Fluffy Snuggles: After very little... - No Smoking Day

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Fluffy Snuggles

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free
26 Replies

After very little deliberation I've decided that Cold Turkey should be known as Fluffy Snuggles.

Far too many quitters seem to have fallen into the trap of thinking that Fluffy Snuggles is difficult and needs a lot of willpower to pull off, so much so that people are disregarding it as an option without even trying it.

This, I must assume, is down to the unfortunate name that it has been previously lumbered with, a name of course that has for years been associated with the physical and mental angst accompanying abrupt cessation, primarily, of opiates.

People who've quit Fluffy Snuggles know full well that the description has no relevance to their own quit but have been saddled with the name.

The real Fluffy Snuggles quit of a few days down in the dumps and then a lifetime of freedom can be easily promoted when those early days become widely known as 'the cuddles' and they morph into 'the comfort' after the first week or so.

I'm convinced I may be on to a winner here... :)

Written by
austinlegro profile image
11 Years Smoke Free
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Hmmmm - i believe that Cold Turkey is the way to go but i cant say im going to adopt this name for it!! its just not cool and Cold Turkey sounds funny.

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

After very little deliberation I've decided that Cold Turkey should be known as Fluffy Snuggles.

Far too many quitters seem to have fallen into the trap of thinking that Fluffy Snuggles is difficult and needs a lot of willpower to pull off, so much so that people are disregarding it as an option without even trying it.

This, I must assume, is down to the unfortunate name that it has been previously lumbered with, a name of course that has for years been associated with the physical and mental angst accompanying abrupt cessation, primarily, of opiates.

People who've quit Fluffy Snuggles know full well that the description has no relevance to their own quit but have been saddled with the name.

The real Fluffy Snuggles quit of a few days down in the dumps and then a lifetime of freedom can be easily promoted when those early days become widely known as 'the cuddles' and they morph into 'the comfort' after the first week or so.

I'm convinced I may be on to a winner here... :)

agreed the name alone put me off ever trying this method and i to think u are definately on to something here

when i smoked cold turkey for me conjoured up a picture of loneliness, desparation, and something that i definately didnt want to even try but had it been called something different i could well see it conjouring up a far nicer picture

its like i used patches for a few weeks and you always read and were told at smoking clinic with the SUPPORT of patches blah blah blah and that word support and patches in the sentenced conjoured up a whole new picture like it was a net to catch me if i fell

so now i see everything differently and have a clear view of how smoking controlled my mind i agree 100% wording/names would have a massive impact


nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Howe about calling it Warm Beaver or is that just wrong?

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

How very spooky Mr Legro :eek:

Hmmmm, I think YOUR counsellor has been reading MY blog!


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I did wonder if it was you in a dress :eek:

Do we get a link to the blog?

You might.

I popped in to read your delightful counsellor's comments and you'd only gone and deleted them! :(

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

I had a couple of blasts of nicotine spray in my first 2 days and then yeah baby.... fluffy snuggles all the way.... i am a bigfan of the fluffsnugs and wouldrecommend it to anyone other than chilled poultry, who dont seem very snugglesome at all. Austin for king of stoptober and the fresh fields of freeeeeeedom. X

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Hmmm.... have to disagree..... 'fluffy' just doesn't sound right..... cold turkey to me is harsh, full on force, get it over and done with.... and yes, painful. Quitting forces you to face everything with all you have, it asks for different things of different people.... knowledge, understanding, willingness to change, giving up fear, trust, perseverance..... sounds more like a 'conquering warrior'.... yeah, what method did I use? Hell, I went conquering warrior! Fluffy? NO WAY! ;)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Hell, I went conquering warrior! Fluffy? NO WAY! ;)

As I said, my deliberations were a little on the brief side!

Which do you prefer?

"Right Mr Legro, I'm going to push this 50mm needle into the hard palette of your mouth. Once it's in, the pressure of the 25ml of anaesthetic being forced into a space that doesn't exist will make you rise slightly from the chair leaving finger marks in the arm-rest. By a cruel twist of fate the feeling of the needle withdrawing will actually feel like it's being pushed in further and you'll be expecting it to pop into your eyeball at any moment. Try to relax and if you feel any discomfort raise your hand. This time please don't grip my throat with it though."


"Are we ready Austin? This may sting a little."

Watching the Stoptober quitters all lining up for the big push there seems to be an alarming level of "this is going to be hard", "wish me luck", "I hope I can do this" sort of thing and plenty of justification of the chosen 'medicine' as they 'weren't strong enough to try CT'

I'm sure it's the name that's putting people off and re-branding might be the answer? :)

I thing Conquering Warrior has far too much testosterone to sound welcoming but you're right that 'fluffy' might have gone a little too far the other way.

