Day 11 - dopey but positive!!: Hiya!! Think... - No Smoking Day

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Day 11 - dopey but positive!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
24 Replies


Think the title sums me up at the mo, lol.

Somebody's replaced my brain with cotton wool 'cos I have a massive attack of the dopey and my sleeping pattern is shot to hell :eek::eek:

Was asleep on the sofa at just gone 8 last night, just like old times :p

The combination of vastly less nicotine and not going out for a fag in the ad breaks means a snoozy Gemma :eek::eek:

But that's me sorting myself out, and although I've got some nasty side effects I know it'll get better!!

Have now avoided 310 fags, am £127.71 richer and have not sucked 2.78 grams of tar into my lungs and I'll live 1 day, 5 hours and 50mins longer than if I still did my human chimney impression.

Now that puts it into context :eek::eek:

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done Gemma- onwards and upwards :)

And you don't sound dopey to me :):)

Doofus_Overload profile image

Hey Gemma-Lou,

I always look forward to reading about how much you have saved yourself, blimey thats a lot of tar not gone into your body there! Don't it feel great :) :D Up and at 'em!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma- onwards and upwards :)

And you don't sound dopey to me :):)

Aww thanks!!

Lol i do feel it but hey it'll pass :D :D

Hey Gemma-Lou,

I always look forward to reading about how much you have saved yourself, blimey thats a lot of tar not gone into your body there! Don't it feel great :) :D Up and at 'em!

Hiya!! Thankyou :D

Lol it'so ne of the things that keeps me going 'cos it was sooo expensive, ym card statement was a nightmare :eek:

Ooh and yes, always thought because they were lights and all that it wasn't much but to be that much tar in 11 days is scary :eek:

Am looking forward to the cough really kicking in so i can get it out of me!!

It's sooo good not being a slave any more!!

Oooh and I love cheese on toast too, have you tried it with bacon underneath?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Looking good petal, looking good!:D

Hey, given that half the forum is struggling to sleep be grateful you're a snoozy girl! Just you make sure that when you do wake up and realise you've had a cheeky nap, get your butt off that sofa and into bed - you know it'll muck up your neck if you get back into that bad habit!


Lol i really shouldn't moan i know but it's so not like me :eek::eek:

And I get so cosy under my lovely fleecy blanket too, but yes I've got to watch out or my neck will be getting revenge on me!!

Loving how much cash you're saving hon, I know it tends to get lost in the mix but if you can't stick all the money you would've been spending on fags in a pot/savings account/wherever, why not just stash the cost of your double pack (£16 odd wasn't it?). If you could manage to do that for your first year of fag freedom you'd have over £800 to celebrate your entry into the Penthouse!

It's fab isn't it? :D :D

lol for "lost in the mix" you mean "blown on pink sparkly things, clothes, shoes and bags" don't you? :p

Yeah it was £16.50 for a double pack - wish I'd never have got into buying them that way or I'd probably not have smoked so many :( but it was "cheaper" (yeah right)

But yeah I should save some for bigger treats and celebrations :cool::cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh ick

One of the girls made me a coffee YAY but it tastes like and smells like fags BOO

Am I going round the loop?

Spanishverbs profile image

I have just had coffee and I am not sure I like it anymore, not instant anyway.

You are doing so well and it is great to see how much you save. Know what you mean about the fag in the adverts, that was my time too.

Sadly I know think what can I have to eat and that has to stop

Have a good day xxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I have just had coffee and I am not sure I like it anymore, not instant anyway.

You are doing so well and it is great to see how much you save. Know what you mean about the fag in the adverts, that was my time too.

Sadly I know think what can I have to eat and that has to stop

Have a good day xxxx

Aww thanks!!

Isn't it odd how tastes change? my last quit I hated carrots, the one before it was lager, not sure what it'll be this time!!

You're doing fab too you know!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

This is the new you Gemma,moulded into the right shape and slowly setting hard :D:D so rigidly hold onto this quit while the new mould sets,or else you will have something less than perfect in the end!

And for us,keep gripping onto a grim determination to resist any thoughts of filthy fags,because you will soon enough feel the glory when it starts to kick in!!!!:D:D XX

YAY!! Great isn't it? :D :D

Lol, shouldn't I scrape the mould off? :p

Oooh and I'm not going to mess about this time, am sticking with the patches (literally, lol) for the course, maybe a bit longer? We'll see but this has to be the one!!

It's odd, 'cos i crave a fag, want to get back to normal like you do but I don't *want* a fag, I guess because I made myself smoke when it was minging, it's finally got rid of the idea that I liked it?

Used to love it but not any more - and that is huge progress for me :D :D


Doofus_Overload profile image

Oooh and I love cheese on toast too, have you tried it with bacon underneath?

Oh boy yeah! although i've not had it with bacon underneath in flippin ages, i'm drooling so much I now know what i'm having for breakfast on Saturday :D mmmmmmmm!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh boy yeah! although i've not had it with bacon underneath in flippin ages, i'm drooling so much I now know what i'm having for breakfast on Saturday :D mmmmmmmm!!

it's gorgeous!!

One of my treats when I'm feeling pooey and it's sooo yummy

Oooh and with some chopped onion in too, really nice :D

Doofus_Overload profile image

Oooh and with some chopped onion in too, really nice

Stop it! you're going to make me leave work and rush home so I can make this lovely sounding snack in a minute! :D

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

What can I say Gemma, you're a different lady to the one that posted just a few short days ago and it is just fantastic to see :D

Keep it up, you've no need to ever look back now :)

Still really proud of you x

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Dopey but positive mk 2

Gemma your posts make me smile :D

I too am on day10 and know what you mean about wanting a cig and not wanting one.

