HELP!! feel awful: Help, having a VERY BAD... - No Smoking Day

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HELP!! feel awful

nsd_user663_61455 profile image
17 Replies

Help, having a VERY BAD

day. Gave up 11 days ago and been fine till yesterday when I felt a bit emotional. However today I have been a total mess! Tears at my desk in my office, dwelling on all the things missing from my life, and been attached to the sofa and blanket since I got home without much will to do anything ever again!! I don't actually feel like I want a ciggie, but feeling very down and like there is an elastic band around my brain! I just want to feel happy but nothing is working. This is the 5th time I've tried quitting and this is always the the time that I struggle and feel the worst! I can feel this way when I smoke too but obviously a cigarette gave me relief from it! Haha!

I'm on the CHAMPIX tablets at the moment.

Anyone got any ideas?


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nsd_user663_61455 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww that's rough isn't it?

First off, breathe, deeply like when you smoked - it will calm you down!!

If you're really struggling, grab a post it note, roll it and pretend ot smoke that it looks daft but it tricks your brain brilliantly!!

Make sure you drink plenty of water - we can't tell the difference between wanting a fag, wanting a drink and anting food so a long glass of water will take the edge off :)

And if you're wound up, getting some rhodiola liquid (not the tablets) will calm you down - it stops you makng the stress hormone and soothes your brain.

Oooh and welcome!!

nsd_user663_61325 profile image

Welcome to you.

Some days are awful but you will get through.

Try and distract yourself I went out spent money I had saved from not smoking.

nsd_user663_61432 profile image

Hi Ljane

Day 11 is brilliant going:):):):)

I wouldn't worry too much about sitting on the couch. I spent a whole weekend doing that - annoyed with myself for not getting anuything done but no energy or will to do anything.

Stay strong - it will pass


Spanishverbs profile image

Welcome to the site lots of good people and good advice here. Don't worry too much about what you are doing and your usual routine at the moment as long as you are not smoking.

You are doing really well


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hello Ljane :)

I'm with Debbie. The way you're feeling is probably all related to your quit but I know some people can react badly to Champix and it's worth getting it checked out.

Either way, I hope you start to feel better soon. If it is any comfort, I'm usually Mrs Laid-Back & Level-Headed but I experienced the most awful anxiety & feelings of depression during the first few weeks. It was a horrible thing which I really wouldn't want to go through again so you do have my sympathy.

If it is any help, I found that a combination of telling myself over & over that it was all related to the quit and would pass along with being as physically active as I could did make it easier. I had to force myself to do things but when I succeeded I definitely felt better.

I will keep my fingers crossed that you are over the hump soon. And flipping well done for getting to Day 11- that's fantastic! :D

nsd_user663_61196 profile image

Hello Ljane, and a warm welcome. :)

So sorry you are having a difficult time just now. I don't know anything about Champix but it may be worth checking that side out.

I think 11 days is BRILLIANT. :D:D You are doing really well. Stay strong and you'll get through this I'm sure. xx

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

Hey, Well done of getting to day 11!! that is so good. I think the way your feeling is normal for giving up smoking, the nicotine withdrawal....but your body technically shouldnt know you are in withdrawal because of the champix which makes me feel concerned that you are not getting on well with the champix??

Are your dreams disturbing at all? have your thoughts become abit depressed? like a depressed spin on everything? if you still feel like this at the month mark i would be concerned, but its hard to know what is smoking related and what is champix related.

Any thoughts of harming yourself and stop IMMEDIATELY! x

nsd_user663_61455 profile image


Thanks for all your comments everyone! Day 15 now, yay! But ahhhhhhhh!!!!

