Struggling a little...: This is poo!!! More... - No Smoking Day

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Struggling a little...

nsd_user663_57259 profile image
19 Replies

This is poo!!! More than 6 months since I had a smelly ciggie and around 3 weeks since I had a puff on my e cig and I'm craving like mad!!!!!!! It's driving me up the wall today! Haven't thought about a ciggie for days but I'm obsessed today!!!! Anyone else had this 3 weeks after coming off any type of NRT. I'm guessing its just cos the nicotine is finally gone and its just trying to trick me. Any idea how long this lasts?????


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nsd_user663_57259 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image



Do anything, anything but don't be an idiot like me and lose your quit, PLEASE!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hey you

Don't worry I'm not going to smoke - I'm just finding it hard. Weirdly I have no desire for a cigarette but I'm fantasising about my e cig!!!! I didn't even use it more than a few times a day!!!!

I'm so sorry you lost your quit but I'm sure you will be back when you are ready. Are you "enjoying" smoking or are you regretting it? You can be completely honest - I'm not tempted in the slightest to go back so it won't affect me - I'm just curious.

Sending hugs

Sarah xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank goodness for that!!

Our brains are weird aren't they?

I'll drop you a PM when I can do it without setting myself off :o


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I suppose this is one of the first times I have had a crave without being able to use my e cig to get rid of it. I don't want to use the e cig as I would really like to be completely free. I may put a nicotine free cartridge in later if this doesn't subside and see if that helps!!! BUT I WILL


Thanks guys for the advice!!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

It happened to me when I came off the patches. Craved like mad but it subsided after a couple of weeks. I'm sure you will make it through, you have got a great track record of willpower.

Thanks John! I look forward to it subsiding!!!

Well done on your quit!!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks Karri. I did have a very low dose of nicotine in my e cig so I think you are right. It's like I am at the 3 week stage of a cold turkey quitter. I will try hang in there rather than go back to the e cig.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Sarah, I can't add anything other than I hope things improve for you quickly and hang in there. You've been so strong and I'm sure you'll continue to be strong :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Karri. I did have a very low dose of nicotine in my e cig so I think you are right. It's like I am at the 3 week stage of a cold turkey quitter. I will try hang in there rather than go back to the e cig.

I'm sure the use (overuse) of the e-fag contributed to my failure so I'm really glad to hear that Sarah!!

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

I have found a good method - just don't breath. Our 2 year old grandson's been bunged up for a week and today, because we are babysitting, he has had 3 poos. Wow it's enough to strip the paint off the walls. I am gagging and he is in the other room hiding under the table pooing into his nappy. Not finished yet by far. Must hold breath!!!!!!!:eek::eek:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi Sarah,

How are you doing? :) Feeling a little better, I hope.

It can be so frustrating at times. You're skipping happily along and then suddenly BAM!! A full on craving will hit you in the face.

I found that, when this happened, reverting back to the beginning of my quit was the best thing to do. Take each day a minute at a time and think nice thoughts. Drink water, go for a walk, read a book, eat until you're ready to bust. Any tricks that worked for you before will help now :)

Remember that this will pass! DO NOT allow even a sniff of nicotine back into your system. You will regret it, I promise! You are doing remarkably well, remember that :D

Just hang in there and you'll feel better tomorrow. Even if your cravings last a couple of days, the strength you feel each time you say no (shout it, if you need to ;)) increases all the more.


nsd_user663_40237 profile image

Hi Sara,

I'm at 16 weeks quit cold turkey and if I remember correctly, I still had some strong cravings through about 6 weeks, then they subsided significantly.

Unfortunately nicotine withdrawal is what it is and you just have to be patient and let it take it's course. Time moves at the same speed no matter what so try not to think about it too much and get on with your nicotine free life!

nsd_user663_58817 profile image

Hi Sarah,

Routing for you and this has brought back memories early on in my quit.

Do you bake ? Can you not back the nicest fattiest cake you know how....take a few days then scoff the lot !!! That will make you think about food rather than nicotine ?

