Stoptober: Hi guys, Well I quit for a week... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_52327 profile image
18 Replies

Hi guys,

Well I quit for a week and I'd been hearing all about this stoptober so I decieded yesterday (sunday 30th sept) that I would buy 1 more packet which was 10 lambert and butler and join the stoptober crew.

It wasn't that I was finding it that hard last week through my quit... I was actually finding it alot easier towards the end but I had this thought going round and round in my head why don't u just have 1 last packet and start this new month with stoptober as I love a little competition lol.

Maybe it was a stupid idea but I actually found that when I smoked that last packet that I didn't care for it anymore. I could taste it differently after not smoking all week - it was a bad taste in my mouth and I now have a headache so I don't think I'll be missing it for sure.

So who's joing the stoptober? If you sign up at the site u get free texts to help u. I'm now finally free! Warrior by name warrior by nature - sorry I had to put that lol

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nsd_user663_52327 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_52327 profile image

Hi Guys... are any of u on twitter? Thought it would be a cool idea to follow 1 another and give help with quick responses?

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Folks that quit easily, often also start smoking again easily... I caution you to not go back and forth as next time it may not be so easy to quit again.

nsd_user663_52327 profile image

Yep Bella True... I hope I don't regret that choice I made. It was bad choice to make. I wasn't really craving it at all. I went out with my mates on thursday and to be honest I felt like I failed then, They are all smokers and I found it hard being round them. I didn't light up however I did buy a e-cig and after I was fuming with myself b/c I'd put nicotine in myself again and ever since that day I felt like I cheated myself even though I didn't like it that day either. That was the real reason I smoked last night and decieded to start on the 1st october because I felt like I already failed. This time I have set my goal! I know all the reasons why I failed before I.e: being with friends who smoke, coping differently with stress. I think I now know how to deal with all of those tasks that come up.

Here I go once again!

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

You simply fell back into the nicotine trap by smoking again after you said you started to find it easier by your reckoning. Nicotine is the master at mind games and i'm afraid it won the first battle here.

To use Stoptober as an excuse to buy 10 fags again is pretty poor effort which leaves you open to other excuses in the future and there will be plenty trust me if you don't take a firm grip on things.

Yes it does get easier the further into your quit you go but believe me it's months away before you can really get a grip on things.

My first 6 months have been a roller coaster of emotions. One week i think i've finally cracked it and then BANG i'm struggling again for days.

I still have to fight off temptation even now when i'm out having a few drinks with mates who are all mainly smokers but it isn't to hard for me.

Put this failed quit down to a learning curve and move on. Good luck

nsd_user663_52327 profile image

You simply fell into the nicotine trap by smoking again after you said you started to find it easier by your reckoning. Nicotine is the master at mind games and i'm afraid it won the first battle here.

To use Stoptober as an excuse to buy 10 fags again is pretty poor effort which leaves you open to other excuses in the future and there will be plenty trust me if you don't take a firm grip on things.

Yes it does get easier the further into your quit you go but believe me it's months away before you can really get a grip on things.

My first 6 months have been a roller coaster of emotions. One week i think i've finally cracked it and then BANG i'm struggling again for days.

I still have to fight off temptation even now when i'm out having a few drinks with mates who are all mainly smokers but it isn't to hard for me.

Put this failed quit down to a learning curve and move on. Good luck

Thanks Rogue... I just realised I did fall straight back into the trap. I didn't realise that until u said it and then I re-read what I wrote and realised how stupid I was for doing that. Never Again!


nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Sometimes it's those little realizations that make the next attempt successful so don't worry about the fact you smoked but learn from it.... it's crazy those mind games.... it's what addiction is all about.... we do things, convince ourselves of things, just for one thing.... to get our fix.... in the end that is all it boils down to. All these mind games will go away when you stick with your quit. One day you'll be around your smoker friends and it won't cross your mind to smoke.... that's something for you to look forward to :)

nsd_user663_52327 profile image

Sometimes it's those little realizations that make the next attempt successful so don't worry about the fact you smoked but learn from it.... it's crazy those mind games.... it's what addiction is all about.... we do things, convince ourselves of things, just for one thing.... to get our fix.... in the end that is all it boils down to. All these mind games will go away when you stick with your quit. One day you'll be around your smoker friends and it won't cross your mind to smoke.... that's something for you to look forward to :)

Thank you bella u actually cheerd me up. I felt down about it b/c I knew I failed without even realising. Like u said I know something for next time and that is no matter what mind game it is to light up... Don't do it.

