8 (almost 9) weeks!: I remember posting here... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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8 (almost 9) weeks!

nsd_user663_60406 profile image
7 Replies

I remember posting here on during the first few weeks and I am astounded that I have made it this far. By no means have my demons gone completely, but I still don't want to smoke.

Yesterday my aunt came round and left her cigarette packet on the counter. The strangest feeling ever came over me - I just wanted to dive over and grab them. Obviously I didn't, but I wanted to. So it proves I still haven't beat this yet. I will though.

A part of me still really misses smoking and always will. It was my social safety net. The feeling of all going outside for a fag after a few bevvies. That's in my past now though. We don't need to smoke. People who have never smoked manage to enjoy themselves without a cig and so can I.

One day smoking will be a faint distant memory of mine, I hope. :rolleyes:

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nsd_user663_60406 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Well done Lewis, it's amazing the grip that demon has on us isn't it? I've approached this with the attitude that I am an addict and always will be but I don't have to feed the addiction. You're philosophy is spot on, you do not need to smoke, you are still you without a ciggie to back you up - Good Luck ;)

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

Well Done Lewis!! Im not far behind you :)

Its true, we dont need to smoke....in fact I think if we thought about it fully, we are all much happier without them!!

Keep strong and stay positive!

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Fantastic post Lewis, and yes smoking WILL become a distant memory and yes you can enjoy yourself without smoking I promise you:) Keep going you are doing brilliantly!:)

nsd_user663_60406 profile image

Thank you all! I doubt that I'd still be here without this forum and your support.

Last night I and a friend (we both quit together) almost broke and went to buy a packet of cigarettes. Thankfully we didn't. I had had a lot (what an understatement) to drink and cannot even remember getting home, but I would remember smoking. I'd have awoken with that disgusting taste in my mouth.

This goes to show that none of us are safe, especially under the influence of nicotine's best friend - alcohol. I am grateful that it didn't happen this time, but what about the next. Maybe I should stop drinking too? :eek:

If anybody is in the early stages of a quit, I highly recommend not drinking. See how easily I went from being ultra positive when I made this post, to now, an almost failed quit. Be very careful.

nsd_user663_60406 profile image

Hit the nail on the head there Lewis - and that is exactly the reason why Im back here on week 6 now and going it CT. Getting drunk just lowers inhibition. Its when the 'ah shur one wont matter' creeps in and gets u. The cravings dont give up -- not for a second. Well done for not caving in though! that took strength!

Ive avoided pubs and clubs completely since beginning this quit, and ive no intention of going to any anytime soon. For me, theres too much association between a pint and a smoke in the smoking area - and if im sat alone or friends are gone to the bar, i hate standing there on my own so its usually hit the smoking room and chat to whoever. I dont think im ready to face that as a non smoker just yet; and like all things, if a situation can be averted, then so be it.

What i do now is just have a few glasses of wine at home with the television and then head to bed. And for some reason, the alcohol hits me a lot faster or stronger than it used before (when i smoked). So one bottle and Im literally done. Before I could drink a lot more - then head out and drink more and more - God knows how i used make it home in one piece. That kind of lifestyle isnt good for anyone - so avoiding it for a while is probably not a bad idea. Or at least, drink less cos your body is adjusting to not smoking - like increased appetite, smoking must also have some impact on alcohol absorption or something. Just be careful till a few months down the road. Last thing you want is to fail after 9 weeks!

Yeah, it would suck to have to go back to day 1. I was so thankful that I didn't smoke the next day. Me and a friend at the time thought it was hilarious and was going to become 'secret smokers' saying things like 'F*** it, we only live once! Lets smoke! For some reason, we didn't and I am so glad.

It's funny you mention that, because I can't seem to handle my drink either lately. I am an absolute mess after a night out and I really hate that feeling, especially the morning after - full of regrets and feeling awful. I would love to stop drinking all together, but I go out 'for a couple' and end up having 10. :o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yeah, it would suck to have to go back to day 1. I was so thankful that I didn't smoke the next day. Me and a friend at the time thought it was hilarious and was going to become 'secret smokers' saying things like 'F*** it, we only live once! Lets smoke! For some reason, we didn't and I am so glad.

Am really glad you came through it Lewis, it's because you only live once you shouldn't smoke!!

Do be careful when you're drinking, booe (as you saw) makes fags look a lot more attractive than they are and it lowers yout inhibitions too.

It's funny you mention that, because I can't seem to handle my drink either lately. I am an absolute mess after a night out and I really hate that feeling, especially the morning after - full of regrets and feeling awful.

That's odd 'cos I'm the opposite!!

When I was quit, I didn't have hangovers (as much) and having a fag when I've been drinking makes me drunker, I do a great impression of Bambi for some reason. :o

Pop a water bottle with a sports cap next to your bed and drink plenty before you to to sleep - should take the edge off your hangover :)

I would love to stop drinking all together, but I go out 'for a couple' and end up having 10. :o

You'd be amazed how little you miss it if you do stop :)

When I was dieting, I didn't drink from April (I think) until Christmas and didn't miss it at all!! Odd from someone who seems utterly unable to quit the fags :/

nsd_user663_60406 profile image

Quitting drinking is certainly on my health/lifestyle to-do list. I'm not one who goes out every night of the week, but when I do, I really go for it. It's not pretty.

I seem to have got to a point (at only 20) where my body can't take the booze anymore. The days after I drink, my skin is awful, eyes bloodshot and I just don't seem to recover as fast as I did when I was 18...I could easily start drinking again the next day back then.

Drinking (if not managed sensibly) can just be as damaging as smoking. I have learnt that I can't just 'have a couple'...I get trollied. It needs to stop! :rolleyes:

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