Help for serial quitter: Hi all, this is a... - No Smoking Day

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Help for serial quitter

nsd_user663_2681 profile image
4 Replies

Hi all, this is a post about one of the forums members Nikki Gargin ( think I have spelt that right?) I hope she doesn't mind me writing this but it's all positive, promise :)

As some of u will know I am a frequent visitor to this site with several attempted and failed quits under my belt, I noticed on some posts there was another member like me, That member is Nikki.

I stayed up really late last night and decided to read some of Nikkis posts, I started from the beginning and became so engrossed I ended up at her most recent posts!

Just like me and others on here I am sure, she tried every method going but whether after 2 days or 2 weeks that swine nic O'Tine pulled her back in.

I resonated with all of her posts and found myself rooting for her and willing her on, her sheer determination was wonderful yes there were bad days, really bad days as I'm sure we have all suffered but as I got nearer to the current posts she was winning, really winning and talking about it being wonderful and brilliant the best thing she ever did which is a far cry from the early days.

This has given me so much positivity that someone who has tried so many times has kept on trying and now she is succeeding, over 10 weeks quit, not a single puff or blip or slip even over the Christmas period where I and a lot of others failed.

So just want to say if u are a serial quitter, or a newbie for that matter and you're struggling I would really recommend having a look at Nikkis posts they are really inspiring and I mean that, as the saying goes " Everyone wants happiness, nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain"

Keep up the good work and posts Nikki, you are awesome! Xxxx

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
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4 Replies
nsd_user663_48218 profile image

I would echo your sentiments Donna. Nikki is an inspiration to many people and I would suggest that those who feel like giving up on their quit read her past posts and see what she went through, and the incredibly happy person she is now - I'm sure she won't mind me saying that she did doubt that she would ever be free and now she is powering through life as a non smoker. Keep up the good, inspirational work Nikki! This praise is very much deserved!!!!!

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

I agree folks, can relate to Nikki so much and it's a great inspiration seeing how far she has come now!

Go Nikki :-)

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

OMG wow!!! thank you so much I am shocked to be honest and very touched by this :) I always felt like abit of a pleb posting about my trials and tribulations lol but im glad i did now if it is now helping people!

I think alot of people know me as one of the biggest serial quitters going (even mum wanted me to just smoke and be happy) so I know that Donna and Mrs Mash you will defo do this! I know you ladies have struggled over the last year as well! but it only takes one time :D

Mark you have been an inspiration for me! we quit last time at the same time and i remember how quick you got back on the horse. When i came back i checked to see how you were getting on and it really made me feel that you can have a blip and have the courage to really carry on :D

Max's prep talks really helped me as well :D lol that man has the patience of a saint! a lot of the longer quitters on here really egged me on actually. reading there 1 year posts and knowing it would get better.

I really am touched by this Donna and im very happy I was able to help you in the process :) xxxx

__steve__ profile image


I'm late to this party (only joined on Monday!)...but am catching up on your story.

Sounds like you're an inspiration to many, so brilliant to hear things are going so well!!



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