Day 1 on champix - questions can you help? - No Smoking Day

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Day 1 on champix - questions can you help?

nsd_user663_40088 profile image
4 Replies

Hey, So i am on day one of starting the champix. I want this quit to be the final quit. I am ready, prepered and i know in my heart its what i truly want.

I quit on champix before but on day 4 so i had withdrawal but it was much easier granted.

I plan to do it properly this time, so quit between day 8-14 which will be at some point during the working week.

So my question is to those who have done it this way, at the day 8-14 mark did you get any cold turkey withdrawal cravings? or was it habbit cravings only? I can handle them ones at work but not the propa real deep empty cravings all the time like you get on cold turkey.

My plan is to have the 1mg am and pm for the first week quit and then go down to 0.5mg am and pm after, as i had abit of a bad experience last time but that was after drinking 30 units of alcohol (which i wont touch at all while on champix!)

To be honest this was a last resort just to get to destination and then stay quit from there. I dont want to take these tablets but if they work i am willing to have them for a month so im really keen to hear experiences from people xxxx

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4 Replies
nsd_user663_51711 profile image

I was on Champix and planned the stop date as advised, but over that first week I just completely lost all desire to smoke, so quit a few days before the day I had chosen.

The Champix was absolutely fantastic for losing any desire to smoke and keeping cravings away. I didn't even think about smoking.

I did suffer other side effects tho,things like tea tasting absolutely disgusting and the most terrible nausea, so I halved the dose and stopped taking it altogether after a few weeks as I could not cope with feeling so sick all the time.

I hope they work for you without any side effects and that you kick this habit. Good luck x

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

I was on Champix and planned the stop date as advised, but over that first week I just completely lost all desire to smoke, so quit a few days before the day I had chosen.

The Champix was absolutely fantastic for losing any desire to smoke and keeping cravings away. I didn't even think about smoking.

I did suffer other side effects tho,things like tea tasting absolutely disgusting and the most terrible nausea, so I halved the dose and stopped taking it altogether after a few weeks as I could not cope with feeling so sick all the time.

I hope they work for you without any side effects and that you kick this habit. Good luck x

thats amazing! do you remember what day you quit? im hoping by day 6 ill be ready which is friday! In my head i wanna quit now lol but my addiction doesnt yet. I know i could wait till i got some time off in sept to quit cold turkey but i am so keen to just stop thats why im using champix.

I didnt have sickness last time at all fortunately! Had amazing dreams tho so looking foward to tonight lol

Have you stayed quit since then? if so how long have you now gone? sounds like you didnt use champix long at all! x

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...I know i could wait till i got some time off in sept to quit cold turkey but i am so keen to just stop thats why im using champix.


You don't have to look too hard, or think too long; there is always an ideal excuse just waiting to be seized upon to convince yourself that now is not the right time, next week / next month would be better etc.

So well done on your decision that now is your time.

I think many of us who've gone the Champix route (I'd even go so far as to say most of us) have stopped taking the medication well before the recommended twelve weeks and many have reduced the dose before stopping altogether - but that's a decision that none of us is qualified to make for you so best to discuss the dose with your doctor.

My own experience is that Champix is great at taking away the physical side of quitting (i.e.the craves) but it doesn't quit smoking for you; it still has to be something you really want to achieve and you have to do a lot of thinking and reading to get your head in the right place.

You can't abstain from nicotine for 99.5% of the time, or even 99.9% of the time; it has to be nothing less than a 100% commitment - it's an all or nothing proposition, take one back, take them all back. You've been through this before which is empowering in that you've learned what went wrong last time and you'll know not to make the same mistakes again.


nsd_user663_40088 profile image

I want to quit really bad! A little update is that i have thrown the champix in the bin.

I was at work today and i am still smoking (day 2 of champix) and i feel like im enraged all the time!! honestly its weird i had to take my blood preasure when i got home because it feels at melting point and my pupils are huge! tbh i dont want to wait a week or two to find out if this improves ill probs lose my job.

I think it comes back to will power doesnt it. even with champix you need that will power to break the habbit. im gonna give it ago cold turkey at work, i dont know if ill be able to do it. but you dont know till you try is the thing aint it! xx

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