using the lozenges: Is anyone else on here... - No Smoking Day

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using the lozenges

nsd_user663_57653 profile image
11 Replies

Is anyone else on here using the lozenges?After doing alot of searching i have to wonder if they are right for me. The lozenges are giving me nicotine at a very low rate. I am now using about 7 a day at 4mg each. They work great at reducing my cravings for a cig however i don't want to become dependent on them. I have read where people continue to use them well past the recommended 12 weeks with some even using them for over a year. I have also read where The food and drug administration here in the usa who regulates these things are considering lifting the 12 week program because in their words their realizing that for some people it takes longer to be weened off nicotine. I just want to kick this stupid habit once and for all.

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nsd_user663_57653 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Russell :)

I couldn't use the lozenges 'cos they gave me a really raging sore throat :eek: but am using the gum which is kind of the same thing.

You have a very good point that you can get yourself hooked on them, it would be possible to if you kept using them at the same dose!!

What I'm doing if it helps is using 2mg gum - down from 4, and being tough with myself to have gum when i actually really need it (like can't take any more kind of need) rather than when I fancy it - or when I would have smoked a ciggie. Like after a meal I get a bit of a crave 'cos I always smoked afterwards so I don't have a piece then, but wait until I've had a drink or something :)

That's getting the amount of gum I'm using down, have only had a few bits today and it should make sure I'm weaning myself off nicotine!!

Don't stress too much about the NRT - obviously you want to get off it ASAP but it's better to use NRT for a bit longer than to rush it and end up back on the smokes!!

nsd_user663_57653 profile image

I went so far as to call the company. They told me that I wasn't using enough. At the time i was only using about 3 or 4 a day so i stepped it up to 6 or seven. I guess I don't want to go through all this work of quitting only to have to start all over again with weening my self off the lozenges.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I went so far as to call the company. They told me that I wasn't using enough. At the time i was only using about 3 or 4 a day so i stepped it up to 6 or seven. I guess I don't want to go through all this work of quitting only to have to start all over again with weening my self off the lozenges.

That's odd!!

It says on the leaflet in with my gum:

"One gum as equired to relieve cravings" and not to use more than 15 bits in a day but it doesn't say you should use a certain amount of gum!!

Tbh, I'd just take one when you feel the need, rather than because you're trying to suck a certain number.

nsd_user663_57653 profile image

That's odd!!

It says on the leaflet in with my gum:

"One gum as equired to relieve cravings" and not to use more than 15 bits in a day but it doesn't say you should use a certain amount of gum!!

Tbh, I'd just take one when you feel the need, rather than because you're trying to suck a certain number.

The lozenges may be a bit different. They say to start out with a minimum of 9 but not to exceed 20

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The lozenges may be a bit different. They say to start out with a minimum of 9 but not to exceed 20

Could be :)

Are they the full size ones or the mini ones? 'cos 9 lozenges would take ages to suck if they were like the ones I had!!

nsd_user663_57653 profile image

They are the big ones.

Unah profile image

I used the 1.5mg lozenges and after a few days I halved them. I only took them when I needed them. I never ever took as many as 7 in a day.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

They are the big ones.

Think I used 3 or 4 of the 4mg ones? Can't remember exactly 'cos it was around Christmas - and while I was on patches too definitely didn't need any more than that!!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Welcome to the Forum. I would like to wish you all the strength in the world as you continue in this quit smoking journey.

Fi x

nsd_user663_57531 profile image

Taking lozenges

I am on day 31 of my quit using the 4mg large lozenges. I have patches too but have only used 2 of them - I find the lozenges enough on their own. I take one when I feel the need. Some days quite a few - some days very few. I use boiled sweets instead sometimes. I have had withdrawal symptoms - mouth ulcers, nightmares, sleeplessness, loss of `umph` and one tantrum, but I don`t actually want a cigarette. Its just a sense of being a bit lost (former chain smoker). Don`t take more than you need to get you through - but take enough to stop you having a cigarette - its a very individual thing. I`m in a state of shock that I`ve got this far - 44 years and I don`t want one!! I`m planning to cut down to the 2mg from next Thursday so we`ll see if that makes a difference to how `easy` I think this is! I`m so pleased that I don`t want to smoke that I don`t care what else I have to put up with!!

nsd_user663_57653 profile image

It's nice to hear that other people are using the lozenges with success. I think that after a month i will cut down to the 2mg and see how that goes.

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