I'm gonna do it this time, I'm pissed off with this and myself! I am not going to put myself to shame again. I can do it I'm made of bigger stuff than this shit.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Day 9 or 10 of my quit I had a couple of smokes that I found in the car..... I remember the excitement of discovering them.... after all, I didn't go out to buy any..... I smoked them and was SO PISSED OFF after.... I kept going with my quit and now it's near 4 years later. So you be pissed off.... sometimes that does the job ;)

nsd_user663_45204 profile image

Thank you bella u actually cheerd me up. I felt down about it b/c I knew I failed without even realising. Like u said I know something for next time and that is no matter what mind game it is to light up... Don't do it.

I'm gonna do it this time, I'm pissed off with this and myself! I am not going to put myself to shame again. I can do it I'm made of bigger stuff than this shit.

Don't beat yourself up over it mate. The fact that you want to quit is a good thing.

If you think your pissed off after just one week then try 2 years like i did :mad:

I thought i could handle a few ciggies and ignored all advice at the time like a tit. By the end of the day i brought a pack of 20 and still had to face the missus :eek:. That's how quick you get hooked again even after a long lay off. I started to crave after a couple of smokes. That's all it took and i had no willpower at the time to fight it.

The mind games you go through are simply unbelievable. You wait until you start arguing with yourself in your head like...

Nicotine -Hey just one for old times sake.

Me - No i've quit

Nicotine - One won't get you hooked again don't be an idiot.

Me - Yes it will and that's how i ballsed up my first quit.

Nicotine - Look just ONE CIGARETTE really won't affect you as you are a much stronger person this time around.

Me - One will lead to another and you know it. Now go away Nicotine because you are doing my head in.

Round one won by me but you can be assured that Mr. Nicotine will be back for more boxing rounds after extra training at the gym. He doesn't give up easily trust me and that's why many trophies and Olympic Gold medals rest on his mantelpiece.;)

nsd_user663_52438 profile image

Oh well, here goes , been on champix for ten days and today is my quit day.

CHampix really helping , my final pack lasted me 6 days .. Finding the vivid dreams amusing

nsd_user663_52203 profile image

Hey Stoptober crew - we can do it and all that!

Twitter is @Pip_Goz if you want to follow me tormenting myself...

Cyprien profile image

From an Octoquitter to the Stoptobers

Hi, Hardly ever come on here now, but three years ago - to the day - I was in exactly the same position are you. Now three years on, I hardly ever even think of a cigarette (apart from in my dreams where I am still a smoker which is very weird).

Just come back to post the three year anniversary in the Penthouse and popped in on this thread.

Best of luck to you all. You can do it. Few bits of advice:

Whatever method you are using or not, understand what it is doing to and for you;

Do not kid yourself into thinking one cigarette won't matter;

It will be tough, but the tough times don't last forever;

Enjoy each milestone and celebrate it, eg the first time you notice a different smell, the first time you don't go outside with the other smokers etc

You will have to get over all these 'first times', so don't hide from them, think about them in advance, decide how you are going to deal with it and celebrate it when you have. You only have to do each 'first time' once.

But the biggest bit of advice is to use this forum to support each other. We had a fantastic group in October 2009 - think one of the highest success rates of any group and part of the reason was we were all there for each other.

Good luck, I'll keep popping in to see how you are doing.


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

By the end of the day i brought a pack of 20 and still had to face the missus :eek:. That's how quick you get hooked again even after a long lay off. I started to crave after a couple of smokes. That's all it took and i had no willpower at the time to fight it.

As I've said before, you don't forget how to swim or how to ride a bike once you've learnt. Smoking is exactly the same.

Your subconscious will repeat the habitual behaviour as if you'd never stopped.

You can retrain it though.

I know for a fact you can start smoking say 1 or 2 fags a week and keep that up for years - I wouldn't recommend it though! :o

nsd_user663_52537 profile image

I feel a little abnormal lol... I find the 1st 2 weeks quite easy....its AFTER that I crumble so for the 4th time I'm trying again...I was guilty of a saturday night down the pub...ahhh sod it 1 will be ok.... NO it wasnt!! it wasnt OK at all...

It the 3rd week onwards I need the help when it should be easy and totally put off by .... the stench of stale smoke on people walking past ...The lady in Tesco 2 weeks ago by the cigarette and lotto counter who coughed and coughed untill she was nearly sick, wheezing... THEN ordered 200 mayfair and 50g pouch of drum and declined a glass of water stating she was asmatic !!!

So relying on you guys to get me to my 3rd month .. then I will be home and dry... no pressure guys and girls LOL xx

nsd_user663_48218 profile image

To anyone quitting this Stoptober, good luck. Please use the forum as much as you need to. Even if you feel like you just need to rant. Remember that we have all been there and know what you are going through. Please ask any questions you need to, no matter how stupid they seem. Chances are that they have already been asked and answered. And please be prepared for a small struggle. It can seem like the most difficulot thing in the world at times, and will feel like it is lasting forever. But looking back on it it feels like no time at all. I am about to go in to week 7 and although I have hard times it really doesn't feel like it has been so long.