I'm sort of craving and missing something but the actual though of smoking and inhaling black tar and smoke into my lungs now is repugnant...yuk!!!

Really glad I'm feeling that way and long may it continue.

Day 10.... Wow...looking back it's gone so fast really and can't remember any really terrible times.Im still here,nothing horrible has happened as a result of stopping".......:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Stop it! you're going to make me leave work and rush home so I can make this lovely sounding snack in a minute! :D

Lol, sorry!!

You can always blame me :p

What can I say Gemma, you're a different lady to the one that posted just a few short days ago and it is just fantastic to see :D

Keep it up, you've no need to ever look back now :)

Still really proud of you x

Aww thanks hun!!

I do feel totally different, it's amazing!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma your posts make me smile :D

I too am on day10 and know what you mean about wanting a cig and not wanting one.

I'm sort of craving and missing something but the actual though of smoking and inhaling black tar and smoke into my lungs now is repugnant...yuk!!!

Really glad I'm feeling that way and long may it continue.

Day 10.... Wow...looking back it's gone so fast really and can't remember any really terrible times.Im still here,nothing horrible has happened as a result of stopping".......:D

Aww thanks :D :D

Yeah it' a really odd feeling but we'll get there and hell smoking is foul!!

Don't know about you but it seems sooo long since my last fag and it's sooo good to have stopped :)

nsd_user663_61248 profile image


Think the title sums me up at the mo, lol.

Somebody's replaced my brain with cotton wool 'cos I have a massive attack of the dopey and my sleeping pattern is shot to hell :eek::eek:

Was asleep on the sofa at just gone 8 last night, just like old times :p

The combination of vastly less nicotine and not going out for a fag in the ad breaks means a snoozy Gemma :eek::eek:

But that's me sorting myself out, and although I've got some nasty side effects I know it'll get better!!

Have now avoided 310 fags, am £127.71 richer and have not sucked 2.78 grams of tar into my lungs and I'll live 1 day, 5 hours and 50mins longer than if I still did my human chimney impression.

Now that puts it into context :eek::eek:

Well done Gemma on day 11!!

As I am sure you know the fuzzy head is just part of the process and will pass. Last time I quit, I honestly thought I was going mental, this time not so much (luckily).

My sleeping pattern is all to pot, I just cant sleep at all, which makes for a grumpy Jim, but again I guess it is all part of the process. Makes you realise just how toxic fags are that they can effect you so much.

Great going on the money side, really stunning how much cash we used to spend on fags, just can't really get my head around where it came from! I hope you are saving up for something good :)

Keep on going Gemma, you will nail it :)

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Oops day 11

Meant to say day 11..... Losing count now lol.

Yes seems ages since my last cig,can't wait to be a couple of mths down the line though:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma on day 11!!

As I am sure you know the fuzzy head is just part of the process and will pass. Last time I quit, I honestly thought I was going mental, this time not so much (luckily).

My sleeping pattern is all to pot, I just cant sleep at all, which makes for a grumpy Jim, but again I guess it is all part of the process. Makes you realise just how toxic fags are that they can effect you so much.

Great going on the money side, really stunning how much cash we used to spend on fags, just can't really get my head around where it came from! I hope you are saving up for something good :)

Keep on going Gemma, you will nail it :)

Aww thanks!!

Yeah the fuzziness is one of those things - had it last time except i felt kind of high at the time as well :confused: odd but hey it passes!! Lol and yeah it does feel like you're going round the loop :eek:

Sorry you can't sleep, it's miserable isn't it? Am the opposite at the mo, but I shouldn't complain!!

If you have a look on amazon or eBay, you can get Avon Sleeptherapy, it's aromatherapy stuff that sort of closes your mind down, was hopeless back when I smoked but now it's fab!! (even though i don't really need it now, how's that for irony?)

They do a cream and a pillow spray :)

Honestly, the money is frightening!! Used to be able to say it was the price of a sarnie and coffee years ago when I was a light smoker but it was like £12 a day, just up in smoke :eek: but yeah we didn't think twice usually, same as food - what a waste!!

Ooh I'm going to have a huge shopping splurge, 'cos I really missed that lol.

You're doing fab too, keep blazing the trail for us :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Meant to say day 11..... Losing count now lol.

Yes seems ages since my last cig,can't wait to be a couple of mths down the line though:)

It's fab isn't it?

Seems odd to me that I used to stand out in all kinds smoking and thinking I liked it :confused:

But it won't be long now until we're totally free :D :D

Gem it could be worse you could be dopey all the time like me lol. So pleased you are skipping thru your quit its lovely to watch. Keep chomping that gum girlie its obviously working xx

Oh LOL!! :p

It's goign way better than I thought hun, and that's fab - hope it carries on going like that!!

You're doing really fab too xx

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Gemma,

I also feel a bit dizzy today:(

Iv just posted a new thread in week 2

and it should of been in week 3 lol:)

Im in trouble:cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma,

I also feel a bit dizzy today:(

Iv just posted a new thread in week 2

and it should of been in week 3 lol:)

Im in trouble:cool:

LOL I think they'll forgive you :p

We should join the dippy quitters' club lol

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I am going to sleep sooo early tonight :eek::eek:

Combination of quitting and the tongue ulcers it's given me :eek::eek:

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Good work Gemma :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good work Gemma :D

Thanks hun, nearly at 2 weeks now!!

Not what you're looking for?