I will beat this stinking nicotine monster. - No Smoking Day

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I will beat this stinking nicotine monster.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image
6 Replies

Hello, I've just joined up here! I've wittered on in the "introduce yourself here" thread, but basically I have a quit date of Friday 30th August and am on day 4 of Champix.

I absolutely must stop the fags as I am struggling to afford them.....it's costing me almost £45 per week (:mad:) and I simply cannot afford it any more.

The lovely people on this forum are so supportive and encouraging. Reading other peoples' journeys and successes gives me a real boost and I really hope that I can be as supportive of others, in return!

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nsd_user663_59642 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_59642 profile image

The more I delve into this forum, the more I wish I was beyond the "planning" stage! It would be good to be really on the journey, such as being on Day 1 or 2, but my quit day is Friday 30th and I don't know if it would be wise to change it. Perhaps I should get a few more Champix days under my belt?

Really, there's a bit of me that is still scared of letting go of the fags, although why I should be scared of letting go of that evil little monster who wants to kill me, I really don't know..........:confused:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hiya Noggin :)

I didn't do Champix so don't know that much about it - know both Max and Kat did and had great success on it though.

From what I do know, some people stop before their quit date and do fine, it's perfectly fine to be scared, Allen Carr said it's only fear that keeps us smoking and he's right. On my patches I worried how I'd cope with various things without my "friend" but hey I've gone 8 and a half months without putting a fag in my mouth now :D We train ourselves, bizarrely, that sucking in god knows how many carcinogens plus a pesticide is helping us, makes us cope, feel better blah blah but we don't need to!!

If a Champix quitter says differently, obviously go with what they say over me *but* why don't you give it a go? If you find you're not ready yet then OK hang on until the Champix has done it's thing, but you've not got anything to lose? You're sounding enthusiastic so good luck!! :) Give it your best shot, but don't be discouraged if you do need a couple of days more on the tablets!!

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks Gemma-lou and well done on 8 and a half months. I can only dream of such an achievement at the moment!

On thinking about it again, I will stick with my quit day of Friday as it will give me time to work out some strategies for coping, although I have every confidence that the Champix will work. I know it takes commitment as well and there will be no excuses, but I am going to stick with Friday. Friday actually can't come soon enough....I'm sort of looking forward to it, just got to get as much ammunition lined up as possible and then it's all-out war between me and him........he ain't going to know what's hit him.:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Gemma-lou and well done on 8 and a half months. I can only dream of such an achievement at the moment!

On thinking about it again, I will stick with my quit day of Friday as it will give me time to work out some strategies for coping, although I have every confidence that the Champix will work. I know it takes commitment as well and there will be no excuses, but I am going to stick with Friday. Friday actually can't come soon enough....I'm sort of looking forward to it, just got to get as much ammunition lined up as possible and then it's all-out war between me and him........he ain't going to know what's hit him.:D

You're very welcome and thank you :) Know everyone says it, but seriously, if I can stop anyone can 'cos i have no willpower and up until just before stopping, I loved smoking too :rolleyes::(

You must do whatever you feel happiest doing, there isn't a wrong way to stop smoking!! TBH, I wish I'd taken some time to prepare before stopping so you're doing the right thing getting everything ready :)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks, Max!

I start two blue tablets tomorrow and I hope that they will reinforce what has happened so far, which is having lost the deperate need for a fag. I have so many wobbles. If some people take 5/6 weeks or more of Champix before they quit, I find myself wondering whether or not I did the right thing in fixing my quit date so early on, but on the other hand, I can see the dithering for what it is.......I'm looking for excuses to delay my quit day so that I can go on smoking!

Note to self.......stop making excuses. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks, debbie, I'm so glad that the Champix worked for you, well done!

It's funny that you say about Champix being like magic, because that's exactly how I think of it! It will work, I know it. I needed something to switch off the desperate need to have a fag in the first place, and it really seemed to work straight away. It didn't completely wipe out the deisre, but it took the edge off it.

Tomorrow I start on two blue ones a day, so I'm expecting not to really be wanting one too badly.

I am also going to make a promise on here on Thursday evening......that I will not have a fag on Friday, my quit day. People have been so supportive and friendly that I could not bear to let them down. I'm actually more concerned about letting people on here down than about letting myself down!

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