day 13!! , oh i am sooo proud of that egotistical?..scrap that i dont care if it is wooo *happy dance*
now the serious face stuffs :cool:
the urges for cigs has gone completely, the odd thing is im not sure exactly when it did go :S i just all of a sudden noticed i wasnt screeching and climbing the walls anymore..which helps mr bojangle...hes feeling much better now im not throwing things at him anymore.
my chest seem alot better , less coughing just the occasional bit of brown icky phlegm .(bleugh) odd pains in my chest at the back..maybe my lungs? not sure.
oh and i accidently started using decaf teabags yesterday..blinding headaches so there's another addiction i may want to attack at some point in the future..for now im going to enjoy the extra bounciness gained from my caffeine (new non decaf teabags)
also living my 2am ramblings on here
thanks for listening guys
lorna xx