Went back to Nurse and forwarded to Doctor. Have been taken off the champix and put on mild antidepressants. Spent the weekend with family which helped a bit but home again now and still struggling emotionally. Feeling VERY low about EVERYTHING! thank god I have a gorgeous daughter or not sure if I would cope! I'm a single mum, no family nearby to help (all a 1-2 he drive away) and no social life.... Realising my life is a bit empty and although smoking isn't the answer it's looking very good right now, lol! Plus self employed so can't take time off work, can't concentrate and losing money every day with these moods, tiredness and lack of motivation! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I feel like a miserable old cow at the moment and not sure I'm going to do it!!

clarey33 profile image

Sorry to hear you are not feeling yourself. You WILL make it, think positive and stay focused and you really can!

I remember feeling the same although didn't use champix. Deep breathing is the key. :D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks for all your comments everyone! Day 15 now, yay! But ahhhhhhhh!!!!

Went back to Nurse and forwarded to Doctor. Have been taken off the champix and put on mild antidepressants. Spent the weekend with family which helped a bit but home again now and still struggling emotionally. Feeling VERY low about EVERYTHING! thank god I have a gorgeous daughter or not sure if I would cope! I'm a single mum, no family nearby to help (all a 1-2 he drive away) and no social life.... Realising my life is a bit empty and although smoking isn't the answer it's looking very good right now, lol! Plus self employed so can't take time off work, can't concentrate and losing money every day with these moods, tiredness and lack of motivation! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I feel like a miserable old cow at the moment and not sure I'm going to do it!!

Hi Ljane

I haven't posted on the forum for a few days but read this and felt compelled to try and give some support and a big fat virtual (((hug))) right, let's look at this and see if we can sort something out...

First of all, coming off the champix good plan I reckon sounds to me like it didn't agree with you, I think you will get more out of a mild anti depressant, out of interest and if you don't mind me asking what has doctor put you on? I have suffered with anxiety and depression on and off for a few years and tried lots of meds so hopefully myself or someone else will have been on the same as you and can give you some idea as to when the tablets kick and when you might start to feel better.

Feeling low about everything, well I can't fix that for you, I wish I could but I will say I have been there so I get it, I get how you are feeling... Ways to help that in the immediate sense before your tablets kick in, I would say be really kind to yourself, lots of pampering when you get the chance, catching up with tv, books films whatever you love, also (and I swear this works) eating a banana a day helps your mood, I know it sounds ridiculous but my doctor mentioned it to me and after researching it, it seems they really do help as they are rich in B12 in fact any foods rich in b-12 will help so I have been told...rescue remedy helps to keep you calm and will help with the irritability I use it in drop form, you put a few drops on your tongue and it definitely has a a calming effect, I'm like you I get irritable when I feel down....Also, chamomile tea is good for the same reason.... giving up smoking and feeling low at the same time is quite frankly the pits, BUT that said I reckon if you can, persevere with the quit and in a little while I'm sure the anti depressant will kick in and lift your mood a bit.

I notice you haven't got any family nearby, that's hard cos right now my lovely it sounds like you need some support, have you got any close friends that live near, perhaps even just phoning a friend or family member could give you some support or if you can't go out because you have your daughter what about a friend coming round for some dinner or a chat?

I hope I haven't over stepped the mark I'm really not trying to counsel you, I just want to help, try and hang in there with the quit, the tablets honestly will kick in soon and you will feel a bit better about everything, life in general, this will hopefully give you the motivation to keep going with the quit amongst other things, as I said I'm not around on the forum for a bit but if you need someone to talk to, even to break the evening up a bit, ( evening as are the worst don't you think?) I'm around, I get a message on my phone when there's a pm so I will always answer, there are some really lovely folk on here that will be only too happy to help you if you need it and lots of support, I will keep an eye out for your posts aswell, take care.. Xxxx

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


I'm very seldom on here nowadays, but felt I had to comment, so sorry to read you're feeling so down, par for the course for some of us in this quit malarkey.

Firstly, sending you a 'Bozie', my thoughts are with you tonight.

I know nothing of Chamox, but I do recognise the low feelings, I remember describing it as just feeling 'lost', just 'hopelessly lost'. What I can promise you my love is that it does get better.