We are almost identical in our time frames...stay with me ok !

...sending hugs and sprinkling some magic dust your way :)


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks everyone - you really are such lovely people! I'm still plodding on ignoring the cravings - going back to my early days solutions ie lots of still water, sweets etc. really thought I would be past this phase for good now but I guess it's the nicotine withdrawal from the e cig. I have been making a yummy curry this afternoon and eating that yummy chocolate with jelly beans and popping candy in.

Woo I don't bake as a rule as I'm rubbish!!! But I will be baking tomorrow as I'm helping cater for a party!! So will see how that goes.

Dicko - thx for that unusual advice!!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok!!!!

nsd_user663_58817 profile image

Glad to hear Sarah.....let us know how you are tomorrow ok ! x

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Max - thx for your comments. I can assure you there is no way I would be smoking a ciggie now or in the near future as I don't feel like one at all. It's weird but I'm not craving a ciggie - just nicotine in any form. Even a nicotine gum sounds appealing right now but I don't want a cigarette. Isn't that a bit weird? Actually the cravings seem to have mellowed a bit now so I'm hoping Nic will leave me alone again now.

So far the e cig has stayed in the drawer - I am determined it will stay there!!!

Gemma Lou - I AM GOING TO TRY LEARN FROM YOUR UNFORTUNATE BLIP. E cigs are fine as a temporary tool to wean off ciggies and nicotine but I think they have to be used in moderation and temporarily like any other NRT.


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Max - thx for your comments. I can assure you there is no way I would be smoking a ciggie now or in the near future as I don't feel like one at all. It's weird but I'm not craving a ciggie - just nicotine in any form. Even a nicotine gum sounds appealing right now but I don't want a cigarette. Isn't that a bit weird? Actually the cravings seem to have mellowed a bit now so I'm hoping Nic will leave me alone again now.

So far the e cig has stayed in the drawer - I am determined it will stay there!!!

Gemma Lou - I AM GOING TO TRY LEARN FROM YOUR UNFORTUNATE BLIP. E cigs are fine as a temporary tool to wean off ciggies and nicotine but I think they have to be used in moderation and temporarily like any other NRT.


Well done sweetie :) Keep that e-cig firmly in the drawer and enjoy a nice, relaxing evening! We're travelling on the penthouse express tonight. I'm hoping for a trip to LA ;) xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma Lou - I AM GOING TO TRY LEARN FROM YOUR UNFORTUNATE BLIP. E cigs are fine as a temporary tool to wean off ciggies and nicotine but I think they have to be used in moderation and temporarily like any other NRT.


Now that makes me happy :)

If my mistake means other people don't make it then some good will have come out of it!!

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

You know what, there are many studies into how long it takes for a smoker to adjust to the absence of nicotine, which focus on the brain's receptors changing state and all that jazz. I even have pics but they're not very exciting :o but my view (and only from experience) is that a few weeks, around six from the point of no nicotine should do it.

Sarah, you should really be proud that you're dealing with the last obstacle here and after this one it gets easier - just your luverly non-smoking brain getting used to a bit of re-balancing on your shoulders :D and if anyone's baking cakes tonight that don't involve cobwebs and spiders I'm so there!!!!! :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

You know what, there are many studies into how long it takes for a smoker to adjust to the absence of nicotine, which focus on the brain's receptors changing state and all that jazz. I even have pics but they're not very exciting :o but my view (and only from experience) is that a few weeks, around six from the point of no nicotine should do it.

Sarah, you should really be proud that you're dealing with the last obstacle here and after this one it gets easier - just your luverly non-smoking brain getting used to a bit of re-balancing on your shoulders :D and if anyone's baking cakes tonight that don't involve cobwebs and spiders I'm so there!!!!! :)

Thanks - I am proud of where I have got to I just need to apply more willpower than I have had to apply to date!!!

No cakes being baked in this house tonight I'm afraid!!!!

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