Maybe "The Breeze" is more apt? (I've slept on it see!)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Maybe "The Breeze" is more apt? (I've slept on it see!)

hahaha that really made me laugh, Austin! I like 'the breeze', I can agree to that..... I quit breezy.... easy peasy lemon squeezy...... sounds good ;)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Person 2 : Oh, I'm going commando

Quitting without underpants? Hmmm...... not sure, Karri :confused:

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Shall I get my coat :)

Definitely wear a coat if you're without underpants! hahahaha...... X

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I like going Crispy Duck,

Dippy_Egg profile image

You are deffo on to something here Austin. I chose a 'cold turkey' quit......and so made sure it was bank holiday before I started. Thats because cold turkey sounded so dreadful......I was certain.....utterly certain.....that I'd more than likely die of withdrawal......or if not I would faint.....pass out......be rushed to a and e.......have to gasp in and out of a paper bag for equilibrium.......at the very least I would need to be put in a straight jacket and left to thrash around a padded cell for a week or so. (I'm seriously only semi-joking here....I was terrified and therefore didnt dare be at work whilst I tackled it). In the end.....relatively speaking it was pimps. No. Not even relatively speaking....it REALLY was pimps. I just ate too many biscuits, slept a lot, then rushed about like road-runner for a bit....then was just me again. Hmmmmmmm.....breezy? That could work.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I like going Crispy Duck,

To think that usually you make so much sense! ;)

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

I still like Cold Turkey. it is what it is :)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

It is what it is :)

Is it?

I don't recall a reduction in temperature or any avian arrivals during my quit? :(

nsd_user663_51617 profile image

Can you imagine a world where every phrase was taken literally, it's be mad but quite funny.:)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I like going Crispy Duck,

sigh.... had a karri moment it seems :o I get it... ehm.... yes, crispy duck is just fine :o:)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

sigh... yes, crispy duck is just fine :o:)

Now how is that ever going to work?

I think some of you aren't taking this seriously! :p

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

I like the idea of renaming cold turkey. But if I was to name it after how I felt it would have to be called something like tetchy badger.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free


Crispy Duck is just sheer genius :D

Well its better than a roll up.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Austin, come on... You know guys don't associate smoking with 'girly stuff' like fluffy snuggles, and even the women of today don't like to be associated with 'girly stuff' like fluffy snuggles... But, I got the key message and your point.

I can only reinforce the message that quitting doesn't have to be difficult. It's a question of wanting to quit, and feeling in the right frame of mind to quit. You cannot force a quit, or drive brute force through quitting... It doesn't work like that. But, it does take a lot of self-questioning, understanding the dynamics of smoking, questioning beliefs, and generally looking introspectively at one's own personal values. Do I care about myself, my health, and my potential future?


nsd_user663_6596 profile image

I like the idea of renaming cold turkey. But if I was to name it after how I felt it would have to be called something like tetchy badger.

Hahahaha!!! Yes!!! Tetchy Badger! Sometimes badgers ar*se and sometimes.... *Drumroll*..... Iiiits super psycho tetchy badger bum.... with the super power of seeming fluffly snuggles.....

Thanks Hels for the giggle this morning! xx

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I like the idea of renaming cold turkey. But if I was to name it after how I felt it would have to be called something like tetchy badger.

Indeed. I think we can all relate to those times in the early days when everything wasn't as rosy as we'd like and our resolve had to briefly step up a gear. However, TB (tetchy badger, awww, what a sadly relevant contraction) is experienced by nearly all quitters and cannot be just applied to those choosing CT as it would be just as misleading as, errrr, CT...

Sadly our task is gigantic.

The original CT meaning of 'basic, straight, no-frills' has morphed into something akin to a struggle or challenge, a tougher option and it's no surprise that in today's society any form of 'treatment' that involves doing nothing cannot be as effective as one that involves doing something.

Maybe it's time to design the ultimate in smoking cessation medication;

I gave you MRT and chomp-twix and now maybe it's time to unveil the totally contradictory CT Pill. (TCP has a nice ring to it)

I'm off to my secret laboratory this very moment. ;)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

maybe it's time to unveil the totally contradictory CT Pill. (TCP has a nice ring to it)

I'm off to my secret laboratory this very moment. ;)

Maybe add a bit a Valium to it? May help create some new fun associations with CT.... the problem of course is not the word CT (since we're having a serious discussion about it hahaha) The problem is that anxiety arises with challenges for most folks..... you can call it fluffy anything.... in time even fluffy will sound scary. It's a matter of association. This guy is fluffy.... but I'm not gonna snuggle with him.... he's scary..... and so is making a big change like quitting smoking. You use whatever method alleviates the anxiety and if you stick with it, you get through it. Some have higher anxieties and CT or whatever you call it is not going to work for them because they NEED a little blanky and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


May I take this opportunity to introduce my own very special quit / weight loss remedy...... prices are very reasonable and provided the manufacturer instructions are followed sucess is guaranteed!!!

Not what you're looking for?