not getting any easier: Hi, I'm finding... - No Smoking Day

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not getting any easier

nsd_user663_3465 profile image
15 Replies


I'm finding today very hard, and its not getting any easier. I am using the NRT mouth spray and even tho it helps for a small while, the cravings come back again - its a nightmare. help me please. gimme some advice x

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nsd_user663_3465 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_3282 profile image

It's sair to bare, Philip :(

We all have those sorts of days at first and they're shits. Try not to get worked up about it because that'll just feed into doubts that you may be having...and then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Distraction is the big focus and stepping away from situations that are aggrivating you at the moment. We had difficult days when we smoked and we still have difficult days when we quit as well as becoming non smokers. Guess what? Non smokers have them's humanity.

So, how to handle that? Well you could step outside instead of getting involved or worked up about an issue. It's like stepping outside for a smoke...without the smoke :)

Don't just sit and endure the crapness...get up and do something else. Take the kids out, go to the shops, take the dog out, put the washing on, clean the fridge, have lunch,....the list is endless.

Hey...keep on keepin' on ;)

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Go for a walk, dig the garden, run round the block, anything to take your mind off it. It WILL pass I promise you.

If you don't fancy any of these then go to bed;)

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Phillip you could try nicotine gum. I found it very helpful. I did not use a lot of it but I did keep it in my mouth for long periods of time so you are getting a constant supply of nicotine and the action of chewing also works a bit like having something to do if you see what I mean. I only used 2 to 3 tabs a day so was not taking in a high dose of nicotine.

Maybe worth a try as anything is better than smoking.

As the other guys say keeping busy can help to take you mind off it.

Good luck

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

thanks for that guys. Magwillz, i wish i cud go to bed, im working at 5, looking forward to sleeping tonight, well that if my 4 year old sam will let me, he is being a little .... right now lol x

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

You and Sam go out, to a park maybe. Run him ragged so he sleeps all night. You've only got a few hours till you're in work and then hopefully a long sleep and then tomorrow's another day.

Oh if life were this simple lol.

You can do it :)

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

Its raining the joys - had to rain on the day im finding hardest lol, looks like it is cbeebies for sam and housework for me lol x

nsd_user663_44204 profile image


I thought I had done so well having stopped since Feb 13th and used tosoke 1 to 15 a Day for 50 years, but on Sunday my daughter went into labour with their second child and all the stress made me really crave a fag. Wel I fought it anyway and they had a lovely it te boy on Moday, but Monday night I went into a deep depression and have been crying off and on all Day yesterday. It was just something she said that I toook offence to something really trivial, that if I had been smoking I woulnt have batted an eyelid. What on earth is the matter with me ???

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

Lills....and if you have a fag you will be even more depressed and I'm sure you know that.

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I thought I had done so well having stopped since Feb 13th and used tosoke 1 to 15 a Day for 50 years, but on Sunday my daughter went into labour with their second child and all the stress made me really crave a fag. Wel I fought it anyway and they had a lovely it te boy on Moday, but Monday night I went into a deep depression and have been crying off and on all Day yesterday. It was just something she said that I toook offence to something really trivial, that if I had been smoking I woulnt have batted an eyelid. What on earth is the matter with me ???

Don't go back to'll just have the lingering smell of nicotine hanging about you. A new born and that smell don't actually go together...peuwee

Congrats on your 3 months plus quit. Maybe there is something about the Terrible Threes that is distressing you. There's a link in my sig which discusses that and it may also be helpful to google for more information. Certainly tears have featured in many oldie quitters' journeys. But it doesn't last at all. So don't worry too much about depression and'll pass :)

Congrats on the new Grandson :)

Dippy_Egg profile image

I thought I had done so well having stopped since Feb 13th and used tosoke 1 to 15 a Day for 50 years, but on Sunday my daughter went into labour with their second child and all the stress made me really crave a fag. Wel I fought it anyway and they had a lovely it te boy on Moday, but Monday night I went into a deep depression and have been crying off and on all Day yesterday. It was just something she said that I toook offence to something really trivial, that if I had been smoking I woulnt have batted an eyelid. What on earth is the matter with me ???

Oooh Lills. The EXACT same thing happened to me. Go and look at the egg and soldiers group and see what I wrote. Better still join us and we can moan together about daughters who ought to know better than be upsetting us when we are in a delicate, giving up smoking, situation. Hey though. I'm fine now. Just let it go. She loves you and you love her....thats all that matters. That and STAYING OFF THE FAGS :)

Phillip. Feel for you. Just keep at it though. Try the gum as Aitch says. It WILL get better. Try some relaxing too....deep slow breathes helped me a lot. Rooting for you.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Manning up a bit doesn't hurt either!


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free'll just have the lingering smell of nicotine hanging about you.

Will you stop it! I'm having a tough enough job as it is.

Confuse tobacco and nicotine and you're on the well-greased slippery slope to confusion, myths, lies and a wagon ripe for falling off.

Go sniff an e-cig. ;)

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

Alex76 - please shut up, people can take offence at what ur saying, u shud kno urself how hard it is in the first week so kindly shut it.

Lills, you have done so well hun. I kno its hard, trust me iv had a hellish couple of days. It will get better, just think how the taste will be if u do spark up and the coughing that will happen. Oh and congrats on ur grandson, post a pic if u can.

And everone else, thank you for your support - I am nearly through my first week and its all done to e-cigs (which Alex76 will be happy to know that I've stopped using) NRT quick spray and this forum.

Thanks again


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Will you stop it! I'm having a tough enough job as it is.

Confuse tobacco and nicotine and you're on the well-greased slippery slope to confusion, myths, lies and a wagon ripe for falling off.

Go sniff an e-cig. ;)

Oh, mea culpa...I don't think :p Given that I try to squeeze out a supportive post whilst chained to a busy job I think I can be forgiven the odd slippage. However, whilst never slavishly following your route 4 wheels continue to remain on my wagon, thanks ;)

... u shud kno urself how hard it is in the first week...

Triumph through adversity...that's the way to win through ;)

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

I am nearly through my first week and its all done to e-cigs (which Alex76 will be happy to know that I've stopped using) NRT quick spray and this forum.

Good, well done!


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