Oh for goodness sake give me a break!!! - No Smoking Day

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Oh for goodness sake give me a break!!!

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free
15 Replies

Honestly, I don't know whether to laugh, cry or scream! I have, for the past day or so, but particularly today - the most screaming horrible horrendous cravings. I am so p'd off I could quite easily throw a full blown toddler tantrum :mad:

Help, help help! :eek:

Written by
Lulu_65 profile image
2 Years Smoke Free
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Ooooh Lauren, it is not easy just battle through the cravings and dont give in. They are awful when they strike like that but you can do this. Honestly if I can do it after 40 years you can too. I suppose you could be missing the Champix? Why dont you visit your smoking cessation nurse and see if they can recommend anything? I am so sorry you are struggling just wish there was something I could do for you. I would swap places if I could cos I know there is light at the end of the tunnel and days like these are numbered. Honest they are:)

AngryBear profile image

Hey Lauren, what triggers them off, anything new? :confused:

Unah profile image

I hate those times. Perhaps you can get some more champix. I've heard that some people do. Keep strong and it will pass.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

The truth is it wont last forever and when youve come through it smokefree youll be so much stronger and getting further away from being a smoker. just grit your teeth and hold on to the safety rail its a roller coaster . youll be fine. trust me iv been there.


nsd_user663_53079 profile image

Go back to the docs

Una is so right go back to the docs and get some more champix don't think about it just go.......your body isn't just there yet they told me if i still have bad times after i go three months i can go another three months on them.:eek:

nsd_user663_20558 profile image


We've all been there. Some of those days can just be steaming bloody awful.

There's a book (or used to be) called 'feel the fear and do it anyway'. And the gist of the book is useful here. Accept that these monster craves feel feckin dreadful. But still choose not to smoke today. Tomorrow, that craving will have less of a hold over you, because you're not afraid of it.

You can do this. Keep on trucking! It does get easier, promise.


Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free

Thank you

Hello all.

Thank you so so much for your replies... you've no idea how comforting it is (or you probably do!).

I was reading back on lots of old posts and found a fab bit of advice (and sorry but can't remember whose it was but it was way back a couple of years)... where they said... When you get those awful unexpected powerful cravings... you have to stop and ask yourself... If you do cave in and light up.... imagine how you will feel 10 minutes later...

Now for me, imagining how I'd feel after I'd smoked and given in to a craving is enough to ensure that I won't cave in.

12 weeks today... and still counting :D

Thank heaven for this forum.

Lauren xx

Unah profile image

I think we all know how comforting this forum is. There would be quite a lot less non smokers without it.

Well done on getting through the bad time. Every time it gets easier.

lefoy123 profile image

give me a break

Good Evening Lauren my heart goes out to you but please hang on in there it's worth it believe me. If it's any consolation to you I'm also a recovering alcoholic of some 22+ years and I actually found quitting drinking easier than stopping smoking due to the fact that nicotine is more addictive and faster acting than alcohol.

Have you visited your doctor who might be able to give you some short term help. Myself I'm 9 months nicotine free having used N.R.T and the N.H.S. smoking cessation course which I found very useful. So hang on in there it will get easier.

Michael a.k.a:- lefoy123

nsd_user663_51074 profile image

Lauren darling, thank god fgor your post, i too have had an awful day or two and thought jesus AGAIN ??? its almost 3 months, and I have ulcers back for the 4TH TIME, im sure these will pass, keep it up keep fighting I guess we going to have this for the rest of our lives.... but reading through this, it will be very easier to brush of in a years time and so on. xx

Unah profile image

I had some bad times around the third month. Don't seem to get any now. Touch wood. Keep on going because it really does get better.

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Lauren and Derek, you are both doing well and as Una says it does get better and better. Keep going you two, Christmas is coming what better present could you give yourselves and your families:)

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free

Good Evening Lauren my heart goes out to you but please hang on in there it's worth it believe me. If it's any consolation to you I'm also a recovering alcoholic of some 22+ years and I actually found quitting drinking easier than stopping smoking due to the fact that nicotine is more addictive and faster acting than alcohol.

Have you visited your doctor who might be able to give you some short term help. Myself I'm 9 months nicotine free having used N.R.T and the N.H.S. smoking cessation course which I found very useful. So hang on in there it will get easier.

Michael a.k.a:- lefoy123

Michael... that is amazing. Amazing that you have managed to battle two addictions... and incredible insight into what you say about the difference between giving up alcohol and nicotine.

Well done to you.... and thank you for your post... I feel trully humbled.

The past 24 hours has been so much easier... I just keep remembering...'how will you feel 10 minutes after smoking that cigarette if cave in'... and it really does help.

I also went to the doctor's who was very much against prescribing more Champix but suggested I may be helped by a low doseage of an antidepressant.

Lulu_65 profile image
Lulu_652 Years Smoke Free

Lauren darling, thank god fgor your post, i too have had an awful day or two and thought jesus AGAIN ??? its almost 3 months, and I have ulcers back for the 4TH TIME, im sure these will pass, keep it up keep fighting I guess we going to have this for the rest of our lives.... but reading through this, it will be very easier to brush of in a years time and so on. xx

Hello DJ... thank you for your post.... how lovely to be called 'darling' .... :o

I am glad that it's helped you. We really all are in this together and I honestly think this place is the best help there is for giving up smoking. I've been to the nurse, doctor, Allen Carr clinics, hynoptherapy... the lot. But in terms of 'the right place at the right time instant help' this forum has the lot. First hand experience readily shared and an almost 24 hour availability of live, practical support and advice. Who could ask for more?

Lauren (AKA darling :D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Sounds like you're feeling a bit better now, that good. It was good you were able to talk things over with your Dr. Stay focused, you're an 'Olympic Quitter'.

Fi x

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