age instead of 80... Has anyone felt better with fibro since quitting? X

I can't help I'm afraid but I can sympathise - I have only had one RA flare up since quitting and it only lasted a couple of days rather than weeks so I'm keeping everything crossed that you get the same break. Sending you the gentlest bear hug ever xxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I can't help I'm afraid but I can sympathise - I have only had one RA flare up since quitting and it only lasted a couple of days rather than weeks so I'm keeping everything crossed that you get the same break. Sending you the gentlest bear hug ever xxx

Back at you Jen, thank you xx

Hello Dons, yes I have both and have had for 9 to 10 years now, both CFS and fibro's been horrendous since Christmas but I really don't think it's because of the quit, there's so many bugs going around and I think it's more likely that :( I never go to the docs about it as there's no point but I did yesterday and said I couldn't carry on with it or life's not worth living, not with the head aches I'm now getting as well, they've been trying to get me onto tablets for years to help and I've always refused them but this time I'm agreed to try them and started them last night, not sure how long they're supposed to take to make you feel better though as all they did was knock me out, I've still had to have a dose of strong pain killers today :(

Nice to meet a fellow sufferer not that I would wish either of these on my worse enemy but you know what I mean :)

Cupster I'm on tramadol but can only take it at night or I am a zombie, have you tried amytriptiline? I found it helped but I can't have them now cos they interfere with my thyroid medication, I have proper brain fog today, I know you will know what I mean, hope the tablets help you Hun xx

I have had ME for years. I can't work anymore and get very down sometimes as I feel I no longer live life I just exist.

I can't help you on the quitting side but do sympathise with how you feel.

Sadly I can't even have my own grandchildren here without another adult present. Picking them up and looking after them on my own is not an option as I physically can't get up sometimes. I do get to cuddle up to them a lot though.

This time of year is not the best.

Hope you feel better soon :)

Thanks Karri, hopefully when we get some brighter warmer weather symptoms will ease :)

What are these conditions u guys have they sound awful. x

Auto immune diseases Deb, they are all under the same umbrella, not nice unfortunately... Also I go to a Fibro group sometimes and the common factor is smoking makes these things worse, due to blood flow etc but quitting can are symptoms worse until everything goes back to normal, whatever normal may be lol x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Yes I have tramadol and co-codamol, Yes Amertripaline is what I've just been put on, did it help with your ME or just the fibro? She said it might help the ME but if not they should help the migraines, face pain and the fibro but we shall see, not sure how long they take to work either, so far they are just zonking me out :o

When I smoke I can literally feel my battery drain as I smoke so quitting has to help right! there's no groups in this area that I know of, having said that I've not looked :rolleyes: ha brain fog, of course I know what you mean, it's horrible, you can't think straight when it's like that, very frustrating!!

The amytriptiline helped me sleep properly because as I'm sure you know fibro sufferers don't sleep in the correct phase that's why we feel like we've been up all night as soon as we wake up! Lol... I found it relaxed my muscles and helped me sleep better it takes a good 3 weeks for them to really kick and to feel the benefits I started off on 10mg but upped them to 3 a night sometimes when I got a flare like I have now... Now tho I just have to use painkillers and sleep getting it from both fibro and ME at the minute....I couldn't go outside for a fag if I wanted one, I can barely move at the moment ;) of u don't mind me asking, how old are u and when did u get diagnosed? I'm 38 and was diagnosed 5 years ago, rheumatology have just put me on vit d not sure why or how that will help but apparently levels are low so I need it x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Dons, no I didn't know about the sleep phases, for someone who's had it for such a long time I know very little, I was formally diagnosed with CFS but the fibro was something a doc just threw in one day with a "well you're going to be in pain you have fibro" :eek: I was like "well thanks for that then" :o

I'm 41 and was diagnosed about 7 years ago though I've had it a lot longer, more like 9 years

I have a low B12 count and have to take tablets every day, it does seem we all seem to be low in something? Most weird :confused:

Have you tried Echinacea? It really does seem to help, you might not be able to take them though with thyroid meds though it would be worth finding out, you can't take them for more than two weeks but three days of it usually seem to help :)

Really oh that's interesting, I'm home now and been out all day I wish I saw this earlier.. I will go to boots tomorrow and ask them about the echinacea because it might help with this flare, thanks Cupster, how odd aswell we are round the same age, everyone at my group is late 30's early 40's aswell..

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Dons, it makes me furious that hardly any research is being done, if everyone filled in a questionnaire I have a feeling it would be a simple thing and easily rectified, I truly believe that, we all have many things in common and one of them is that we all have the same type of characters, ie we don't know when to stop, we are get up and go people and very stubborn, hence we have burnt our selves out, but how? I'm almost certain there's an answer and it's an easy one, it's very frustrating that's for sure! I just feel we are all suffering this vile illness when actually we don't need too :o yes the echinacia raises your white cells in your blood, boosting your immune system and certainly for me it helps massively but you can't have it if you're on certain other drugs x

That's brilliant, I'll try anything that will help, thanks hun xx

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