Hey all,
Since I've started my battle against the nicotene monster I have beaten him in:
That stressful time at work where everything went wrong.
The boring time at work where I didn't have much to do (that I wanted to do at least)
The fight with the oh (It had nothing to do with witbdrawel symptoms... He was just really annoying at about day 3 of my escape. Luckily he is back to normal now :))
The sad day where I spend most of my time trying not to cry.
My happy day going out with my oh and friends.
Tonight I'm facing one of my biggest challenges up to date: My "me" day.
The oh is going away for a business trip so I get to do whatever I want when I want. I love these days. (This sounds horrible. I love my oh and love spending time with him. But I also love the days that I'm on my own. They are special because they are rare.)
I know the monster is going to be out in full force tonight trying to convince me that I should have "just one cigarette" since it won't make a difference and nobody will know. Luckily I am prepared and armed to the teeth with:
Knowledge. If I smoke one cigarette I go back to square 1.
Knowledge: I don't want to smoke and I don't have to smoke.
A good book (the emperor's soul - brandon sanderson)
I don't think he stands much of a chance. Looking forward to an amazingly relaxing me night.