Day 30 :D: Hiya!! Well, I had a fab... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 30 :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
11 Replies


Well, I had a fab birthday yesterday - was out in the afternoon and it hit me part way through that i *didn't* want a fag, and that I hadn't thought about smoking for ages!!

I had a gorgeous birthday meal, don't think I'll eat for the rest of the week :p and even though a couple of my friends were diving out to smoke, I only got a slight, um, not crave exactly - that would be too strong - but a bit of a pang I guess?

Still I was patched, and have got Niquitin Minis (thanks for the recommendation guys) which are fab!!

So while before I'd have smoked myself stupid, I got to enjoy the taste of the food, not getting cold and not smelling of eau de Marlboro.

And the other good thing is that despite having more than a couple of drinks, I only felt a bit fuzzy this morning, and no mouth like the bottom of a parrot's cage :D

I owe a big thank you to all you lovely people who posted on my brthday thread yesterday, and to everyone who's supported me especially last week when I felt like giving up.

Hell I sound like an Oscars speech here. :o

I will not smoke today, tomorrow can look after itself!!

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yay! Given that was your first outing for the socialising and booze trigger that's flippin' FANTASTIC!!! Great to see you bouncing back so well from that wall you fought your way past just over a week ago - beginners take note, it WILL get tough, but you CAN get past it, we promise!

Chuffed to bits pickle, and yay for minimal hangover (I truly never realised how much was down to the fags and not the booze - quite an eye opener!:eek:)

I was a bit nervy, have been avoiding going out and drinking with smokers 'cos it might have been a bit dodgy but nope, no trouble :D

I remembered from before not having hangovers, it's brilliant (and because smoking dehydrates you) because as a smoker it didn't take much to give me one. :eek:

And definitely yes - any newbies who are going through a bad patch please stick with it 'cos I'm so much better now than this time a week ago!! Might seem hopeless at the time but it *does* get better, take it from me :D

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hey Gemma,

Glad you had a lovely birthday :D

30 days is brilliant, im on day 36 still not easy but getting there:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww thanks!!

You keep blazing that trail for us!! :D

I hope it gets easier for you soon, that flipping Nic is a real pain - why can't he get the message and shove off? lol

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi is a flipping pain:mad


he keeps creeping up on me when im least expecting it:mad:

I can't understand it, its like being hit with a stick bang its there

I'm missing it no im not yes I am no im not Aaaaahaaaaa:D

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Checking in Day 30

Glad you had a lovely day Gem,and to do it all smoke free,you must be so pleased....I know I am..:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi is a flipping pain:mad


he keeps creeping up on me when im least expecting it:mad:

I can't understand it, its like being hit with a stick bang its there

I'm missing it no im not yes I am no im not Aaaaahaaaaa:D

He's a master of the sneak attack!!

But it should get better soon :)

*crosses her fingers*

So far today I've had 1 "oh wow I need a fag" moment but that's all :D

Fantastic Gemma!

So happy you got a great 30th birthday.

All those situation where we use to smoke is scary as far as I am concerned: you never know when the little devil will hit.

Have a good 30th and 1 day, 2,3.....oh lucky you, you have decades to reach my 51.


Aww thanks!!

It was a bit worrying before but I'm so happy there were no problems :D

You're doing so well too, fab isn't it?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Glad you had a lovely day Gem,and to do it all smoke free,you must be so pleased....I know I am..:D


I'm amazed, thrilled and proud of myself!! :D :D

How's you?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem glad you had a good day lovely food and drink and no fags perfect. You coped amazing and very proud of you. Was there any snogging or did by man not turn up ? xxx

Yeah it was fab thanks :D

Lol no snogging, not yet anyway :p xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I knew you'd be fine! After last week I honestly don't think there'll be any holding you back Gemma. You're going a cruising all the way to your room next door to Kat in the penthouse.

Pssst by the way, don't say anything but Kat specifically asked for you to be next door to her because that wonderful lady just luuuuurves the spice girls but simply daren't admit it :D:D

Seriously, well done Gemma, I'm so proud of you for getting through. I bet you feel so much stronger now don't you?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I knew you'd be fine! After last week I honestly don't think there'll be any holding you back Gemma. You're going a cruising all the way to your room next door to Kat in the penthouse.

Aww thanks hun!!

Am hoping that was like the ultimate baptism of fire for me!! I'm still amazed by how many lovely genuine people came to help - even people i hardly see around here!! Stars every one :D

Pssst by the way, don't say anything but Kat specifically asked for you to be next door to her because that wonderful lady just luuuuurves the spice girls but simply daren't admit it :D:D

Seriously, well done Gemma, I'm so proud of you for getting through. I bet you feel so much stronger now don't you?

Ooooh well now you tell me I'll make sure to play them LOUD!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Something else fab :D

My teeth are starting to look loads better - they were never terrible, but you could definitely tell I was a smoker, now the whiteness is definitely coming back :D

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