I agree with John, Donna's post is really, really good advice.

I did most of the above, me time, pampering, relaxing baths, early nights, read lots, and watched loads and loads of films.(Got Sky upgraded with no smoking dosh)

I dont't know your hobbies, but I also found walking helped, you have a little one, get wrapped up and go lovely walks together, I also started swimming again, (that's another story!!!! For another day) so that's another activity you can do together.

Sending love

Fi x

lefoy123 profile image

Help feel awful

good evening Ljane sorry to learn that your going through the grinder at the moment. Unfortunately there is no painless way to quit but it does get easier believe me.

I'm also a recovering alcoholic of some 23+ years alcohol free and went through a similar experience when quitting drinking.

There I was sailing along on the crest of the wave 3 or 4 weeks into my quit when all hell broke loose. The person who explained just what was going on with my quit was my doctor's practice nurse.

Her explanation was that my body had just suddenly realised that it wasn't getting its usual fix of alcohol hence the horrid withdrawal symptoms.

I suspect that something similar may be going on with your smoking quit.

Presumably your using Champix under your doctors supervision so perhaps you should have a word with him/her and see if they can help.

Personally I used N.R.T. but hit the wall some 4/5 weeks into my quit fortunately I had a very understanding G.P. who prescribed a 10 day course of anti-depressants which got me over the hump.

As I said earlier unfortunately there is no easy way to quit but it does get easier believe me.

So all the best with your quit and hopefully with the help of your doctor and whatever his advice might be; your desire to quit and use of the forum you'll be one of the winners.

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123 in Glasgow

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Lj,

Are you still around on here? hope you are ok xxx

nsd_user663_61455 profile image


Hi everyone,

Once again thanks for all your support and advice.

I have have somehow it through another week. I even managed to have a night out last night and resist the temptation to smoke even though nearly everyone I went out with smoked and frequently went outside for a fag!

Still feeling very low, seems worse at the weekends as not as busy. I want to reward myself for not smoking but can't think of anything I want ( think its part of the depression!). I'm not a girly girl and don't really enjoy pampering!, don't need anything for the home or clothes. I would love a holiday but haven't got quite enough for that yet, haha!

Mostly I want to stop feeling miserable. No amount of chocolate, deep breathing, cuddles or fresh air seems to help. I keep trying to motivate myself and think of the health benefits. Hopefully things will get better soon.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi everyone,

Once again thanks for all your support and advice.

I have have somehow it through another week. I even managed to have a night out last night and resist the temptation to smoke even though nearly everyone I went out with smoked and frequently went outside for a fag!

Still feeling very low, seems worse at the weekends as not as busy. I want to reward myself for not smoking but can't think of anything I want ( think its part of the depression!). I'm not a girly girl and don't really enjoy pampering!, don't need anything for the home or clothes. I would love a holiday but haven't got quite enough for that yet, haha!

Mostly I want to stop feeling miserable. No amount of chocolate, deep breathing, cuddles or fresh air seems to help. I keep trying to motivate myself and think of the health benefits. Hopefully things will get better soon.

Ah Lj, sorry you are still feeling rough, if there's nothing you need let the money grow in your bank and aim for that holiday, it will keep you going and it's a good the meantime treat yourself by reading,relaxing watching films all day etc, just try and have some me time... Have you started your tablets now? X

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

I think Lostie's ideas are good ones.

What about theatre tickets or similar?

nsd_user663_61455 profile image

Great idea!

Thank you for that idea! Buying something for my daughter is a wonderful idea. It's funny, I have been low all day as she has been out and I have had a lazy day watching films in the sofa, but as soon as she came home I was fine and haven't thought about smoking. She is definately my help to get me through this ( although obviously I don't want to burden her with everything).

So, I have booked tickets for us to go and see a show in London and will treat her to something nice too! That thought has made me smile, so once again thank you!

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