Hello! My name is noggin and....... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hello! My name is noggin and.......

nsd_user663_59642 profile image
10 Replies

.........I'm starting my journey to be free of blasted, stinking, expensive, stupid cigarettes.

40 wasted years of smoking. How much money have I wasted? Thousands upon thousands of pounds. I have to wear clothes and shoes until they are worn out as I don't have the money to replace them. No holidays. Food....well, I try to eat healthily but still am on a very tight budget.

It's the money, that is what it is; I have to be honest with myself or it won't work. I could say that I will stop because of health issues, but I would not be being honest with myself.

I started on Champix the other day, today is day 4 so I'll be taking two today. My quit day is Friday 30th August. I have also invested in Allan Carr's dvd, so I know my enemy........that nasty little monster who I unknowingly invited in 40 years ago. It's high time he slung his hook!

The wonderful people on this forum are so supportive of each other and I feel better for just having read all of the lovely messages of encouragement and support that you give to each other. I hope that I can be as supportive of others too.

So, I have 6 more days of preparation until my quit date, fully expecting to be taking them for the whole 12 weeks!

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nsd_user663_59642 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_54305 profile image


Welcome to the forum! I also went the Champix route and obviously you'll read the tales of many others on this forum who did the same. It's a marvellous drug but it can have some very nasty side effects - but so worth sticking with.

You'll read the stories of many Champix users who stopped using the drug well before the end of the twelve week course - obviously none of us are in a position to offer qualified advice, but from my own experience you just 'know' when it has worked its magic - hard to describe really, for me it was like flicking a switch in my head.

It still requires a one hundred percent commitment, but makes the physical side of breaking free so much easier.

I look forward to reading your posts as you continue on this liberating journey, and always remember there is wealth of support on these pages:D:D

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


Hi Noggin

welcome to this wonderful place :) and look forward to reading your updates

its scary when you think about how much you have spent and for how long you were a slave to smelly disgusting addictive ciggies :eek:

the road to freedom is amazing there are so many positives

and also you will find more pluses to quitting besides the money side

also try and save the money you would have spent so you can treat yourself :)

onwards and upwards is the only way to go



nsd_user663_59642 profile image

AnEggIsAnEgg, carol and Max............a really huge THANK YOU for your encouraging and kind posts.

It really is amazing how supportive this forum is and how it really does work. To know that people really do care about others who are fighting this self-inflicted battle certainly gives me the strength to win (and I've barely started yet).

There is no judgement here and that is good, because we all know that smoking is stupid, unhealthy, unpleasant and ruinously expensive....we certainly don't need telling that. My poor bank account is only too well aware of one aspect of it. :mad:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It really is amazing how supportive this forum is and how it really does work. To know that people really do care about others who are fighting this self-inflicted battle certainly gives me the strength to win (and I've barely started yet).

Welcome Noggin!! :)

The really good thing about this place is how much people care - and it's really supportive too!!

What surprised me was that although it would hardly surprise my family and friends if I failed - and I wouldn't have a problem telling them either - the people on here expect me to succeed and I'd find it hard to admit it if I'd started smoking again. It's brilliant :D

nsd_user663_19503 profile image

Hi and welcome to this wonderful forum. I quit 6 months ago today after over 40 years of wasted time and money and like you money (or lack of it) was my reason for quitting. It's not been an easy journey especially in those early days and weeks, but I am healthier and a darn sight richer. This forum will help you along, I know I wouldn't be celebrating 6 months smoke free without the support of the great folks on here. It does get easier I promise.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Gemma-lou, thank you! I know exactly what you mean. Although I have not quit yet (Friday is the day) I would feel so awful if I failed in my attempt after all of the kindness and caring-ness that people on this fab forum have shown to me. I would feel like the most ungrateful pig who would be totally undeserving of the support and caring of such fine folk!

I know it sounds a bit melodramatic, but it's all very true and anyway, I am a teensy weensy bit of a drama queen. :D

Rex1000 profile image

A wonderful decision

Welcome Noggin I used the Champix route, and today is day 37 of being a non-smoker after smoking for 51 years. I am still taking the Champix and I intend to complete the course, apparently some people have bad side effects while using Champix, well I am happy to say I haven't had any at all I am one of the lucky ones! I hope you are too. Good luck

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

jeannie...well done on 6 months. I take my hat off to you!

There are similarities between you and I......both smoked for 40 years (that sounds absolutely terrible :mad:) and it's the money aspect that drove you and is driving me. I hope that I can be as successful as you have been on the road to financial freedom and freedom from stinky old nicotine.

It seems so sensible and easy....stop smoking and you'll have an extra £45 per week. It's the difference between surviving and not surviving financially, but whilst it's very easy to say it, it is not so easy to do it.

Still, I have this brilliant place, my Champix, my Allen Carr dvd and an extra £45 per week.........failure should not be an option!

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Rex.....gosh, very well done to you! If you can do it after 51 years, I certainly should be able to after a mere 40. I am sooooo impressed, you give me hope!

The Champix have given me some heartburn and some vivid dreams, but that is all, which is a relief considering what I had read in the press some years ago. I had feared developing suicidal tendencies but thankfully that hasn't happened.

But, what is really good about them is that, even on just day 5, I am losing that desperate desire for a fag. Yes, I still want one and I will have one, but the desperation has gone.

Being desperate for a fag sounds really pathetic, doesn't it? Still, we must be honest with ourselves if we are to succeed, I suppose.

Thank you for your kind support!

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

I have to say this......I am totally blown away by how lovely everybody is here and I'm not ashamed to say that there are tears pricking into my eyes.

I know that I will quit the stupid things on Friday because if I didn't, it would be like I was throwing away all of the kindness that has been shown to me and I just couldn't do that.

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