And join the social group which has been set up for Stoptober quitters. That way you have a lot of people at the same stage as you and you can help and encourage each other.


nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Warrior, sorry you ballsed it up :p

You know how those poor pathetic herioin addicts, crack addicts, alcoholics, even when they are stewing in their own misery, can always find a good excuse for just having one more fix and then they'll stop? Well, smokers may be more socially acceptable, but it's JUST the same principle.

You are in this for the long haul, retraining your subconscious mind not to prompt you to smoke all the time. For most of us this takes time, determination, and effort.

The mind is devious. Sometimes it will make you crave a cigarette physically. Sometimes, it will just send you these little messages ... 'you didn't have an official 'last' cigarette', it might say, 'just have that last one and then you can put it behind you forever!'. Or it might say 'look, you've not smoked for x weeks, you can clearly do this, you've earned just one fag on a night out, you can easily stop again!'. The messages are many and varied. But they're all the same thing - JUNKIE THINKING.

The fact is, if you want freedom, then you MUST NOT light up again. End of.

If you keep making the right choice then it's just a matter of time before you are completely free of the desire to smoke, it's a breeze, it's wonderful. But listen to that inner junkie once, just once, and you are right back to that smelly disgusting prison. We all have to remember that, no matter how far we've come.

So good luck warrior - I know you can do it.


nsd_user663_52327 profile image

Don't beat yourself up over it mate. The fact that you want to quit is a good thing.

If you think your pissed off after just one week then try 2 years like i did :mad:

I thought i could handle a few ciggies and ignored all advice at the time like a tit. By the end of the day i brought a pack of 20 and still had to face the missus :eek:. That's how quick you get hooked again even after a long lay off. I started to crave after a couple of smokes. That's all it took and i had no willpower at the time to fight it.

The mind games you go through are simply unbelievable. You wait until you start arguing with yourself in your head like...

Nicotine -Hey just one for old times sake.

Me - No i've quit

Nicotine - One won't get you hooked again don't be an idiot.

Me - Yes it will and that's how i ballsed up my first quit.

Nicotine - Look just ONE CIGARETTE really won't affect you as you are a much stronger person this time around.

Me - One will lead to another and you know it. Now go away Nicotine because you are doing my head in.

Round one won by me but you can be assured that Mr. Nicotine will be back for more boxing rounds after extra training at the gym. He doesn't give up easily trust me and that's why many trophies and Olympic Gold medals rest on his mantelpiece.;)

yeah thats so true on the mind game part! Thanks for writing that. I now realise we all have that same bug in us that makes us think that way.

nsd_user663_52327 profile image

Warrior, sorry you ballsed it up :p

You know how those poor pathetic herioin addicts, crack addicts, alcoholics, even when they are stewing in their own misery, can always find a good excuse for just having one more fix and then they'll stop? Well, smokers may be more socially acceptable, but it's JUST the same principle.

You are in this for the long haul, retraining your subconscious mind not to prompt you to smoke all the time. For most of us this takes time, determination, and effort.

The mind is devious. Sometimes it will make you crave a cigarette physically. Sometimes, it will just send you these little messages ... 'you didn't have an official 'last' cigarette', it might say, 'just have that last one and then you can put it behind you forever!'. Or it might say 'look, you've not smoked for x weeks, you can clearly do this, you've earned just one fag on a night out, you can easily stop again!'. The messages are many and varied. But they're all the same thing - JUNKIE THINKING.

The fact is, if you want freedom, then you MUST NOT light up again. End of.

If you keep making the right choice then it's just a matter of time before you are completely free of the desire to smoke, it's a breeze, it's wonderful. But listen to that inner junkie once, just once, and you are right back to that smelly disgusting prison. We all have to remember that, no matter how far we've come.

So good luck warrior - I know you can do it.


WOW Thanks H! That hit the nail on the coffin for sure!

That is exactly how I think "not having the official last 1" It always creeps up on me and all it is - is that junkie thats been implanted by nicotine.

I still feel crap today that I messed up but it's also my biggest fuel now to succeed. To be honest though I'm really ready now.

I guess it was a positive b/c that attitude of just 1 last official cigarette was stopping me from ever going through with it.

Last week I still had that attitude - I didn't get a official last cigarette maybe I should smoke 1 more and then give up.

Now I know thats a junkie in me speaking. This shit is not doing anything for me I will no longer be conned by it!

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