Flipping fab!!: Just want to put down how... - No Smoking Day

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Flipping fab!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
14 Replies

Just want to put down how good I'm feeling!!

Know I've had one or 2 Mexican standoffs and very low points, whick you lovely people dragged me through so want to say something nice and positive instead!!

Anyway, how am I feeling?

Proud :D

OK it might sound daft to a never-smoker but I'm proud that despite being one of those smokers who most people thought would never quit, I have done it and it feels good!! Not counting my chickens, but I do think this is the one for me!!

In control :D

This morning was a trigger for me, I thought about it and all by myself dismissed the idea of smoking - second time this week. I do *not* need to rely on a smelly stick of dried leaves to function!!

I can wake up early, and not have to get into my dressing gown and shiver on the back step - oh no I can relax, snooze, curl up in the cosy instead!!

Am slightly amazed that I allowed myself to be controlled for so long :eek:

Wealthier - I'm saving a small fortune here, just by *not* doing something. 6 weeks ago if someone had given me £462 I'd have been thrilled but i gave myself that.

On top of that, I smell nice, my breath doesn't smell of ciggies, nor do my clothes and hair, am going to live longer, look young for longer, stay fitter - it's all good at the mo!!

Something clicked for me before I quit, whatever it was, it's brilliant :D

So, anyone who's thinking about quitting all I can say is do it there's some rough patches along the way but you won't regret it!!

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma sound like you got this now :D:D

And good for you, I am so glad that you are so positive right now long may it last!!! Go girl :D There no stopping you now :):cool: xx

I really think I have :D

It's lovely to be on the up, and enjoying being quit, rather than how I was last week :eek: xx

Awww Gemma :D:D

Your delight at feeling good makes me feel delighted too :D ,just as your sadness at struggling saddens me too.

Nearly 6 weeks right-just keep your head down,do not dwell on thoughts of cigs,fill the gaps with new things,be kind to yourself and treat yourself,BELIEVE that this is 'the one' keep posting here and getting support because this is actually looking REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karri made an excellent suggestion to plan the NRT cut off ahead a bit,so that you have specific targets try to do that so that we do not find ourselves at 3 months quit and still leaning heavily on NRT.

Ok? xxx

Aww thanks Max!!

I'll try to keep my positive head well screwed on - don't want to feel down about it again, was really scary actually!!

But it's so good to be free, and i owe you guys so much - without this place there's just no way I'd be here!!

Oooh and i'm going to use Karri's idea, it's a brilliant one. Am keen to get off the NRT as soon as poss, but with as little pain as possible if that makes sense? So it's ideal!!


nsd_user663_61429 profile image

Well done Gem, that is the spirit. Hold onto these feelings because these are TRUE the wanting / needing / thinking / reminising about fags are FALSE


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gem, that is the spirit. Hold onto these feelings because these are TRUE the wanting / needing / thinking / reminising about fags are FALSE



This is real, and I'm not going to let anything get in the way of quitting - not this time.

I could choose to make it hard for myself and blame every bit of stress, every bad mood on quitting, to give yself an excuse to smoke (done that before) or I can choose to shoot through the middle of the dodgy bits and out the other side!!

Guess which one I've picked :D :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Just want to put down how good I'm feeling!!

Know I've had one or 2 Mexican standoffs and very low points, whick you lovely people dragged me through so want to say something nice and positive instead!!

Anyway, how am I feeling?

Proud :D

OK it might sound daft to a never-smoker but I'm proud that despite being one of those smokers who most people thought would never quit, I have done it and it feels good!! Not counting my chickens, but I do think this is the one for me!!

In control :D

This morning was a trigger for me, I thought about it and all by myself dismissed the idea of smoking - second time this week. I do *not* need to rely on a smelly stick of dried leaves to function!!

I can wake up early, and not have to get into my dressing gown and shiver on the back step - oh no I can relax, snooze, curl up in the cosy instead!!

Am slightly amazed that I allowed myself to be controlled for so long :eek:

Wealthier - I'm saving a small fortune here, just by *not* doing something. 6 weeks ago if someone had given me £462 I'd have been thrilled but i gave myself that.

On top of that, I smell nice, my breath doesn't smell of ciggies, nor do my clothes and hair, am going to live longer, look young for longer, stay fitter - it's all good at the mo!!

Something clicked for me before I quit, whatever it was, it's brilliant :D

So, anyone who's thinking about quitting all I can say is do it there's some rough patches along the way but you won't regret it!!

Yayyyyy! This makes me so happy hun! :D Well done! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yayyyyy! This makes me so happy hun! :D Well done! xxx

Aww thanks hun :)

It makes me feel so good too *Dances* xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gems, I'm so pleased to see you on the up, I really am, you've had to fight really hard to get here, you soooo deserve it :)

Aww thanks hun!!

Know you're feeling rubbish at the mo but soon you'll be feeling fab too!! xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem, this is the happiest I've know you for a long time, so pleased for you:)


YAY thanks KK :D :D

I'm feeling really good and bouncy WOOHOO!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It may be time for you to change from Piglet into Tigger!:D

Lol I think so!!

Oh the wonderful thing about Tiggers....

Wow :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

What a fantastic post to look back on :)

J x :)

YAY thanks hun, it's good to feel fab now and if I do hit a bump again, can look back and see the good times are very real!! xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So pleased for you gem :)

Great big fat positive post x x

Thanks Karri, I'm loving feeling so good :D xx

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

It is just wonderful to see you post so happy and proud Gem. Keep up all your hard efforts...you know YOU are worth it :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It is just wonderful to see you post so happy and proud Gem. Keep up all your hard efforts...you know YOU are worth it :D

Thanks hun, I'm definitely feeling loads happier!!

Getting a couple of craves this evening but it's not denting my happy :D

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Fab post GL, great to see the positivity oozing :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Fab post GL, great to see the positivity oozing :D

Thanks hun :) It is largely a mindset thing, the positive/negative bit i mean!!

I have decided to be positive, and push through the craves, not curse my quit :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma,

So happy for you. Its fun reading such happy post. Thanks.


Aww thanks Hélène!! Am loving feeling the happy - it's going to last too 'cos I'm going to force myself, lol

How's you? xx

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