My first day is tomorrow !!!!: Hi I'm patty... - No Smoking Day

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My first day is tomorrow !!!!

nsd_user663_61540 profile image
31 Replies

Hi I'm patty,

From derbyshire, have been smoking a good twenty years with many failed attemps to quit, my mum died in November and my smoking has got out of control, don't want it,need it, or enjoy it any more, :mad:

Have seen my gp and have been on patches since Monday and have cut down considerably:) my quit date is tomorrow !!!!

So here goes, I'm getting ready......I am ready and love reading all your posts for inspiration

Love patty xxxx

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nsd_user663_61540 profile image
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31 Replies
nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Nice to meet you patty:)

Welcome to the forum where you,ll get good advice,where you can't rant scream and cry if you want:D

Your post could have been written by me,my smoking was getting out of control as well and believe me if I can quit....anyone can.

Good luck for tomorrow:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi I'm patty,

From derbyshire, have been smoking a good twenty years with many failed attemps to quit, my mum died in November and my smoking has got out of control, don't want it,need it, or enjoy it any more, :mad:

Have seen my gp and have been on patches since Monday and have cut down considerably:) my quit date is tomorrow !!!!

So here goes, I'm getting ready......I am ready and love reading all your posts for inspiration

Love patty xxxx

Hiya and welcome Patty!!

Well done for deciding to quit, you'll find a lot of people here to help :D

Good luck tomorrow, make sure to post and read lots when you can, it's a fab distraction from the craves, and you can pick up lots of handy tips!!

Nobody here bites, except Kat, she does :p

(Nah not really)


nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Hi Patty and welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear you lost your Mum recently, may of us have turned into human chimneys when we are under such emotional strain and it turns into the catalyst that actually makes us want to stop. Personally I would recommend that you count your stop day as the last one smoked tonight, then mentally you are already half a day down by the time you get up in the morning ;) Arm yourself with loads of distractions, puzzles, knitting, star jumps, reading through all the threads on here, candy crush, papa pear etc etc, whatever takes your fancy, sip lots of ice cold water, this helps flush out the toxins and can take the edge off a craving. Any time you feel GRRRRRRRRRR just get on here and post, we will be behind you every step of the way :)

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Aw thank you for your welcome greetings,

They are much appreciated:)

I shall be posting tomorrow and keep you updated lol, off to work now,

Love patty xxxx

Feeling very inspired x

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hi Patty,

That's the spirit- embrace your quit and be excited about it. Mental attitude is easily half the battle. :)

It's lovely to meet you. I will look forward to reading how your journey progresses.

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Day one over

Hi ya,

Well I did it :) got through day 1, was very busy though so didn't have a lot of time to dwell, however I still got the odd cravings,

Day 2 now and I'm off for a jog, but tonight should be interesting as it's usually a bottle of wine and a smoke, so not doing either tonight:rolleyes:

Thank you for your support

Love patty xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi ya,

Well I did it :) got through day 1, was very busy though so didn't have a lot of time to dwell, however I still got the odd cravings,

Day 2 now and I'm off for a jog, but tonight should be interesting as it's usually a bottle of wine and a smoke, so not doing either tonight:rolleyes:

Thank you for your support

Love patty xxxxxxxx

You can do it Patty, having a jog is a great idea 'cos exercise releases lots of feel good hormones, keep busy and be nice to yourself :) xxx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Good for you Patty :)

Hope you made it through your first weekend evening without too many craves.

Will look forward to reading your next post.

nsd_user663_54305 profile image


Very well done on day one.

Conventional wisdom says giving up smoking if very hard. On the face of it, that's true - but in my view it's a lot more subtle than that. I'd say the very hard part is getting your mindset in the right place; once you've done that, then the process of quitting can become very easy.

That's where this forum is such a great resource - reading through the archives and understanding the insights of people who've trodden this path in front of you. Time and time again you'll see comments from successful quitters who say it wasn't as hard as they thought it would be - these are people just like you, who thought they were standing at the bottom of a huge mountain, but they did their homework, got to understand their addiction, and once armed with the right knowledge about their enemy, found it surprisingly easy to beat it.

I think the main keys to success are:

- to understand you're a drug addict - not an easy thing to accept:mad: And not only are you a drug addict, but you're hooked on one of the most addictive drugs on the planet. How very convenient that it is completely legal and lines the government's coffers:rolleyes::rolleyes:

-to understand how addiction works - this understanding gives you the tools you need to beat your enemy for good and is one of the key benefits of online resources such as this forum, plus books like Easyway from Allen Carr.

- to have complete belief in yourself. Never doubt that you can do this - with the right mindset you absolutely can, and failure ceases to be an option. No long term quitter on this forum is any different to you, and we all thought we faced an impossible challenge - but get your head in the right place and you can do it without the struggle.

This is something that it totally within your control and is not down to luck. YOU CAN DO THIS - NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF!!

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Thank you soooo much guys,

It's great having your support, well it's day 2 and I'm in my pjs so I know I will get to day 3:) had a few little niggles today, but fortunately they came to nothing as I was with my daughter who doesn't smoke !!!!,

Feet up now after a 5k jog this am, but no wine, just sticking to be safe lol

Thanks again

Love patty xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Excellent Patty well done to you, I think you are onto a winner here and 5k run? Impressive! Xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thank you soooo much guys,

It's great having your support, well it's day 2 and I'm in my pjs so I know I will get to day 3:) had a few little niggles today, but fortunately they came to nothing as I was with my daughter who doesn't smoke !!!!,

Feet up now after a 5k jog this am, but no wine, just sticking to be safe lol

Thanks again

Love patty xxxxxxx

Well done Patty and welcome to the forum :)

Two days under your belt already, an excellent start!! We're here if you need anything at all. Take care x

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Congratulations on your first day success on your quit, keep going and keep strong :)

nsd_user663_61444 profile image

Nice to meet you Patty and well done on your first day. Bit envious of your 5k runs :D

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Hi guys :)

Well day 3 almost over, am back in me pjs !!!! Had a few cravings today but nothing I couldn't handle, been very tired that normal ? Slept like a log last night so don't quite understand it:confused:

Weather awful here in the dales so no exercise today lol, hope you are all ok

Thank you

Love patty xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Your doing great Patty and if your sleeping like a log even greater:D

3days in and halfway through first wk.I found craves came and went and never took anything for granted because they come out of no where and slap you in the face just when you think things are getting better......

Take a day at a time and they roll into wks before you know it:)

Well done:)

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Thank you carolrose,

I too am doing the patches and was a bit scared that they won't be enough but not too bad up to now. Haven't felt the need for anything else:)

Day 4 tomorrow, not gone this long for years:)

Love patty xxxx

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Thanks katxxxxx

Hi everyone,

Cannot believe I'm on day 4 and still feeling positive, I get the odd niggle but just distract myself with something ( like cleaning lol) my house has never been or smelt so clean !!!! Or I read your posts, which are amazing and defo keep me going.

Do you think that just doing patches is enough, am so afraid it won't be ???

Thank you

Love patty xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks katxxxxx

Hi everyone,

Cannot believe I'm on day 4 and still feeling positive, I get the odd niggle but just distract myself with something ( like cleaning lol) my house has never been or smelt so clean !!!! Or I read your posts, which are amazing and defo keep me going.

Do you think that just doing patches is enough, am so afraid it won't be ???

Thank you

Love patty xxxxxxxxxx

It really sounds like you've got the mental part sorted, that's why it's going so well :D

I use patches with a bit extra here and there ('cos I smoked like a chimney :() and they really do help - if you would feel more secure with a pack of NRT gum or lozenges in your bag just in case then there's no harm in it!!

But you are doing so well :D xxx

nsd_user663_61540 profile image


I've struggled today, had a few strong moments, but fought back and I'm glad to say I'm in me pjs AGAIN :confused:, everything I did went wrong, I had dropsie everything I touched I dropped !!! And was really quite fed up with myself !!!!

Have to say I feel a lot better tonight:)

Thanks for listening

Love patty xxxxx

nsd_user663_61429 profile image

Well done Patty, I am I'm bed already as had a similar day :eek:

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Thank you, Melvyn and tractor girl xxx

Well I'm on day 5:) what an awful evening last night, the cravings were really strong, thankfully we are 11 miles from nearest shop and I wasn't THAT desperate to get dressed and do a 22 mile round trip:p, so I packed myself off to bed, couldn't sleep even though I was shattered , when I did eventually nod off, I dreamt of cigs,cigs and more cigs lol, was really relieved this morning when I woke that they were just dreams :)

Hopefully today will be better, got to say I feel a little weird ( well more than normal lol) but still going strong,

Thanks for the support

Love patty xxxxx

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Predictive text !!!!! Should have read melby xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Thanks guys xxx

Had to take a day off work as I feel absolutley exhausted, sore throat this a symptom, have slept most off the day so the cravings have been negligible , back at the docs tomorrow so I will see what he says

Day 5 nearly over :)

Thanks for your support

Love patty xxxxxx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Sounds par for the course, Patty, though obviously run it by your GP anyway in case you've gone down with something (which is also very usual following a quit). There's no end of withdrawal side effects (most of us experience at least some of them) and what you describe sounds perfectly normal unfortunately. :)

The good things are that (a) it is all a sign that your body is sloughing off the nicotine and generally detoxing, and (b) all those nasty side effects soon pass and then you start to feel fabulous. :D

Well done on getting through Day 5. You'll be starting your Week 2 before you know it! :)

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Aw thanks guys :)

Off to bed now with day 5 firmly tucked under my belt, not done this long since I was pregnant !!!! Many years ago lol, I feel awful but I know it's only temporary so am battling on, I think I would be gutted if I gave in now, well I know I would:rolleyes:,

Thanks for your help and support,

Love patty xxxxxx

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Hi guys,

Day 6 :) never got this far before lol, still feeling under the weather, but my gp was really pleased with me this am, am battling on and can't believe it's 7 days tomorrow yeeaahh,

Had a long read round the forum last night and was amazed at the help and advice available, really spurred me on reading other peoples experiences,

Will check in later, had probs earlier getting on line, was there a problem ??? Or was it just me lol

Love patty xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Good for you Patty, really well done on your first week, its out of the way now and you will never have to do that first week again if you keep at it :) xx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Yes, I couldn't get on either. I was missing my daily fix I can tell you! :)

Patty, it might help if I told you that I felt utterly pants for most of the first two weeks. In some ways it was a good thing as I knew I could never face going through it all again :( so it made me triply determined to hang on to my quit forever. I'm just reaching the end of my third month now and can honestly tell you that I feel better than I have felt for years. I'm bursting with energy, am heaps fitter, my skin, hair, nails, gums and teeth all look much healthier, I'm told I look noticeably younger and I've lost 1.5 stone :D. So any pain is well worth the gain :)

Nearly the end of your first week now and you're doing mightily. :D

nsd_user663_61540 profile image

Thanks guys, glad it wasn't just me that couldn't get on line, my computer skills are pants lol,

Skiddaw, you are doing brilliantly AND managed to lose weight as well:), that's my aim, weighing in on Friday so we will see !!!.

Well day 6 almost done, can't wait to move on to the second week, although I'm quite aware I might hit some difficulties:(

Thanks again

Love patty xxxxxx

nsd_user663_61573 profile image

Well done Patty on your achievement.. 6 days is fantastic.

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